Meet The Leader

Chapter 560: I can give you everything!

PS: Thanks to the book friend Han Xun for the reward of 27,000 starting coins.

Chu Xiu sat on the blood-colored dragon chair and looked at Ye Xiao. At the same time, Ye Xiao was also carefully observing Chu Xiu and Lu Jianghe.

Chu Xiu couldn't do things like playing the old grandfather, and with his patience, he didn't have time to wait for Ye Xiaozhen to become a strong man before letting him out.

So he can only use some radical methods. After all, for so long, this is the only person who has obtained the blood soul orb to activate it, and has also contributed some qi and blood, although those qi and blood have been weakened to a certain extent.

At this time, although there were two people in the Blood Soul Pearl, Lu Jianghe was banned by Dugu and I, and his restrictions were too great.

And Chu Xiu was only staying temporarily, finding a place for his Primordial Spirit, so he was much freer and could temporarily be a fake dark version of the old grandfather.

"who are you?"

Ye Xiao spat out these four words with a trembling voice.

Everything today was like living in a dream for him, and he even wondered if he was dreaming.

With a playful smile on his face, Lu Jianghe did not speak, and just watched Chu Xiu's performance.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you want.

You only need a little and that's enough. I can give you whatever you want. But the premise is that you need to be obedient and come up with enough to satisfy me.

There is no good thing in this world that falls from the sky, and you have to give as much as you get. "

Hearing this, Ye Xiao's heart immediately raised a sense of vigilance.

At first glance, this person in front of him is not a good way. What he picked up, shouldn't it be a demon who was banned here by some righteous powerhouse?

As if Chu Xiu saw Ye Xiao's heart, he sneered: "I know what you are thinking, you are afraid of me, worried that I will harm you.

But don't you know what your current situation is?

A waste, bullied by others, obviously a son of a big family, but the result is not as good as those loose cultivators who seek a life outside.

In the Ye family's direct line, and even in the entire Ye family, you are a dog, a dog that is inferior to the servants!

You are already a puddle of mud, no matter how bad it is, where can it go?

I don't want your life, on the contrary, I can give you more things, so that you can take back your own dignity!

Now you can bet on whether you believe me or not! "

Ye Xiao clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red, thinking about the humiliation he had received over the years, and the scene where he was humiliated even though he did nothing carefully today.

He squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "I promise you! What do you want?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth and said: "Don't worry, you can't give me what I want with your current strength.

So I want to give you something first. Your strength is too weak, and you can't go on like this.

Keep calm, and I will pour the exercises into your mind. "

Just as Ye Xiao nodded, he groaned, and there was a sudden sharp pain in his mind.

But the next moment, the four classics of the practice law have appeared in his mind.

Ye Xiao glanced over it roughly, and suddenly took a deep breath.

He is only in the blood coagulation realm, but he is a martial artist who has experienced the Ye family's orthodox martial arts education, and he still has some knowledge.

The power and sophistication of these exercises are beyond his imagination. Compared with the exercises inherited by his Ye family, his Ye family's exercises are not even shit!

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Your foundation is too weak, this Taoist Esoteric Essence Innate Technique can help you cleanse your body and rebuild your foundation.

The Demon Blood Dafa is a magic trick. Although it can be accomplished quickly, it will not cause any adverse consequences to you, and it can help you quickly improve your cultivation.

The blood-turning sword is used in conjunction with the magic blood, but this sword is to consume your own blood, and you must not use it when you are not fighting for your life.

In the end, the blue dragon in this sleeve is the secret book of swordsmanship from the avenue to simplicity, and it has won the essence of the ruthless and decisive swordsmanship.

Your Ye family's swordsmanship is too weak, you can practice it on the surface, but on the inside, let's practice the sword instead. "

After passing the exercises to Ye Xiao, Chu Xiu directly kicked his spirit out of the Blood Soul Orb.

The mental power returned to the body, Ye Xiao was still a little dizzy at this time, he even pinched himself, some couldn't believe it was all true.

But looking at the blood soul bead that was still glowing with blood red glow in front of him, and the exercises in his mind, Ye Xiao couldn't help but believe all of this.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiao's eyes suddenly burst into an eager light.

Don't care who the mysterious person banned in the Blood Soul Orb is and what purpose he has, but the exercises are all real, as long as there are exercises, there is power!

Ye Xiao didn't delay at all, he just gave up sleep and began to cultivate his innate skills.

