Meet The Leader

Chapter 892: indigenous

PS: Thanks to book friends book friends 160710192111128 for the reward of ten thousand starting coins

In the endless desert, as if it were endless, only Chu Xiu was walking alone.

Along the way, Chu Xiu didn't find any people, not even a shred of vitality.

However, he saw some ruins on the way, some very rough stone houses were half-hidden in the yellow sand, and there were some corpses among them.

There are buildings and corpses, which proves that this place was once populated, but there were no weapons on the corpses, and the bones had already weathered, so Chu Xiu couldn't figure out whether these corpses were warriors before they died.

This is a bit tricky. This place is so big, and there are no people. There is desert sand everywhere, and any traces will be submerged by the yellow sand. Where can Chu Xiu find the traces left by Dugu Wei and Ning Xuanji go?

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly felt that there was a slight power fluctuation in one direction, and it was not the people he was familiar with.

Chu Xiu immediately walked in that direction.

A few miles away, two groups of people were fighting fiercely.

These people are almost all dressed like beggars, and some are not wearing clothes at all, but things woven from plant fibers.

There are about 30 people in the two groups, and one group has only about ten people. It seems that they have fallen into a disadvantage.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and watched the two groups of people fighting fiercely. These people should be the indigenous inhabitants of this world, but Chu Xiu could clearly perceive that what they used was martial arts, and it had developed to a very extreme level. Kind of martial arts.

They have internal strength in their bodies, and even Chu Xiu can feel that a few of them have even condensed the Martial Dao True Pill.

However, their fighting style is extremely simple. They maximize the power of their physical fists and feet. Their fighting style is like a wild beast. They are extremely ferocious. a target.

It's not that they can't use their true qi, but only at a critical moment, when they want to use their ultimate move or when they are threatened with their lives, will they use their inner strength to resist with true qi, as if their own true qi will be reduced by a point. Same.

In the outside world, which Martial Dao master shot is not the gang qi drifting away, the sword qi flying? When they saw the beast-like slaughter of these people, they must think that they were insulting the dignity of the warriors.

Moreover, when these people fought fiercely, it was also very interesting. All of them did not have much murderous intentions in their eyes, but when they started, they wanted to slash the opponent with a thousand knives.

During the battle, even if someone was seriously injured, they would not say a word. On the contrary, they would fight for their lives. Almost everyone had the courage to die with their opponents, as if everyone was a desperado.

Chu Xiu watched carefully, but at this moment, someone on the dominant side suddenly noticed something and suddenly looked in Chu Xiu's direction.

There is yellow sand everywhere, and there is not even a place to cover up. Chu Xiu can only condense his breath to the extreme.

However, the indigenous warriors here seem to have extremely sensitive six senses. Even in this fierce battle, they quickly discovered Chu Xiu.

The moment they saw Chu Xiu, the group of people spoke.


These people looked at Chu Xiu with gleaming eyes. There was no killing intent in their eyes, but they were excited and greedy! Looking at Chu Xiu, it was as if he was looking at a piece of meat.

Even if the group was divided into half, half of them were responsible for continuing to suppress the other party, and the other half rushed towards Chu Xiu frantically.

Slightly frowned, the Heavenly Dao battle box in Chu Xiu's hand unfolded and turned into an unparalleled Heavenly Sword. The sword fell, and the huge sword gang swept out. .

Chu Xiu frowned, and when he used the knife for the second time, he just used the simplest knife technique to kill the future, instead of using that powerful knife.

Because of the infuriating energy consumed by the knife just now, Chu Xiu didn't even complete it after absorbing the energy of the world hundreds of feet around him.

This is a barren and barren land. If Chu Xiu continues to waste the energy of heaven and earth like the outside world, there will be no place to replenish after his infuriating energy is exhausted.

No wonder these indigenous warriors seldom used True Qi when they started, because in this illusion, their own inner strength True Qi can only be used as an ultimate move. Once it is used up, it will take a long time. to supplement.

Although each of these indigenous warriors seems to be dying, Chu Xiu also discovered that they should be born with insufficiency. , even if they condense the Martial Dao True Pill, they will not be able to play the role of the Martial Dao True Pill. The strength of the True Pill Realm martial artist is only a little stronger than that of the outside world. pose no threat.

