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Chapter 876: Xuanwu Zhen Gong

PS: Thanks to the book friend who gave the most troublesome name for the reward of 30,000 starting coins.

The Sun family and the Lu family are among the nine great families, and their strength is not weak.

This time, the two of them were able to fight to the death, not only because of Chu Xiu's provocation, but also because of this practice.

Even the nine-turn exercise might not be able to make the Sun and Lu families so excited. In Chu Xiu's view, the level of this exercise could definitely be regarded as a supreme exercise.

And what can be treasured and passed down by Ling Xiaozong, how can it be a common practice?

This Xuanwu Zhen Gong is not the inheritance method of Ling Xiaozong, but left by a strong man in ancient times.

That strong man and the former Sect Master of Lingxiao Sect were rivals before, but they also sympathized with each other.

He had no disciples, and when he was in a fierce battle with others and was on the verge of death, he chose to pass on his own practice to Ling Xiaozong.

This Xuanwu is really powerful because it is not a practice method, but a general outline of martial arts brought together by ten practice methods.

The ten exercises are: Wuer Dao, Wentian Spear, Destiny Kendo, Da Yi Ji Pu, Tiger Roaring Stick Collection, Shan Hai Quan Jing, Xuan Wu Shen Palm, Lie Qiang Jue, Yuan Rong Golden Finger, Oracle Bone Dragon Claw.

A kung fu method is a combination of ten kinds of martial arts, such as knives, spears, swords, halberds, sticks, fists, palms, legs, claws, and fingers. It is simply amazing.

Chu Xiu thought that the martial arts he possessed were already complex enough. The three fellow practitioners of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demons knew all about palm techniques, printing techniques, boxing techniques, and sword techniques, but this ancient powerhouse integrated ten techniques into one and merged them together. It can be said that it is farther and stronger than Chu Xiu to become a true Xuanwu.

And Chu Xiu dared to guarantee that these ten martial arts, the other party must have cultivated to the extreme and reached the point of mastery.

The reason is very simple, if you don't cultivate a martial art to the extreme, how can you integrate it with a different martial art?

This Xuanwu True Art can be said to be quite in line with Chu Xiu's appetite, especially now that Chu Xiu needs to conceal his identity. Those signature martial arts skills were not used in the past, and it is best not to use them, but this Xuanwu True Art has forcibly condensed ten martial arts and skills. In one suit, Chu Xiu's identity can be perfectly concealed on the top of martial arts.

However, there is still another difficulty in cultivating Xuanwu Zhen Gong, and that is the problem of weapons.

Some martial arts require weapons to perform. It is easy to have a space secret box and carry swords, spears, swords and halberds with you, but let alone a treasure, even a low-level magic weapon Chu Xiu is too lazy to use now, the strength is too weak.

Fortunately, the ancient powerhouse who had researched the true basalt martial arts seemed to have already thought of this question, so in the exercises, there is also a refining map of weapons, called the Heavenly Dao Battle Box.

The Heavenly Dao War Box is not a weapon, but a box full of small machines and formations. When activated, those small machine parts can instantly form any weapon such as swords, swords, and halberds.

It's just that the refining of the Tiandao battle box is too difficult, and those small mechanical parts can't go wrong. If it is wrong, the entire Tiandao battle box will collapse immediately.

Chu Xiu thought for a while, there are almost a handful of people who are qualified to build this Heavenly Dao Battle Box, and Mo Yezi, the master of refining, is one of them.

Moreover, Chu Xiu trusts Mo Yezi enough. This old man had already resigned as the pavilion master of Shenbing Pavilion, but he was still willing to help Luo Feihong to stand up to the Luo family, which shows that he is really close to Luo Feihong. The son is still close.

So Chu Xiu directly took out the top-quality materials he collected from the Lu family and the Sun family, and asked Luo Feihong to send it to Mo Yezi to help him build the Heavenly Dao Battle Box. As for the remaining materials, they were given to Mo Yezi. Master Yezi's reward.

In fact, Jinghu Villa has not been doing well in recent years, of course, compared to when Mo Yezi was the pavilion master of Shenbing Pavilion.

When Mo Yezi was the pavilion master of Shenbing Pavilion in the past, all kinds of refining materials in Shenbing Pavilion were almost used by Mo Yezi.

But now he is no longer the pavilion owner. Although Jinghu Villa also accepts the commission of refining, it still cannot be compared with the Shenbing Pavilion.

Therefore, over the years, Mo Yezi has refined very few magic weapons, only two or three, including Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance.

So this time, when he saw the unrestrained design of the Heavenly Dao Battle Box, Mo Yezi was instantly moved. Even if it was an upside down material, he was willing to refine it, not to mention that Chu Xiu gave him a lot of materials. .

But Mo Yezi also had some old problems. When he refines weapons, he first depends on the person who uses the weapon.

Luo Feihong said a few words in half, and Mo Yezi guessed Chu Xiu's identity.

Although shocked, Mo Yezi was not shocked for too long.

He is in the rivers and lakes, but he can only be regarded as half of the rivers and lakes.

He is not interested in things like grievances and entanglements in the rivers and lakes. In his opinion, these things are not as interesting as those iron blocks in his hands.

