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Chapter 812: If the Buddha does not pass me, I will fall into the devil

Xuyan followed Bai Wuji into the snow city in the extreme north. He looked at the figure of Bai Wuji in front of him, and a strange expression appeared on Xuyan's face.

To be honest, when I learned that Chu Xiu was actually in the North Piaoxue City, and that the Extreme North Piaoxue City had also taken refuge with Chu Xiu, the false words were really a little surprised.

It's not that the news of Daguang Temple is slow, but for Daguang Temple, the grudges and fighting and killing in the land of Beiyan are really boring. It's boring to the point where Daguang Temple doesn't want to participate. Their vision will only be on On the pattern of the entire rivers and lakes.

Therefore, after the incident in the snow city in the extreme north, the disciples under the Daguang Temple did not even report it. After knowing that Chu Xiu was in the snow city in the extreme north, it was only a false statement that he understood what happened during this time.

After learning what happened in the snow city in the extreme north, the false words also felt a little embarrassed.

A large sect so close to the Daguang Temple is gone.

Although in the eyes of others, the North Piao Xuecheng has been weakened, but it is still there, but in the eyes of false words, the extreme North Piao Xue City has been willing to degenerate since it took refuge in the devil of Chu Xiu, and is no longer the same as before. Snow City in the extreme north.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan couldn't help sighing: "Bai Xiaoyou, in the past, you were the same as Zong Xuan in my sect as a hero on the Dragon Tiger List. Although you can't say that you are jealous of evil, but all these years, you have also You are on the side of my orthodox sect, but now you have taken refuge in Chu Xiu and become an accomplice of the devil, why bother?"

Bai Wuji didn't turn his head, he just said lightly, "Why don't I, Piaoxuecheng, in the extreme north, want to be a well-known, decent and beautiful city?

But when my extreme north snow city is in danger, who will take care of my extreme north snow city?

It's not that we didn't ask for the Daguang Temple, but we couldn't even get in the door.

Of course, this is also what I deserve, the sins of the previous generation, and this generation will pay it back.

But since the Buddha is unwilling to cross me, why is he here to blame me for being a demon? "

He let out a sigh and said nothing more.

This matter can only be said to be a blessing in disguise. It's not that the Daguang Temple doesn't want to help, it's that they can't help.

The disciples below are not wrong, the Daguang Temple will not take care of such things.

To put it bluntly, things like Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north are the conflict between the martial arts forces. If the Daguang Temple manages this kind of thing, there will be such things happening in the future, and there will be people who ask for the door. Does Guangming Temple care?

So this kind of thing can't be said clearly at all, and can only be ignored, but the result is to push the extreme north snow city to Chu Xiu's side.

The magic way does things, not for the name, only for profit.

Bai Wuji brought Xuyan into the hall, Chu Xiu sat directly in the seat belonging to the city lord of Floating Snow City, and said with a smile, "Master Xuyan has come from a long way, and I have lost a long way to welcome him, so please don't take offense, Master. ."

Although Chu Xiu said don't take offense, but at this time he didn't mean to stand up at all.

Xu Yan stared at Chu Xiu, not angry, after a while, he said solemnly: "Chu Xiu, what do you mean?

You play those little tricks, other than angering me, Daguang Temple, it doesn't do you any good.

The war between the righteous and the demons has just ended. Although your hidden demons have not suffered much damage, you don’t really think that my righteous martial arts are not capable of a battle, right? "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Master Fuyan, if I said that I was forced to do this, would you believe it?"

Falsely said with an angry smile: "I sent someone to ask the heads of the small forces, and they said that they were forced to help.

Now that I have found you, you also said that you were forced to be helpless. You are all innocent people, but this matter has become my Great Bright Temple, right? "

Chu Xiu stared at the fictitious words, and said lightly: "People are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves, there are too many things in this world that are helpless.

Those sect families are not as strong as my Zhenwutang, so I can force them.

I am now attached to the Beiyan court, and although I am a firm believer in Zhenwutang, I still have to obey the court.

So Xiang Long forced me, and I had no choice but to take action. "

Xu Yan frowned and said, "Is this Xiang Long's order?"

Chu Xiu nodded and sold Xiang Long directly: "It was Xiang Long's order, the lord of Beiyan has come to an end, and he wants to leave a stable Beiyan to his descendants, such as the Daguang Temple. Extrajudicial places, naturally, have to be resolved.

Of course, Xiang Long did not expect to destroy the Daguang Temple, but his ultimate goal was to bring the Daguang Temple under the rule of Beiyan.

Of course, there is cause and effect. For so many years, Daguang Temple has not done anything too provocative to the majesty of the Beiyan court in this extreme northern land. This time Xiang Long did this not only for future generations, but for your great Guangming Temple has gone too far. "

Xu Yan snorted softly: "What did I do at Daguang Temple? All my disciples from Daguang Temple, as long as they can set foot in the rivers and lakes, will abide by the precepts and will not cause trouble at will."

