Meet The Leader

Chapter 673: Xenomorphic real Dan

The atmosphere in the Guanzhong execution hall was very depressed at this time.

When they attacked Beiyan before, most of them could still maintain a more excited attitude, because they were hunters at that time.

At this time, they are about to face the enemies who are coming, and they don't even know the number. They become the prey under siege, which is not a good feeling.

It only took Chu Xiu a day to restore himself to the peak. He did not choose to continue retreating to recharge his energy, but went to Wei Shuya.

Even if Wei Shuya's injury is healed by Feng Jiping, it will not heal for a while, and he still needs to rest. So in the Guanzhong execution hall, Chu Xiu found a place for Wei Shuya to recuperate and use it for him to rest. There is no refusal, it is also an attitude.

Even if Chu Xiu didn't guard the Guanzhong Execution Hall this time, at least he was still in the realm of real fire. Although he was seriously injured and could not keep the Guanzhong Execution Hall, at least it would not be a problem to save Chu Xiu's life.

Although the rules of the hidden demon lineage are cruel, they are not so cruel that they must die if they fail once.

After knocking on the door, Wei Shuya said lightly, "Come in."

Chu Xiu pushed open the door and entered. Wei Shuya in the room did not meditate to recover from his injury as Chu Xiu imagined, but sat cross-legged on the bed, lighting an incense burner, and brewing a good pot of tea. A leisurely and contented retirement attitude.

However, Chu Xiu glanced at the book. It was not a scripture from the three schools of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demons, nor was it a martial arts classic. On the cover, the words "Young Master Show Your Love" were written in rough font.

Erotic fiction?

Chu Xiu's expression was a little weird. Wei Shuya, a real fire-refining powerhouse, one of the five great demons in the past, who had also stirred up a party's situation, would actually see this kind of thing.

Wei Shuya coughed and threw the book aside. His expression didn't change in the slightest. He said solemnly, "Why do you have time to come to me? But you feel a little uneasy in your heart?"

Chu Xiu sat opposite Wei Shuya, shook his head and said, "I chose the road, how can I be uneasy before the fight starts? I'm just here to ask you, Senior Wei, for some advice."

Wei Shuya asked, "What?"

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Something about the Martial Dao True Core Realm."

Wei Shuya asked strangely, "Don't you have any of these things?"

He knew that Chu Xiu didn't have a master, but some of Chu Xiu's own inheritance was not weak, and with Chu Xiu getting the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall's secret manual of internal exercises could be freely read by Chu Xiu.

There are not too many martial arts masters in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, such as Chu Kuangge and Guan Siyu. After they step into the True Pill Realm, they will definitely write some insights and stay in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so Chu Xiu should know this realm very well. That's right.

Chu Xiu said: "I have these things, but I want to know some things that Guanzhong Punishment Hall does not have.

The human body has infinite potential. In fact, most people in each realm break through the next realm without squeezing it to the extreme. Although it can be exchanged for more powerful strength, the achievements are limited.

I practice martial arts, and although I won't completely cultivate a realm to the level of perfection, at least I want to reach the limit in the entire realm, my own limit.

At present, in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, there are only a handful of people on the rivers and lakes who can compare with me, but there are still many things in the realm of martial arts masters that I have not explored.

In the past, I once saw a description in Xiaofantian that the Taoist priests of Lingbao Temple in ancient times could condense the radiance of Lingbao after stepping into the real dan realm of martial arts.

More recently, Zhang Chengzhen once condensed the thundering golden elixir, and it is said that some people in the Daguang Temple have condensed Qibao relics and other things.

Is there a way for me to condense a special Martial Dao True Pill? "

Wei Shuya's expression suddenly condensed when he heard the words, and he looked at Chu Xiu and said solemnly: "Do you want to try to condense this special martial arts pill? I advise you to be more cautious.

Condensing the true elixir of different species, the power is not as powerful as you think. It can only be said to be the icing on the cake, and there will be no qualitative changes. On the contrary, there are great risks.

Just like the thundering golden elixir condensed by Zhang Chengzhen, in fact, the method of condensing the thundering golden elixir is not difficult, nor is it a secret method that is not passed down, most of the Tianshifu warriors can watch it at will.

But for thousands of years, only Zhang Chengzhen has condensed this thundering golden elixir, you can imagine the difficulty, and how Zhang Chengzhen condensed the thundering golden elixir, you know this very well, the difficulty is not ordinary big.

Although compared with the ordinary Martial Dao Pill, the Thunder Pill is indeed strong enough, but after you and Zong Xuan step into the Pill Realm, your strength will not be pulled too far by Zhang Chengzhen. not worth it. "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Some things are not a matter of whether they are worth it or not, but whether they should be done or not.

I just don't want to be left behind, and I'm not willing to give up any opportunity to become stronger.

What happened this time was a catastrophe, but at the same time catastrophe can also be turned into an opportunity. If you survive it, you will be reborn and your strength will improve. "

Wei Shuya stared at Chu Xiu and said, "What if you can't make it through?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Although most of the time I'm used to thinking about defeat before I win, leaving myself a way back, but at certain times, when I'm brave and aggressive, I can only look forward, not back. .

