Meet The Leader

Chapter 848: Unparalleled in the world Chen Qingdi

Lu Changliu's words caught the attention of everyone present, and they all looked over with puzzled expressions.

What did your old man see, but say it.

Lu Changliu suppressed his excitement, he looked at Sheng Beixuan and said, "What is the realm of real fire?"

Sheng Beixuan was stunned, wondering why Lu Changliu asked this.

The real fire refining the gods is the real fire refining the gods, what else can it be?

But thinking so in his heart, Sheng Beixuan answered honestly: "After stepping into the real pill realm, use the martial arts real pill to evolve the inner strength and real fire, temper the spirit, and move the world, this is the real fire refining spirit realm.

For so many years, everyone has understood it this way and cultivated it this way. Could it be that there is a problem? "

Lu Changliu said excitedly: "There is no problem, of course there is no problem, but Chen Qingdi, he has taken a different path from us!

I wait for the evolution of internal power to really fire, to temper the spirit and to provoke the world.

The real core is already the limit of manpower, so we have to use the power of this world to make the power that we can control stronger.

But Chen Qingdi is not! He did not choose to use the real fire of internal strength to temper the spirit to communicate with the world, but instead to temper himself!

He regards himself as heaven and earth, and the stronger he is tempered, the greater his strength.

At this time, he is no longer in the real dan realm, but he is not in the realm of real fire refining, but a wonderful realm mixed in between the two.

Instead of relying on heaven and earth, to focus on self-cultivation, no wonder Chen Qingdi's fist intent is so powerful, because it is a fist intent that can fight against the will of heaven and earth. He believes that he can overcome heaven and earth by himself!

Chen Qingdi, Chen Qingdi, is unparalleled in the world! "

Everyone present was shocked and looked at Lu Changliu in astonishment.

They never thought that Lu Jianghe would give Chen Qingdi such a high rating, unparalleled in the world!

But thinking about it carefully, Chen Qingdi is indeed worthy of such an evaluation.

Compared with them, Chen Qingdi is more qualified to be called a martial arts master.

Others, including Lu Changliu and Sheng Beixuan, only have their own opinions on martial arts, but Chen Qingdi, he forcibly created a martial arts path of his own!

Lu Changliu still said in an excited tone: "This road is very unusual, the warriors who have always wanted to take a step forward and step into the real fire refinement realm need not to accumulate, on the contrary, understanding is the most important.

So over the years, how many warriors are due to lack of understanding. Even if they have the perseverance to practice hard work, they will only accumulate a little bit of inner strength and true energy, but they will never be able to make an inch.

But if you choose Chen Qingdi's method, you can go a step further by sacrificing yourself instead of using the real fire of internal power to refine the gods.

And as you have all seen, Emperor Chen Qing has succeeded, and the power he has displayed is not inferior to the existence of the real fire refining spirit realm, and even far exceeds that of most warriors of the same rank! "

The hearts of the people present suddenly warmed up when they heard the words.

These people are also the leaders or mainstays of some major sects, but they dare not say that they can step into the real fire refining spirit 100%.

But now Emperor Chen Qing has given them a different path, which means that they have one more chance.

However, Sheng Beixuan was very calm at this time, he said solemnly: "That's what I said, but in fact, thinking about it carefully, this road is more difficult than the one we have traveled!

The first way we need the comprehension, but this second way requires boundless perseverance, which is even more difficult than the former!

You all know the feeling of inner strength quenching the spirit, it is so painful!

But as long as you can support your own spirit to the point where you can move the world, you can do it in a very short time.

But like Chen Qingdi, what about tempering himself with the true fire of internal power? You can see that the fire of inner power is still burning all over his body now, God knows how long he has taken this step!

If you want to compare the world with a human body, you have to bear the powerful pain and price that you can't imagine.

Anyone who can step into the real core realm, except for those who rely on chance or foreign objects, basically have a certain understanding and talent.

So for them, choosing the first path is easier than taking the path of Emperor Chen Qing. "

After hearing this, everyone calmed down and finally understood.

If Chen Qingdi's road was so easy to walk, it would not be thousands of years and only Chen Qingdi would choose to take this road alone, and he succeeded in walking alone.

Perhaps the road chosen by Chen Qingdi was traveled before, but they found that it was a dead end, so they all gave up.

But who would have thought that Emperor Chen Qing was amazing and talented, and he relied on his own perseverance to forcibly walk a dead end into a way of life.

Lu Changliu sighed and said, "Even so, Emperor Chen Qing has walked out a new path. If the descendants of warriors really feel hopeless, and they have great perseverance, they can try to take Chen Qing. The way of the emperor, after all, he has succeeded.

Above the martial arts, Emperor Chen Qing is already worthy of the name of the master, my generation, admire! "

The headmaster of Zhenwu Sect, Lu Changliu, seems to most of them to be a good-natured man, with a gentle personality, and his methods are not very tough, let alone aggressive.

