Meet The Leader

Chapter 843: resentment

Surrounded by a dense group of ghosts, everyone present felt a little awkward.

Although it is not fear, at least it feels a little hairy.

They were able to achieve the true core realm, and they had experienced a lot of **** fights.

But they have killed people, ghosts, how should they kill them?

Maybe Zhang Chengzhen's Lei Fa is more effective at this time?

At this time, Shen Baochen, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said, "You don't have to pretend to be a ghost there. After death, everyone can become a ghost, and the world has long been full of evil spirits.

It's just a fierce spirit condensed by the resentment of thousands of people. If there is no formation of this natural formation, how could you have been born by chance?

There are no roots to be found in the formation of birth, but you are the formation of eyes! "

Hearing this, the hot-tempered Duguli snorted coldly, and a scorching sword swept out, directly smashing the ghost.

At the same time, the scorching flames began to burn, destroying all the densely packed ghosts that surrounded everyone, and the entire pitch-black space was illuminated by the fire.

At this time, Chu Xiu finally saw Lu Fengxian's figure.

Lu Fengxian, who disappeared, was sitting cross-legged behind those ghosts, but his breath was sluggish at this time, as if he was sleeping, and there was a blood-colored pattern under his feet. engraved.

Those ghosts were burnt to nothing, and everyone present was stunned.

When this thing came up, it unknowingly dropped Lu Fengxian, who was not weak, and still looked very strange. Who would have thought that it would be so uncontrollable that he couldn't even handle Duguli's move.

But then everyone found that whether it was Duguli or Wei Shuya, their faces were not relaxed.

Because right now, they are still trapped in this space!

At this moment, a strange laugh came, the ghost appeared out of thin air again, and laughed loudly: "Don't waste your efforts, here, I am an immortal existence, you can't kill me, let alone go out!"

This time, everyone present almost understood it.

The previous group of ghosts were dead, just the projections of resentment left by the swordsmen of the world who were sacrificed in the past.

As Shen Baochen said, ten thousand years of time, under this natural formation, these resentments eventually formed a fierce spirit, so it, too, was a collection of all resentments.

But Duguli was still a little unwilling to give up, and he shot one after another, and the ghost had no defense at all. No matter how he killed it, it always appeared in the void in the end, and he didn't even lose a little bit of power.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of everyone present sank again.

What kind of enemy is the most difficult to deal with? Like this thing, you simply don't know how to deal with it, it's really difficult to deal with.

At this time, the ghost pointed at Lu Fengxian and said with a strange smile: "You should all know what happened to us.

10% of the people live, 90% of the people die. In the past, the sect master was able to be ruthless. I also want to see if you can be ruthless.

This young man has the aura of Lu Wenhou in his body. He didn't expect that thousands of years later, the ancient fierce demon **** still left his inheritance or blood.

Anyway, the aura on his body is just right for me to take possession of my body, but he seems to have something left behind by Lu Wenhou that is resisting.

So now I also give you a chance to help me defeat his primordial spirit. As long as you allow me to successfully seize the house and give me a body, I will naturally leave here, and I will also let you go.

Whether one person will die or more than a dozen people will die, it's up to you to choose!

Majority and minority, I am sure you will make a wise choice. "

The ghost kept smiling strangely, as if he was happy to see other people immersed in the tangle of this kind of thing.

In fact, he was wrong. Except for Chu Xiu, everyone present had no friendship with Lu Fengxian.

For them, it was worth sacrificing a Lu Fengxian in exchange for them leaving this hellish place.

Therefore, there are many people, and they are directly moved.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes, looked around, and didn't say a word.

He has never been afraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

Regardless of whether the people present are seniors of the right way or famous martial arts legends, sacrificing an unimportant person is not difficult for them.

Chu Xiu was too lazy to reason with them, saying that what this ghost said could not be believed, etc. At times like this, it was usually unreasonable.

His brain is spinning fast now, thinking of ways to break the game.

Chu Xiu didn't believe that this place really couldn't get out. If the strength of this resentful spirit was so strong, maybe he would have broken through the seal and went out, why bother to continue to be trapped here?

While thinking about it, Chu Xiu asked, "Lu Jianghe, don't watch the fun, do you have any ideas?"

Lu Jianghe spread his hands and said: "When this deity encounters such a thing, it is usually a big kill, who made this deity powerful at that time, second only to the four major demons?

At that time, let alone someone who dared to kill the deity, even if someone dared to touch the deity's dog, the deity would drain the blood from his whole body and hang it in front of the mountain gate of their sect.