Inside the Blood Soul Pearl, Lu Jianghe curled his lips and said, "I said that the kid you chose is reliable? His strength is too weak, and his talent is too poor. If you want to rely on him to gather the blood to reshape the body, I guess you It takes ten or eight years to wait.

If you want me to say, it is better to fool this kid and send the blood soul beads to other people, and make other plans. "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It's not him, but me, who gathers the blood to reshape the body, and you really don't underestimate this kid, it's fine if you didn't have a chance before, now that I've given him a chance, I can Let him soar into the sky!

Moreover, his character is actually the best to control, which is exactly in line with my current needs. "

Lu Jianghe wondered: "Are you telling the truth? Why didn't I see what was so special about this kid?"

"What was your background?" Chu Xiu suddenly asked.

Lu Jianghe hesitated for a while, but still said: "This deity was born as a water thief back then, what's wrong? Don't look down on the water thief, back then, the deity was the general manager of water and land in the seven northern counties of the Eastern Qi, even if he was a monk of Daguang Temple, Long Chen. The Taoist priests of Hushan walk on the waterway, and they also have to pay the passing money, otherwise the deity will throw them into the water to feed the fish and turtles!"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Then you kicked the iron plate, were chased by the Zhengdao sect and had nowhere to go, and finally fell into the Kunlun Demon Sect?"

Lu Jianghe's face immediately turned red. Obviously, Chu Xiu's guess was basically good. With his character, it was only a matter of time before such a thing happened.

Without continuing to ridicule Lu Jianghe, Chu Xiu just said lightly: "You are from a water thief, even if you were just a little water thief back then, it was you who bullied others, not others.

But what about Ye Xiao? Being bullied like this, it's not even a mess, so he's unwilling!

An unwilling person, a person with desire is best controlled.

There was no power before, but now I have given him power. What he can go to is absolutely beyond your imagination.

Talent is important, but unless your talent reaches the level of Zhang Chengzhen, it is also useless.

There are very few people in this world who can really rely on their talent to go from a low point to a high position. "

Lu Jianghe was still a little skeptical: "However, which family has few people like him? Are you sure he will be able to succeed? Don't waste your time in vain."

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Being able to take care of a father who has dragged him down, even if he is bullied to the point of being inferior to a dog, but he is unwilling to be a dog, such a person has a bottom line.

Knowing that he was defeated, he was able to bear humiliation with hatred even when he was bullied, which proved that he still had some forbearance and perseverance, and was not the kind of idiot with no brains.

Of course the most important thing is that he has now met me!

Without me, he can only suffer for a lifetime, but now that I have taken action, do you think his life trajectory will be the same as before? "

Lu Jianghe pouted in disdain, and co-authored it for so long that he, Chu Xiu, had confidence in himself, and this forced pretense was really fresh and refined.

However, Lu Jianghe was not in a hurry. Chu Xiu was deposited in the blood soul bead, but he was trapped here. If he wanted to reshape his body, Chu Xiu had to reshape it first, so he would just watch the show.

Anyway, he has been trapped for five hundred years.

At noon on the second Ye Xiao had been cultivating in the middle of the night until now, and he had already started the innate skills.

The speed is so fast, it does not mean that Ye Xiao is talented, but when Chu Xiu handed him the innate skills, he has already poured his understanding of the skills over the years and all kinds of detailed details into Ye Xiao's mind , already has some meaning of empowerment.

The advantage of doing this is that now Ye Xiao is basically copying his homework, which is very simple and convenient.

But the disadvantage is that without thinking and comprehending the exercises by himself, his understanding of the exercises will always be worse, which is not good for the future.

It's just that now Chu Xiu only needs him to become stronger as soon as possible, how can he care about the future?

Therefore, in the past few days, Ye Xiao did not leave home, and practiced the martial arts and martial arts that Chu Xiu gave him in the house. It was almost like practicing magic.

It wasn't until ten days later that someone came to him, informing his family that there was going to be a discussion and asking him to rush over.

In the past few days, Chu Xiu not only gave some pointers to Ye Xiao, he also inquired about the recent events in Jianghu and the current situation of the Ye family.

It has been half a year since the collapse of the Six Realms of Illusory Void. Apart from Wei Shuya's help in revenge, Ye Xiao didn't know what happened to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and Zhenwu Hall.

After all, he is only a side disciple of a small family in a small town, and he has no intention and no channels to know about these things.

Chu Xiu didn't let Ye Xiao ask, even if he knew what happened to his foundation, he couldn't control it. He didn't even have a body now, so knowing it would only add to his troubles.

So for now, he can only think of a way first, and then think about other things after rebuilding his body and recovering his own strength.


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