So knowing is knowing, Mo Yezi didn't say anything, and immediately turned all his attention to the battle box of Heaven.

After everything was arranged properly, Chu Xiu went to retreat and practice with peace of mind, and Ye Xiao was also thrown to the two masters of the Heavenly Slaughter by him, Han Kui and Song Xiao, who were among the four major blood slayings of the Qinglong Society.

In Chu Xiu's opinion, Ye Xiao's own potential is not bad. This potential does not refer to his martial arts potential, but his temperament.

It is tolerant enough in normal times, and it is not ambiguous when it is time to be aggressive. It is worth training.

And this time, just because Ye Xiao helped him so much, it was worth training him well. After all, he could be regarded as half of his disciple.

A month later, in the underground lobby of the God-killing division, Han Ku and Song Xiao were picking and looking at some tasks.

During this time, because of Chu Xiu's relationship, both Mu Ziyi and the two of them stayed within the helm of Tiankui and rarely performed tasks. Most of the tasks were handed over to the people below. After Han Ku and Song Xiao carried out two missions, they were left aside and went to perform missions alone.

The Qinglong Society has always been very simple to train its killers. It sends you to kill people. If you kill people, then you are a good killer. If you are killed, you are trash, very simple and rude.

Although Ye Xiao was thrown over by Chu Xiu himself, Han Kusong and Song Xiao were also unambiguous about how to practice and how to practice, because they believed that a waste was not worthy of Chu Xiu's personal training.

In the headquarters of the Heavenly Killing Branch, neither Han Ku nor Song Xiao wore masks.

Song Xiao is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, with a smile on his face all the time, and a few more wrinkles on his brows when he grins, like a kind old farmer. It will be the top killer in the Azure Dragon Society, one of the four blood killers with blood on his hands.

At this time, Song Xiao murmured in a stubborn manner: "You say, is the young lady interested in Chu Xiu? I see this appearance, it is a bit of a promise.

But that's fine. Miss has been a little too bitter these years. What is it like for such a beautiful woman to be soaked in blood and rain all day long? Few men can stand it.

As for Mr. Chu Xiu, he was also born in the Qinglong Club in his early years, so he is not an outsider. For our young lady, there is also a life-saving grace, a son and a beautiful lady, how good it is to promise something with your body. "

Song Xiao laughed often, but Han Kui didn't cry.

His appearance is younger than Song Xiao, but his face is cold and cold, and a knife scar runs directly from his forehead to his chin, as if he almost cut him in half.

Hearing that, Han Kui just said lightly: "It's wrong, it's not the son and the beauty, but the big devil and the female killer, the same **** storm."

Song said with a smile: "Why are you so incomprehensible? No matter what he is, the young lady will have a good home in the future, right? Besides, with such a relationship, not to mention the entire Azure Dragon Society, at least Erlong The first line, and Master Chu are in-laws, isn't it good to have such a big backer?"

Han Kui wiped his sword and said, "Rely on yourself for everything, don't always think of relying on others."

Song Xiao rolled his eyes in anger. The two of them were not talking on the same channel at all. While flipping through the tasks, he muttered: "I have never had a tacit understanding with you in my life!"

At this moment, Mu Ziyi came over and said, "Uncle Han, Uncle Song, what are you talking about?"

Song Xiao hurriedly shook his head and said, "It's nothing, miss, is there something wrong?"

With a smile on Mu Ziyi's face, he said, "I've heard news from my foster father, I'll tell Young Master Chu."

Said Mu Ziyi trotted all the way to find Chu Xiu.

Song Xiao turned around and cried to Han: "How is it? I'll just say that Miss is interested in Master Chu, right? You see, how can Miss usually be so happy? She can count the number of times she laughs in a year."

Han Kui said lightly: "The word love is the most difficult to understand, only when you wield your sword to cut the silk of love can you know how painful it is.

You have no affection, it is ridiculous to look at the lady with your eyes. "

Song Xiao rolled his eyes several times. He felt that he and his partner had not been mad at each other for so many years, and his determination was definitely tough.

At this time, Chu Xiu was still in retreat, and he had already been initially introduced to Xuanwu True Art. In fact, it was not too difficult.

Most of the exercises, such as boxing, palming, swordsmanship, etc., Chu Xiu has been involved in the beginning, and the entry is very fast. Others that Chu Xiu has never touched, only need to understand the cultivation.

Of course, it is easy to get started, but it is not something that can be done in a month if you want to master it completely.

So for the rest of the time, Chu Xiu was familiar with the power of this body.

Now Chu Xiu's realm is very strange, his physical body has reached the real fire refining **** realm like Chen Qingdi, like the level of the ancestors of the Sun family, and can be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

But his own realm is still the real pill realm, so he still has to comprehend the world and reach the real fire refining spirit realm.

This is not something that can be obtained through penance, but also requires opportunity and understanding.

At this time, when he heard the voice from Mu Ziyi outside, Chu Xiu also immediately ended the retreat and went out. There should be news from Duanmu Qianshan.

PS: The addition is over, ask for a monthly ticket~

Everyone keeps the blades for Chinese New Year cutting vegetables, and replace them with monthly tickets for July (????ω????)


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