Meet The Leader

Chapter 897: violent murder

PS: Thanks to the book friend Mr. Kai for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Granny Huagui said that she saw Ning Xuanji and Dugu Wei I, no one doubted that.

At such a time, even if Granny Huagui is unreliable, she will not talk nonsense.

Everyone looked at each other, all of them cautiously approaching the deepest part of the fog.

However, when everyone saw that Shang Tianliang and Shang Qi actually followed up, the person present couldn't help frowning. They didn't know what the big dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society was doing, what was he doing with bringing the two natives in? Do you also want to use these two people to explore the way?

Before everyone had time to think about it, they had just stepped into the mist, and they were suddenly enveloped in an extremely powerful force.

The next moment, they saw the figures around them, not the two that the flower ghost mother-in-law said, but countless!

Those figures are black and white, very blurred, and they can't see their figures clearly, but they are constantly fighting in this distorted space, light and shadow emerge, and even no one can see their fight clearly, but Everyone could feel the powerful aura of oppression.

"It's the afterimage left by the battle between the two powerhouses in the past!"

This space has been completely distorted by the fight between Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji, and even some of the rules between heaven and earth have changed a little.

Therefore, some images of the two of them fighting at the beginning were branded here, although they have been distorted and out of shape.

However, the eyes of everyone present were still bright. No matter what the twisted shape was, this was what the two supreme powerhouses had left in the past. Even if it was a breath, they could extract enough martial arts insights from it.

But at this time, everyone heard faint voices coming from those phantoms.

"Dougu child, don't run away if you have the ability! Could it be that you are afraid of Daoye and I can't do it?"

"Wow! Dugu child, you are shameless! Use this trick again!"

"Fuck! Why did you smash the space again? This place is too hard to beat."

These words drifted in this space, and they came vaguely, but it made Lu Changliu embarrassed.

According to the records in the sect classics, their patriarch was indeed such a person, with a very bad personality.

Dugu Yui is a standard person in the battle, and there are not many ruthless words, and almost no words have been passed down. Instead, all the clamors of Ning Xuanji are in this space.

Everyone else's eyes showed disbelief. Is this Ning Xuanji? How can the fairy in the legend look like this? How can it be like this?

Lu Changliu coughed and said: "I also ask you not to go to the outside world to publicize the matter here. Pindao is here to thank you."

Ying Zhao looked a little weird and said: "I'm afraid no one will believe us even if we say it, and think we are slandering your true martial arts religion."

Chu Xiu didn't move, he just felt the breath left by Dugu and me, and those marks.

The moment he stepped into this place, Chu Xiu was completely immersed in it. The qi and blood in his body seemed to boil, and it was inextricably linked with the breath here.

It was a very inexplicable sense of familiarity, and it was not clear what the reason was. Anyway, this place was of great benefit to Chu Xiu, and it could improve his understanding of martial arts, especially the aspect of magic power.

As for whether this power was left by Dugu and I, Chu Xiu couldn't control so much. All he needed now was power.

Others over there noticed Chu Xiu's reaction, and they suddenly reacted at this time, and immediately began to feel the power aura left in these trace images.

They also knew the voices left by Ning Xuanji just now. Although Dugu only me and Ning Xuanji once fought here, but this place is not the end of the war.

They just stayed here for a while, then shattered the void and went elsewhere.

However, although they have not seen the life and death of the two powerhouses, let alone inheritance, these images are a treasure for them.

Many people wanted to watch the battle between Ning Xuanji and Dugu Weiwei, but they couldn't.

It's not that these two powerhouses blocked it, but the power of their fight was too strong. Even the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth could not bear the aftermath, so they could only hide far away, listening to the two of them. When they fought, the powerful fluctuations that turned the river upside down.

But now the image traces left here have been blurred and distorted, but after careful perception, you can still perceive a lot of things, at least for the warriors who are present in the True Pill Realm and Real Fire Refinement Realm, it is enough.

Everyone was immersed in this atmosphere, but Granny Huagui didn't know when she came to Chu Xiu's side, and she was a little surprised: "Dragon Head, you also went to feel the mark left by the leader of Dugu?"

Not counting Chu Xiu, all the people present, the only one who was born in the devil way is the flower ghost mother-in-law.

The rest, even Helian Changfeng from the White Tiger Hall, in fact, the images left by him to realize Dugu Wei I are not very effective, because although his practice is fierce, it is not a magical way. There are some traces of Taoist exercises.