Think how majestic the deity was back then? I said, can you please respect the deity? What does it feel like to always call the deity's name by name? After all, you have also learned the Blood God Demon Art of the deity, so it's not an exaggeration to call you Lord Demon, right? "

Chu Xiu ignored Lu Jianghe's chatter, and when he heard Lu Jianghe's first sentence, his eyes suddenly lit up.

When you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, it is actually the best solution to kill it.

At this time, everyone present fell into silence. Although they all agreed that Lu Fengxian's life would be exchanged for them to get out of this hellish place, no one spoke first.

Although most people think so in their hearts, some things are easy to say and not good. At least they agree, but they can't be the first to say it, so no one has ever said it first.

But at this moment, Duan Tianlang's mouth showed a wicked smile.

It can be said that he was chased and killed by Chu Xiu before.

Burning blood essence and using secret techniques to escape, this has not only seriously injured him, but has even damaged his own origin.

Even if he recovers his own strength in the future, the source power he has damaged is simply irreparable.

In light cases, his strength will plummet, in heavy cases, it will even make him unable to advance an inch for life, and even affect his future lifespan!

This kind of thing is absolutely intolerable to Duan Tianlang, but he hates Chu Xiu so much.

Lu Fengxian was Chu Xiu's friend, and Duan Tianlang knew that.

Right now, although he couldn't kill Chu Xiu, he was able to kill Lu Fengxian first, making Chu Xiu uncomfortable for a while.

But before Duan Tianlang could speak first, Chu Xiu suddenly walked out.

Everyone present thought that Chu Xiu must be seeking sympathy for Lu Fengxian, but who would have thought that Chu Xiu was referring to brothers Sun Qili and Sun Qifan and said coldly: "Evil and ghost, you just pretended to be Brother Lu, and now you are still Dare to pretend to be the two grandsons, but they haven't shown their true form!"

The Sun brothers who heard this were stunned.

When were they impersonated? Besides, we don't know you that well, Chu Xiu, and we are still brother Sun. They have never been called brothers at all. In terms of seniority, the Sun brothers are also one generation older than Chu Xiu.

Don't say that the Sun brothers didn't react, not even the others.

But at this time, Chu Xiu had already taken action.

A monstrous demonic energy erupted from the Heavenly Demon Dance, and it went straight to the Sun brothers. The power was like seeing the enemy who killed his father, and he wanted to behead him immediately.

Everyone present frowned, and no one could understand what the **** Chu Xiu was doing.

Of course they don't believe in what's not to pretend to be.

Before that ghost pretended to be Lu Fengxian, just because he wanted to take Lu Fengxian's body.

Now that he has almost succeeded, why is he still pretending to be the Sun Brothers?

Chu Xiu's sword was extremely powerful. Even though the Sun brothers had used all their strength to resist, they were already at a disadvantage with a few moves.

Before, the Sun brothers and other five people joined forces to besiege Chu Xiu, but they were still easily defeated by Chu Xiu. Although they had their own thoughts, there was a reason why the five did not do their best. UU Reading But now Sun's The brother was horrified to discover that even if he was doing his best, the result was still the same!

Duan Tianlang bewitched Bu Tiannan and said, "Big Dragon Head, this Chu Xiu is clearly trying to divert his attention, stop him, and can't let him kill people!"

Bu Tiannan sneered: "Don't waste your energy to provoke me, I know you want to kill that Chu Xiu, and I will do it without you telling me.

It is up to the owner to beat the dog. I warned him before, but he wounded you like this, obviously he didn't take Bu Tiannan in his eyes. "

Duan Tianlang's heart was suddenly overjoyed, but then he suddenly reacted, what does it mean to beat a dog depends on the owner?

Although what he has been doing all along seems to be the most curtsy lackey in Bu Tiannan's subordinates, it still hurts his self-esteem to be said so bluntly by Bu Tiannan at this time.

Just as Bu Tiannan made a move here, Wei Shuya stood up and said lightly: "Bu Tiannan, there is no hatred between you Qinglonghui and my hidden demon lineage, and now you have offended the righteous martial arts, and now you still think about it. Do you want to offend my hidden demon lineage?"

Bu Tiannan stood with his hands behind his back, but the killing intent in his body had already condensed to the point where it seemed to be in essence.

He pointed to his face and said, "I'm a good face, if someone doesn't give me face, I'll kill him!

Daguang Temple dared to destroy my Northern Yan branch, so I went to Daguang Temple to ask for explanation.

Chu Xiu slapped me in the face, even if I had warned him.

Wei Lao, I will give you your face, but Dingtian can make Chu Xiu die a little better.

But if you want to stop me, let alone your hidden demon, even if Ye Shaonan comes, the result will be the same! "


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