Meet The Leader

Chapter 866: acting

PS: Thanks to the book friend Lao Na for the reward of 50,000 starting coins at the age of 18 this year.

Ye Xiao, who had murdered for the first time, looked a little unsatisfactory in Chu Xiu.

The main reason is that he was dazed too many times when he started, and he felt a little dazed. If the opponent was not too weak, he would even be easily injured.

After killing everyone, Ye Xiao almost lost his strength. He sat on the ground and looked at his blood-stained hands and the corpses inside and outside the temple. He was stunned, as if he could not believe that he did all of this himself .

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Okay, don't be stunned, there is one last step, killing people and setting fires, destroying corpses and destroying traces.

However, before destroying the corpse and destroying the traces, first use the magic blood method to absorb the blood energy on the corpses of other people.

These qi and blood powers are enough for you to step into the innate realm, and the rest is stored in your body for later cultivation.

To the outside world, you said that it was because you broke through at the moment of crisis when you were being hunted. "

The corners of Ye Xiao's mouth twitched, but according to what Chu Xiu said, after absorbing the qi and blood with the magic blood method, he destroyed all the corpses and goods, along with the entire ruined temple.

At this time, in the blood soul pearl, Lu Jianghe said suspiciously: "You gave this qi and blood to that kid, don't you plan to use it yourself?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "These wastes can't even reach the realm of harmony between heaven and man. Even if they take their blood, what can they do?"

Lu Jianghe shook his head and said, "Don't be picky at this time, the magic blood method to reshape the body is about accumulating a small body, first slowly condense it into a body, and then find a way to use this body. Fill up with qi and blood, and finally slowly return to the peak."

"But how long will it take to do that, I've already delayed for half a year, and now I don't have time to play with them slowly.

I said, this time, I will do it big!

That's the way you use the devil blood to reshape your body, but it's not what I want to use.

What I need is not to restore to the peak after tinkering, but to break and stand up and become stronger! "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, a hint of suspicion appeared in Lu Jianghe's eyes.

Of course he knew how much energy and blood was needed to reshape his body to the peak, and so did Chu Xiu.

Without accumulating little by little, where did he get so much qi and blood? He didn't even have a physical body, and he still planned to destroy his family?

But Chu Xiu didn't tell him the plan, this time Lu Jianghe didn't ask much.

At this time, Ye Xiao was about to leave, but Chu Xiu suddenly said, "Stab yourself twice."

Ye Xiao suddenly stunned and said, "What?"

Chu Xiu snorted softly: "You don't think you can just go back like this, right?

Ye Ting is the second son of the Ye family. He is dead, but you are not dead. What do you want Ye Kun, the head of the family, to think?

Besides, when you meet a bandit, everyone else is dead, but you are not dead. It is possible, but if you don't have even the slightest injury on your body, it is too fake. Don't take everyone from the Ye family for fools. . "

Ye Xiao gritted his teeth, but he was really ruthless. He stabbed him directly in the abdomen twice, and almost came out of his body.

One of them was even close to the key point. If it wasn't for the magic blood technique that could control the flow of qi and blood, Ye Xiao would not have lost too much blood and died, maybe he wouldn't be able to return to Ye's house alive.

A few days later, his breath became extremely depressed, and even Ye Xiao, who seemed to be half-dead, barely supported himself and climbed to the door of Ye's house, but he fainted without saying a word.

This time he wasn't pretending, he was really dizzy.

There was a group of people when they went, but when they came back, there was only one half-dead. The entire Ye family was blown up, and they started to treat Ye Xiao in a hurry.

After Ye Xiao was rescued and woken up, Ye Kun and other Ye family members surrounded him and asked quickly, "Where's Ye Ting? What about the rest of the Ye family? What happened?"

Hearing Ye Kun and the others asking this, Ye Xiao couldn't help feeling a little chilled.

He was still seriously injured, but the owner and others didn't ask him a word, and went to ask Ye Ting's safety.

Of course now Ye Xiao also knows his status in the family, he is worth gritting his teeth: "It's a bandit!

When we came back from Jiangdong, we purchased some special products from Jiangdong, and it was because of this that we were targeted by bandits.

Everyone else was killed by the robbers, only I survived. "

To be honest, in Chu Xiu's opinion, Ye Xiao's acting skills are too poor, his emotions are not in place, unreal, at least far worse than himself.

In such a situation, Ye Xiao should show a lingering fear, a pain that he couldn't bear to recall the original scene, and a bit of grief that was just right. That is perfect.

But now he is too calm, and his mood is a little dull.

It's just because Ye Xiao was so stubborn and stubborn in the Ye family before, and he was dumb, so no one doubted it at this time.

Ye Kun heard that his second son had actually died in the hands of the bandits, he swayed and almost fell.

