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Chapter 832: The unpredictable Kuang Xieyue

ps: Thanks to the book friend, the old monster, for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

This person, Kuang Xieyue, can be called unscrupulous, and he actually did it in front of Chu Xiu in front of many big men of the hidden demon lineage.

Don't care what other big bosses of the hidden demon lineage think of Chu Xiu, but now Chu Xiu is a member of their hidden demon lineage, even if the other party is the **** general of Tianmen, they can't just watch Kuang Xieyue in front of everyone to move Chu Xiu in front of him.

Qin Chaoxian, who was in the Red Demon Sect, also said in a cold voice, "Guang Xieyue, do you really think that your Heavenly Sect is the number one sect in the world? Even if my hidden demon lineage is not the Kunlun Demon Sect of the past, it is not something you can do. Feel free to humiliate!"

In an instant, the four powerhouses in the real fire refining spirit realm from the hidden demon lineage all looked like they were drawn with swords.

Even Donghuang Taiyi, who was on the side, sneered and said: "I don't know if you don't see it, the people of Tianmen are really arrogant and domineering, whose power are you fighting? Are you ignorant? Five, it's not that far off!"

Although Kuang Xieyue is now targeting Chu Xiu, a bloodline of hidden demons, Dong Huang Taiyi has a good impression of Chu Xiu, and he is indeed not used to the arrogance of people from Tianmen.

The war of righteousness and demons just ended. They worshiped the moon and taught the heroes of righteousness in the world. Ye Shaonan even fought several strong men without defeat, and established the fifth position on the current supreme list.

They are not so arrogant to worship the moon, why are you arrogant?

And in Donghuang Taiyi's mind, apart from not being able to compare to the legendary Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji, and encountering Zizai Tianzhong Shenxiu and Tianmen Jun Wushen, he may not be qualified for the first battle!

Seeing that he had provoked public anger, Kuang Xieyue's face was not timid, nor embarrassed or angry, he just laughed twice: "Tsk tsk, you guys really don't have a sense of humor, it's just a joke, you guys still Is it all true?"

Kuang Xieyue's performance is very real, but only Chu Xiu knows that he just grabbed it, but he directly used all his strength!

But hearing Kuang Xieyue say this, everyone present didn't want to fight him now, so they just snorted and gave up temporarily.

Chu Xiu retired behind Wei Shuya, but his eyes were fixed on Kuang Xieyue.

The same is the Heavenly Sect, but Kuang Xieyue and Luo Shenjun give people a fundamentally different feeling.

Luo Shenjun's character is domineering, domineering and arrogant, and he doesn't care about anyone. He looks at everyone like an ant, despising everything.

So back then, when he broke through the prison, killed Guan Siyu, and dug up Chu Kuangge's mausoleum, he was arrogant and had no scruples.

But in this case, Xieyue is neurotic and moody, which makes it impossible for people to figure out what he is thinking.

Just like just now, even if he has any intentions for Chu Xiu, normal people would never make a move in front of the Hidden Demon martial artist.

As a result, Kuang Xieyue did so, this one is also the kind of lunatic who doesn't consider the consequences at all!

Chu Xiu rubbed his head with a headache. Being targeted by such a character was much more difficult than facing Yuan Tianfang, who always wanted to seek revenge on him.

Because Chu Xiu clearly knew what Yuan Tianfang wanted, and what he was afraid of, but he couldn't figure out what the path of Xieyue was.

Chu Xiu asked Lu Jianghe in his mind, "By the way, how much do you know about Tianmen? In your opinion, what kind of existence is Tianmen?"

"A bunch of trash." Lu Jianghe said succinctly.


Chu Xiu looked at Lu Jianghe in astonishment, are you sure this is evaluating Tianmen, one of the two heavens? You are only the hall master of the Gorefiend, so you can't float like this, right?

Lu Jianghe shrugged and said, "If you ask this question to all the warriors from the Holy Sect, they will answer like this.

That generation of Tianmen sect masters were easily killed by the sect master. The nine great gods would be killed by the sect master and eight of them would be destroyed. The entire East Kunlun Mountains, if the sect master was not merciful, would have become the vegetable garden of my holy religion. Such an existence Not what is waste?

In fact, Tianmen is no different from most of the sects in the Jianghu that were destroyed by my holy religion. The difference is that other sects were killed by the sect master, and Tianmen, which took several times, was stronger. "

Chu Xiu shook his head secretly, Dugu Wei I was too perverted before, compared to him, everyone is really a waste.

But Chu Xiu thought about it, the last time he absorbed the blood of Dugu Wei I, the image left by Dugu Wei I seemed to say, I am you, you are me.

So, are you a pervert?

At this time, Pu Yangyi saw that everyone had finally calmed down, and he said: "Everyone, the formation has been opened, I don't know how you want to send it?"

Xu Yan frowned and said, "How to teleport? Could there be a problem in this space?"