I dare to say this. The Daguang Temple has strict precepts. The first thing for disciples to enter the temple is not to practice martial arts, but to recite the Buddhist scriptures, cultivate one's self-cultivation, and then become familiar with the precepts before being assigned to the six major martial arts institutes or three schools. In the big meditation hall.

Chu Xiu sneered: "Really? Some time ago, an old monk of your Daguang Temple Dharma Academy killed Nan Qianli, the general of the Tiewei Army in Donglin County, just because the other party practiced magic arts. It seems that your Daguang Temple is right. I am a bloodline of demons, and I really hate it to the core."

Upon hearing this, Fu Yan immediately understood what was going on.

He knew about this, but the old monk was a disciple of the previous generation of Daguang Temple, and he was extremely qualified. He even called him Shishu if he made false statements. What else could he do? punish him?

Besides, the people belonged to the Bodhidharma Institute. After hearing about this incident, the first Fuxing of the Bodhidharma Institute even praised it, making the false statement very helpless.

Originally, he was going to explain himself when he came to Xingshi to ask the guilt at the Beiyan court, but who would have thought that Xiang Long was actually stimulated by this matter, and he didn't even ask the teacher for guilt, so he was ready to take action against the Daguang Temple.

Xu Yan frowned and said: "But Nan Qianli used human life to practice magic arts and committed a major taboo in the world. My Daguang Temple shot is also excusable."

Chu Xiu sneered: "Master Xuyan, you'd better tell Xiang Long these words, not me.

Nan Qianli practiced with human life, but those were all Beiyan's prisoners, and even if he practiced the most vicious magic arts, he was first and foremost a member of the Beiyan court.

The Beiyan court is qualified to kill, but you are not qualified to kill.

Now you kill people without saying a word, or go to the barracks to kill people alone, if you are majestic and domineering, then you will naturally have to suffer the consequences.

Besides, if you say something unpleasant, isn't it the same as bullying the soft and fearing the hard when you kill people at Daguang Temple?

Nan Qianli was born in a loose cultivator, and apart from being an imperial court, he had no background.

But I, Chu Xiu, have a lot of blood and lives in my hands. Master Xuyan, you are standing in front of me, why didn't you take action to eliminate the devil and defend the way? "

A look of anger suddenly appeared on Xu Yan's face, even if he had such a good temper, he couldn't stand Chu Xiu's humiliation.

"Chu Xiu! Are you really going to fight to the end with me at Daguang Temple?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "Of course not, if I have to embarrass the Daguang Temple, how can I tell the truth to Master Xuyan so clearly?

Xiang Long is ruthless and unscrupulous, and I have always been from Jianghu. Even though I have done so many things for the Beiyan court, he still does not trust me.

He asked me to do this time, but he did it on purpose. He wanted me to fight with the Daguang Temple to the end, and finally led out the hidden demons behind me, so that the two would lose both, and the only one who profited. , is the Northern Yan court.

So now I'm just using these small means, and I haven't directly attacked the Daguang Temple. You should know what the meaning is, Master Xuyan. "

Xu Yan frowned, of course he knew it, but because of this, it was a bit difficult to handle.

If Chu Xiu was moved, it would be in Chengquan Beiyan court, which was not good for Daguang Temple.

Right now, the war between the righteous and the demons has just ended, the Moon Worship Sect has been hit hard, and the righteous sects are recuperating. At this time, I will go to another battle with the hidden demons, not to mention that the Daguang Temple can't stand it, and other sects may not be willing to help. Daguang looked at Chu Xiu and said coldly, "Then what are you going to do? The people around Daguang Temple must not stay there forever!"

Chu Xiu was waiting for this sentence, he stretched out three fingers and said: "Three months, I only need three months, this time is enough for me to explain to Xiang Long, and then I will let them withdraw.

Of course, if the Daguang Temple is not willing to wait for these three months, they can also kill them directly.

If the Daguang Temple can do such an extraordinary thing, I will be willing to bow down, and I will retreat from the Daguang Temple from now on. "

He snorted coldly, turned around and left.

If they Daguang Temple dared to kill people, why would he rush to see Chu Xiu now?

Behind the false words, a smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face.

If he didn't agree, he would acquiesce. For three months, the Daguang Temple would not disturb him, enough for Chu Xiu to find all the things that Lu Jianghe buried, and also to explain to Xiang Long.

Bai Wuji on the side was a little puzzled: "Sir, are you sure that Daguang Temple will not take action? With the character of Daguang Temple, you can't rub sand in your eyes."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Can't rub the sand? Let's see how big the sand is.

Don't think that the Daguang Temple is really out of the mud and not stained.

In the arena, everything depends on strength.

What I've done is a thousand times worse than Nan Qianli, why can't I see someone coming to me to eliminate demons and defend the way?

Because my strength is stronger than that of Nan Qianli! Because the background behind me is also harder than Nan Qianli!

If Daguang Temple really can't rub sand, then as early as five hundred years ago, there would be no Daguang Temple on this river and lake! "


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