I have made up my mind, and I also ask Senior Wei to do it. "

Wei Shuya took a deep look at Chu Xiu and said, "Since it's your own choice, then I won't say anything more, it's good for you to know."

Speaking, Wei Shuya took out a book from the space secret box and handed it to Chu Xiu, and said solemnly: "This is the old Kunlun Demon Sect's book about condensing the martial arts and true pills, it was left by my elder brother, it was Kunlun. The original secret book of the Demon Sect, it is said that it was written by Mr. Dugu Yuyi himself, and it is the way to condense the indestructible magic pill."

Wei Shuya's eldest brother is naturally the leader of the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains. This person was born in the direct line of the orthodox Kunlun Demon Sect. It is not surprising that he has this thing on his body.

Roughly glanced at the contents, Chu Xiu said with a little shock: "Has anyone tried to condense this inextinguishable magic pill?"

Wei Shuya shook his head and said, "After the demise of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past, some things were destroyed, some of the things fell into the hands of the righteous people who attacked the Kunlun Demon Sect, and some fell into the hands of some demon sect warriors.

My eldest brother belongs to the direct line of the Kunlun Demon Sect. He has seen this thing, but he has given up before trying it. You have also seen the content of it. , so over time, people are willing to try this thing.

Chu Xiu boy, you have obtained the inheritance of the leader of Dugu, which is a blessing in disguise, but it is more suitable for condensing this thing than ordinary people.

However, you'd better think about the consequences first. If you fail, it will even affect your current state and foundation.

Chu Xiu nodded, took the secret tome and went back to the place where he retreated. He flipped through it, and while he was looking at it, the plan was slowly taking shape in his mind.

At the same time, on the side of the Canglan Sword Sect, following Liu Yuanyuan's death, the entire Canglan Sword Sect was in a state of turmoil.

And because of the tight time, there is not even time for Liu Yuan's style funeral, Shen Bai is about to set off for Dongqi, and the sect can only be left to other disciples to take care of it for the time being.

Shen Bai always likes to wear white clothes on weekdays. At this time, he is still wearing filial piety clothes, which is not too abrupt.

Speaking of which, Dongqi's alliance level, whether in terms of speed or other, is actually not as good as Beiyan's.

When he was in Beiyan, Nie Renlong relied on his own reputation, the reputation of Juyi Village, and the Daguang Temple as its platform, which would attract so many strong people.

On the Eastern Qi side, although the strength of the Xiahou Clan was stronger than that of Juyi Village, its reputation was far inferior to that of Juyi Village.

Moreover, the Dongqi martial arts forest was vast and rich, Chu Xiu only killed a few people, not the whole Dongqi, so there were always more people watching the fun than those who actually shot.

At this time, in the Nancang Xiahou Clan, Xiahou Zhen was rubbing his head with a headache.

There's a lot going on during this time, plus he's still in charge of the league, and it's just a busy mess.

Every day there are martial arts forces of all sizes coming, some really want to join the alliance, some are thinking of getting a piece of the pie, either for the benefit or for the Some even want to To compete with him for the position of the leader of the alliance gave Xiahou Zhen a headache.

The news of the collapse of the Beiyan Alliance has come, but Xiahou Town is not afraid. Chu Xiu just came to Dongqi to be presumptuous after destroying Beiyan. First, the time is too late, and secondly, the environment of Dongqi is better than that of Beiyan. It was more complicated, so he took the initiative to come to Dongqi, and Chu Xiu was courting death.

However, Xiahou Zhen was somewhat envious of Nie Renlong at this time. Of course, it was not because he was envious of Nie Renlong being raided by Chu Xiu, but because he was envious of the Daguang Temple platform on Nie Renlong's side, so the alliance could be carried out extremely smoothly.

But on his side, there is no sect like Daguang Temple to help out.

The guys from Chunyang Daomen are stubborn and would rather take their own shots than join the alliance.

There is also the Zhenwu Sect, which is obviously the leader of the Eastern Qi Daomen, and even the state religion of the Eastern Qi court, but at this time he is pretending to be deaf and dumb, as if he does not know about this matter, and he sends someone to invite him, but the result is Lian Zhenwu. Teach a story that no one has ever seen.

At this time, a disciple stepped forward and said, "Patriarch, someone has started urging outside. When will the alliance officially start?"

Xiahou Zhen frowned and said, "The people are not complete, what are these guys worried about? Have the people who were sent to invite Shang Shuiying and the Beggar Gang come back?"

The disciple nodded and said, "I came back, but Shang Shui Ying said that their family has important matters to deal with, so they can't come to join the alliance for the time being, and only promised to send Ying Bailu to watch the battle.

As for the beggar gang, they said that they couldn't find the gang leader, and they needed to give them a month to find the gang leader and then reply. "

Xiahou Zhen waved his hand and snorted: "Since you don't want to come, the alliance will start now!"


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