Puyang Yi said: "At the beginning of this formation, there should be more than one faction, but more than ten forces together to set up this formation, so relying on this formation, it can be directly transmitted to those more than ten forces. The power station in this secret realm.

However, some of the formations in this secret realm have been damaged, so now they can only be teleported to six of them. Of course, you can also disrupt the formation deployment and teleport to a random place. "

Everyone present looked at each other, discussed it for a while, and finally chose to teleport to a random place.

There are more than ten warriors in the field, and there are only six teleportation places. How to choose, there must be competition in the end.

But they don't know how big this secret space is, and they don't know what is in it. They just teleported in and started playing. It's a bit too hasty. Although random teleportation depends on luck, they can try to avoid this kind of thing.

After making a conclusion, as Pu Yangyi opened the formation, everyone stepped into it one by one.

Before entering, Wei Shuya said to Chu Xiu: "Be careful of Kuang Xieyue, the people of Tianmen have always been secretive, and no one knows what they want to do. You are being watched by Kuang Xieyue. If something goes wrong, run away first. Don't be rude."

Wei Shuya was also frightened by Chu Xiu's courage.

In a short period of time, this guy went backwards and killed two beings in the real fire refining spirit realm.

Wei Shuya was also afraid that Chu Xiu would take over, so he went to Kuang Xieyue to confront him.

The gap between those who are the same as the real fire refining spirit realm is quite large, just like the gap between the real core realm.

At least whether it is Fang Jinwu or Yuan Tianfang, they are not qualified to compare with Kuang Xieyue.

Chu Xiu nodded, without Yuan Tianfang saying that Chu Xiu knew that without certain certainty, Chu Xiu would not 'go up'.

Of course, if you are sure, Chu Xiu doesn't mind killing a **** general of Tianmen. After all, if what Dugu only me said is true, then 500 years ago, 'he' would have killed a doormaster plus eight God will.

The golden light flashed in front of him, and when Chu Xiu opened his eyes again, there was no one around, not even within a radius of more than ten miles, there was no martial artist activity.

After sensing the surrounding aura, Chu Xiu began to look at everything around him.

This secret realm only gave Chu Xiu a feeling that it was a paradise, but it was a smashed paradise that was smashed by someone with a hammer.

The surrounding heaven and earth are extremely rich in vitality, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants are blooming. Although they have grown messy now, it can be seen that they were all carefully planted here in the past. After taking care of them, they will definitely form a very good place. Comes in a beautiful appearance.

Under the weeds and trees, you can also see the paved bluestone roads, which are extremely clean, and there are courtyards or small temples along the way for people to rest.

From these things, it can be seen that this secret realm was prosperous before, but at this time, most of the courtyards and temples have collapsed, and there are also some places on the earth that have become incomparably messy as if they had experienced an earth dragon turning over.

Chu Xiu went all the way, and he was able to confirm that this place was indeed a secret realm where the great powers and sects were stationed all the year round in the ancient times.

However, these big sects are wasteful enough. For such a treasured land, they did not plant some elixir or the like at all. They even used it to plant some highly ornamental trees and flowers. Chu Xiu walked all the way, basically I didn't see any elixir suitable for refining medicine.

At this moment, he suddenly felt some movement in front of him, as if there was still the breath of martial artists fighting, Chu Xiu immediately walked towards that Looking apart from the dense jungle, a magnificent white jade The palace stands in it, but unfortunately, the white jade palace was forcibly smashed in half by a huge meteorite.

At this time, in front of the White Jade Palace, the two brothers of the Jiangdong Sun family, Sun Qili and Sun Qifan, as well as the two martial arts masters of the Gaoping Lu family, and Cheng Tingshan of the Tibetan Sword Villa are facing each other. Obviously, everyone wants to come out on top and monopolize this place. White Jade Palace.

Among these three parties, the relationship between Jiangdong Sun's family and Gao Ping's Lu family is actually quite good, but in front of treasures, the so-called relationship is nothing but a fart.

Moreover, the two martial arts masters of the Gaoping Lu family are not well-known in the arena, and they are inferior to the Sun brothers. Of course, they do not want to give their treasures to others.

Although there is only one person on Cheng Tingfeng's side, he is an existence who has been on the Billboard after all, and the real strength of Hidden Sword Villa is not in the people, but in the swords on them.

God knows that this time Cheng Tingshan has brought some treasures from the Tibetan Sword Villa.

Just when everyone was entangled, whether to fight thoroughly first to decide the ownership of this place, or not to waste time in combat, when they joined forces to explore, Chu Xiu happened to walk over from the side Shi Shiran.

The moment they saw Chu Xiu, the five stood together almost at the same time, with vigilance in their eyes.

At least they were still in the same group, and their strengths were similar, but Chu Xiu and them were no longer in the same group.

Just when Cheng Tingshan wanted to warn Chu Xiu first, Chu Xiu had already said it with a smile on his face.

"This place is good. Thank you for helping me find it. Now you can get out of here."


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