However, there are quite a few warriors who have inherited Lu Changliu's favor in the arena. He always helps when he can, and he will not force himself if he can't help. He will also stay on the front line and never kill them. In addition to the reputation left by Ning Xuanji in the past , Lu Changliu's status in the rivers and lakes is actually not low.

It is not easy for Chen Qingdi to make such a person say two words of admiration.

At this time, both Kuang Xieyue and Chen Qingdi were in a real fire, and they didn't want to let each other go.

The battle between the two has completely smashed the open space square in front of Ling Xiaozong, and the violent fluctuations of True Qi around it are enough to cause the weaker True Pill Realm warriors to be severely injured.

The madness in Kuang Xieyue's eyes was even stronger. Being forced by Chen Qingdi to such a degree, he already felt that he had lost all face of Tianmen.

Kuang Xieyue shone with moonlight all over her body, and her body suddenly retreated a hundred feet.

Just when everyone thought he wanted to escape, Kuang Xieyue squeezed the seal with his hand, and between his eyebrows, a moonlight shone, and the blood oozes out, and in an instant, the **** moonlight flourished, Enveloped in this world!

Within a radius of more than ten miles, the sky can no longer be seen, only a blood moon flies into the sky, and in the blood moon, there is a **** shadow standing in it, pinching the seal in his hand, it is actually the same as the seal pinched in Kuang Xieyue's hand. Decision, exactly the same.

This mighty power seems to penetrate the sky and the earth. Sheng Beixuan said with a solemn expression: "Master Lu, the number of martial arts in Tianmen is very strange. What kind of martial arts are they practicing?"

Lu Changliu also shook his head with a serious face and said, "I don't know, but Tianmen is by no means easy to match. In the past, Dugu and I were almost invincible in the world, but they can still accommodate Kunlun Mountain with Tianmen. It is conceivable that Knowing the details of Tianmen is by no means so simple.

Moreover, the martial arts of Tianmen are very ancient, so ancient that they are close to the ancient martial arts.

The development of martial arts is not static, and the ancient martial arts are not necessarily stronger than they are now.

For thousands of years, although the current martial arts development is based on the ancient martial arts, it is more adaptable to the current environment than those ancient martial arts, and it is easier to understand, even if you are illiterate, even if you are disabled, as long as you If the meridians are still there, you can practice.

But because of this, the homogenization of martial arts is more serious now, unlike in ancient times, when a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended. There are 3,000 Dao Lineages in the Daomen lineage, and now, in terms of large and small, it is almost no more than a hundred.

The Tianmen lineage adheres to the inheritance of ancient martial arts, but in the ancient books, the name Tianmen has not been heard. The origin of the other party is very mysterious.

If the nine gods of Tianmen have this kind of strength, and if they all appear on the rivers and lakes, then the rivers and lakes will be messed up. "

Sheng Beixuan also nodded with a serious face.

It's not that the rivers and lakes can't accommodate the strong, but it depends on how you came from the strong.

Ye Shaonan's prestige was not created in a day, but since he took charge of the Moon Worship Cult, the Moon Worship Cult has only reached this status step by If all the nine gods of Tianmen will appear in Among the rivers and lakes, it will indeed lead to chaos in the rivers and lakes.

At this time, Kuang Xieyue made a move that everyone present could not imagine.

He actually gave a salute to the divine shadow in the blood moon, and it was the kind of gift that was thrown to the ground.

But at this moment, the divine shadow in the blood moon actually followed Kuang Xieyue's actions, threw his head towards Chen Qingdi and kowtowed down.

With this movement, the situation between heaven and earth changed instantly, as if it were collapsing.

How can ordinary people be able to bear the great gifts of gods?

The Moon God kowtowed and accepted this ceremony, but the price was Chen Qingdi's life!

Chen Qingdi laughed wildly: "What **** monster? You want to worship this throne, but you don't have the qualification!"

Chen Qingdi's whole body was burning with golden internal power, and he stepped out in one step. In an instant, the earth dragon turned over and the earth cracked!

A punch fell, and the surrounding space seemed to be oppressed to the extreme by this punch, and a silent bang erupted, a big sound!

The world is unparalleled, the fist is invincible!

That punch slammed, and even a hazy shadow appeared in the surrounding void, which was the appearance of Chen Qingdi's punch.

God and Buddha do not worship, in the eyes of Chen Qingdi, he does not cultivate the world and cultivate himself, he himself is his own god!


The fist fell, the blood moon collapsed, and the shadow of the moon **** was torn apart.

There was even a trace of black void in the space where the two were fighting, which was a shockingly unstable space and was to be torn apart!

Kuang Xieyue spewed out a mouthful of blood, her face was as pale as paper, and she looked at Chen Qingdi, who was like a **** and a devil in front of her. There was no contempt or arrogance in her eyes, she just couldn't believe it!


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