The eldest Ye Ling hurriedly supported his father, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes along with grief.

His second brother has always been unstable and always wanted to take his place. Now he finally has no chance.

"Which bandit is it from? My Ye family will never die with him!" Ye Kun roared loudly.

Ye Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't know, this is the first time I have left the Ye family. I can't even tell the surrounding forces, let alone recognize the bandits."

Everyone else in the room nodded. The bandits were not only in one place, but Ye Xiao couldn't recognize them, but it was normal.

At this moment, Ye Ling suddenly asked, "Second brother is dead, and seventh uncle Laocheng is also dead, so how did you escape?"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the others reacted, and it seemed that something was wrong.

As the second son of the Ye family, Ye Ting has already reached the innate realm, and he also has some means to save his life. The Ye family who led the team is the seventh elder of the collateral line, and also has the cultivation level of the innate realm and is rich in experience. As a result, he also died. .

If someone was able to escape, then it should be these two, how could it be Ye Xiao's turn?

Ye Xiao coughed, took out the short sword that Sun Changming had given him, and said, "When I was in the Sun family, I had a good conversation with Sun Changming, the eldest son of the Sun family, so the grandson Sun gave me this treasured soldier.

Those bandits didn't expect that such a small character like me actually had a treasured soldier in my hand. I cut off the weapon and rushed out, and I also broke through to the innate realm during the pursuit, so I was able to escape. "

Ye Kun took the short knife in Ye Xiao's hand, and the handle of the knife was indeed engraved with the mark of the Sun family. This was the blade forged by the Sun family.

Ye Xiao was in a coma before, but now he woke up, and everyone didn't care about his strength. At this time, when he said it, everyone found out that Ye Xiao had also stepped into the innate realm, which made people a bit surprised.

In a small family like the Ye family, those who can step into the innate realm in their twenties are all the objects of the family's efforts.

Now that Ye Xiao has crossed this threshold without relying on the power of his family, it can really be said that it is a blessing and a curse.

Holding the short knife, Ye Kun pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you really have a good relationship with the grandson of Sun Changming?"

Ye Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "How could a disciple like this deceive people? Many people have seen that scene, and the head of the family will find out when he asks other families who attended the birthday banquet together."

Ye Kun thought for a while, handed the short knife in his hand to Ye Xiao, and said, "Since Young Master Sun is so optimistic about you, you have to behave well, and next time you see Young Master Sun, don't embarrass him.

From today, you will manage the business affairs in the family. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the elders in the family more. "

Everyone present was stunned, no one seemed to have thought that Ye Kun would hand over such an important power of the Ye family to an outsider like Ye Xiao.

Of course, many people understood that Ye Kun was going for Sun Changming, and the heirs of the Sun Clan in Jiangdong took a fancy to their Ye family.

Turning his head, Ye Kun said coldly, "Take someone to the scene to see if you can find some clues.

If I find out who is behind the hands, my Ye family will never stop with him! "

After everyone left, Ye Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he has always been concerned and fearful, for fear that if he is discovered, he will be hacked to death by the Ye family. UU reading

"Don't be nervous, this kind of thing will be fine after you get used to it. It's the first time." Chu Xiu's voice sounded in Ye Xiao's mind.

Ye Xiao's face suddenly turned pale: "Is there a second time?"

Chu Xiu said quietly: "If you tell a lie, you will have to make up for it with countless lies.

If you kill one person, you will naturally kill countless people in the future to clear your path. Rest assured, this time will not be too far away. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu stopped moving, but Lu Jianghe laughed and said, "This deity can bet that when you first murdered and lied, you must have been much calmer than this kid."

"how do you know?"

"Because you are so thick-hearted and black-hearted as this kid. For someone like you, it's really a condescending talent not to be in the devil's way."

Chu Xiu shook his head slightly. In fact, when he first started, he wanted to draw a clear line with the magic way, but whoever thought about it, he fell deeper and deeper.

On the Ye family's side, after Ye Xiao recovered from his injuries, his status in the Ye family almost turned upside down, and his status was raised to the level second only to the direct disciples, it should be said to be second only to the eldest son Ye Ling. .

With the exercises and martial skills that Chu Xiu gave him, plus the blood he had digested before, Ye Xiao's cultivation was almost a thousand miles away.

His career and strength have both soared, and he is respected and admired wherever he goes. This feeling is like a dream for Ye Xiao, and even makes him a little reluctant to think about Shu, almost forgetting the existence of Chu Xiu.

But on the night of a month later, Chu Xiu suddenly said to Ye Xiao, "You should be ready."

"What are you preparing for?" Ye Xiao looked blank.

"Kill Ye Kun and his son, or destroy the preparations for the entire Ye family!"


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