But the flower ghost mother inadvertently discovered that this Lin Xueyi was actually comprehending the image left by the leader of Dugu.

Both Qinglonghui and Baihutang were born in the Four Signs Shenzong. Logically speaking, although the exercises are different, the keynote is the same.

Chu Xiu glanced at Granny Huagui, and said lightly, "I have also cultivated magic arts at the same time, and I also admire Master Dugu quite a bit. Isn't that enough?"

Granny Huagui was still a little puzzled, but at this time she didn't want to waste time thinking about these useless things, and immediately started to comprehend those trace images.

At this moment, the accident happened suddenly.

An image around Lu Zhanlu suddenly cracked, and the space began to distort in an instant.

Lu Zhanlu, who was completely immersed in it, was suddenly taken aback. At the critical moment, a dragon roar resounded around him, and the golden aura wrapped around his body, like a wandering dragon, and quickly flashed to the side. go.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they reacted immediately. The images around them also had an unstable effect and began to become distorted.

Lu Changliu said solemnly: "Be careful! These image traces have existed here for hundreds of years. Our arrival has disturbed the power here, and the images close to us can no longer be preserved."

Hearing this, everyone immediately became anxious.

Except for Chu Xiu, who is inextricably linked with Dugu Wei I, so he can absorb the true meaning of martial arts left on the traces of the images very smoothly, but the others are very obscure and difficult to understand. Only Lu Changliu can be a little faster. After all, he is a true martial artist, and he is in the same line as Ning Xuanji's martial arts.

The others quickly dispersed, and each went to find those image imprints that had not yet begun to distort, but Chu Xiu's eyes showed a cold light.

In just a short while, Chu Xiu had already sensed the Martial Dao imprint in the traces of Dugu Yume's images.

The rest of the time, he used to kill!

Chu Xiu gave Shang Tianliang a wink, but he walked in the direction of Chang Yunzi.

At this time, Chang Yunzi was also taking the time to realize that he felt Chu Xiu coming, but he didn't care.

There are also some things in the line of Taoism in the practice of Qinglonghui. Now it is normal for Chu Xiu to feel the martial arts left by Ning Xuanji.

But at this moment, the Heavenly Dao battle box suddenly appeared in Chu Xiu's hand, turned into a Wentian Ba ​​spear, and stabbed towards Chang Yunzi with a mighty aura like the sky!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

No one could understand, what the **** was this Lin Xueyi going crazy about, why did he suddenly attack Chang Yunzi?

Could it be because Chang Yunzi stopped him in the outside world and prevented him from killing the Wang family? If it's just because of this little thing, then Lin Xueyi's temper is too big, right?

Chang Yunzi was immersed in that insight at this time, and his vigilance was all placed on those image imprints to prevent them from collapsing suddenly.

He never imagined that someone would suddenly attack him at such a You don't perceive those image imprints yourself, but you stop others.

Chang Yunzi roared, "Lin Xueyi! What the **** are you doing!?"

Chu Xiu didn't answer, the Wentian Ba ​​spear had been stabbed, Chang Yunzi hurriedly squeezed the Daoyin, but he was still blown away by the spear.

Before, everyone just had a little sense of those image imprints. After a long time, they can start to distort and collapse, not to mention that Chu Xiucheng is directly doing it now.

As he shot down, an image mark beside Chang Yunzi immediately began to collapse and twist, clinging to Chang Yunzi, directly strangling the pure yang qi that was protecting his body, almost involving him in it. , extremely dangerous.

In the past, the battle between Ning Xuanji and Dugu Yume could tear the void apart, but for warriors in the realm of real fire, the power of heaven and earth was still unmatched by them.

But this dangerous crisis had just passed, and before Chang Yunzi could breathe a sigh of relief, a figure beside him suddenly burst out!

Shang Tianliang erected his palm as a knife. Although it was a fleshy palm, that palm shone with a sharp edge, slashing directly at Chang Yunzi.

This scene was unexpected.

Everyone thought that the aboriginal father and daughter were brought in by Lin Xueyi and wanted to use their lives to explore the way. Who would have thought that this aboriginal old man was actually a master!

And the moment he made his move, everyone felt that although he could only exert the power of his flesh, his aura was a genuine powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm!

In such a dead place, a supreme powerhouse in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm was born, and he even joined forces with Lin Xueyi to kill Chang Yunzi. This situation made it more and more difficult for everyone present to see.


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