The group of people who were fighting with another group of people saw their own people being easily cut over by Chu Xiu, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes after all.

No one is not afraid of death, and they are also afraid when facing a monster that they absolutely cannot match.

And when most people face fear, the choice they make is generally the same, that is, escape!

But how could Chu Xiu give them a chance? With a wave of one hand, more than ten blood shadows flew out and wrapped around those people. In an instant, their blood was drained and they fell to the ground.

The Blood God Demon Art mainly relies on the power of qi and blood, and it does not consume too much internal energy, so it can be easily used here.

Such a strange method made another wave of indigenous warriors also show surprise and fear in their hearts.

Seeing Chu Xiu's gaze, a person in the group suddenly knelt down to Chu Xiu, crossed his hands on his shoulders, and said in a slightly clumsy voice, "We are willing to surrender to the powerful outsiders. You, let us go, I am the granddaughter of the city lord of the mall, you can bring us back and we can exchange many things."

Hearing this voice, Chu Xiu discovered that the leader of the group was actually a woman. Although she was dressed like the others, she looked like a beggar, but if you looked closely, you could still see her beautiful face. The chest is flat, and the indigenous warriors here seem to be a little stunted.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Don't rush to surrender, have you seen more than one outsider?"

Seeing these people, Chu Xiu seems to have new clues. If these local indigenous warriors have inheritance, they should have been able to see when Dugu only me and Ning Xuanji called 500 years ago.

The woman lowered her head and said, "I haven't seen it before, but every few years or decades, there will always be outsiders who stray into the green capital."

"and then?"

The woman paused before saying, "Either die in the desert, or die in our... hands."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, this woman was sincere.

"Wait, you said, your place is called Green Capital?"

Chu Xiu looked at the yellow sand all over the place. Is this place too embarrassed to call it the Green Capital?

The woman said: "Listen to my grandfather, when we came here 10,000 years ago, this place was like a fairyland outside the world, and it became like this later."

Chu Xiu was shocked when he heard the words. He thought that these people were all natives of this space, but they came here 10,000 years ago. They are all survivors of the ancient catastrophe?

"You came here in 10,000 years? Then do you know where you came from?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't know, but my grandfather should know."

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes. If these people were really the survivors of the ancient catastrophe, then maybe they would know the secrets about the ancient catastrophe.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Shang Qi."

Chu Xiu glanced at the corpses around him and said, "Are these people your enemies? How much power does this place have?"

Shang Qi glanced at the corpses and said indifferently: "Except for the people in the mall, everyone is an enemy, we found a stump of a Pumeng tree, they wanted to grab it, but we didn't want to give it, so we started fighting.

As for how many forces there are, I don't know. In the Green City, forces are falling apart every moment, and some forces are re-formed. Although our mall is not the largest force, it is the oldest among them. "

"Pu Mengshu? Treasures of heaven and earth?"

Shang Qi waved and let a thin man run under a half-human-high rock, and after a while, he dug out a thick branch.

"This is the Pumeng tree. Although there is only one branch left, it can passively absorb weak vitality, and except for the outermost bark, the rest can be eaten. Such a large branch can support ten Many people for more than half a year."

Now Chu Xiu was really surprised.

This thing does contain a weak heaven and earth vitality, but in the outside world, it is not even a herbal medicine. It is no different from an ordinary tree. In the end, it is used as food to feed so many people, and it can even make The two groups of people fought desperately for this. The cruelty of this place was beyond Chu Xiu's imagination.

"Come on, take me to your mall to have a look."

Shang Qi nodded, took the branch of the Pumeng tree and said, "Can you give us this thing?"

Chu Xiu nodded strangely, what does he want this thing for?

Shang Qi and others were very obedient, and honestly led Chu Xiu the way, but at this time Chu Xiu was a little surprised and said: "Just now you are working so hard with the hostile gang, and now you meet me, why don't you work hard? ?"

Shang Qi said lightly: "Because you are an outsider, you won't rob our Pumeng tree, but they will.

And your strength is too strong, we are willing to work hard, but not willing to die.

There are only so many resources in the green capital. We desperately killed them, which weakened their power, and other people in the mall had a little more way to live.

And if we work hard with you, we won't get anything, we can only give our lives in vain. "

Chu Xiu touched his chin, he seemed to have some understanding of the rules here.


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