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Chapter 906: Open the righteous demon war and kill Chu Xiu!

Just before Chu Xiu went to find Shang Tianliang, undercurrents had already begun to flow in the rivers and lakes.

Haori Peak, East County, Dongqi River, this place is the gate of Chunyang Daomen, which is extremely magnificent.

For thousands of years, the so-called Haori Peak was actually just an ordinary hill.

Until the ancestors of the Chunyang Daomen established the Chunyang Daomen here, they strengthened the mountain step by step, described the formation, and built a large number of Taoist pavilions and other buildings in it, making the entire Haori Peak look golden. The distance of more than ten miles is extremely eye-catching, and they are equivalent to the landmarks of the entire Hedong County.

At this time, the atmosphere in Chunyang Daomen was depressing. Chang Yunzi's body was placed in the entire hall, and a hole was stabbed in his chest by Chu Xiu with the Wentian Ba ​​spear.

The corpse was sent by the people of Zhenwu Sect. People of Zhenwu Sect could imagine how excited the people of Chunyang Daomen would be when they saw the corpse, so after he threw the corpse, he turned around and left.

"Chu Xiu! My Pure Yang Daomen will never share the sky with you!"

An old Taoist priest with gray hair roared in a low voice, as if to devour Chu Xiu whole body.

The old Taoist priest's opening seemed to open a vent, and all the old Taoist priests and middle-aged Taoist priests from the Chunyang Taoist gate in the hall began to scold Chu Xiu, as if they were going to slash Chu Xiu completely.

At this moment, standing in front of Chang Yunzi's corpse was an old Taoist priest with disheveled hair and a grey Taoist robe.

He is the current headmaster of Chunyang Daomen, the real person who guards Yang, Ling Yunzi.

The headmaster of the Pure Yang Daomen can be said to be extremely low-key, and he is the most low-key among the Three Great Daomen today.

But it is said that Ling Yunzi was very sharp when he was young, and he was the first person in his generation on the Dragon Tiger List. The door, one person and one sword set out the great formation of pure Yang in the Nine Heavens, so that the entire Demon Dao Sect was left alone. From then on, Ling Yunzi was also famous in the rivers and lakes. It was also because of this battle that Ling Yunzi also inherited the position of the headmaster of the Pure Yang Dao Sect. , can be regarded as popular.

But I don't know why, since Ling Yunzi took over as the headmaster of Chunyang Daomen, he has become more and more low-key, and even in the whole Chunyang Daomen, few disciples can see him.

This has also led to the existence of this person who once ranked in the top five of the Billboard when he was most prosperous, and has not appeared on any list for decades at this time.

Looking at Chang Yunzi's dead corpse, Ling Yunzi gently stroked his face with his hand, closed Chang Yunzi's eyes, and let out a long sigh. They were all quiet, and their eyes turned to Ling Yunzi.

"You all think that my Chunyang Daomen should take revenge?"

The Taoists present nodded together, and some even said loudly: "Headmaster, Senior Brother Chang Yunzi was killed by that Chu Xiu in front of everyone, such a big resentment, if I don't repay the pure Yang Daomen, then I am pure and innocent. What face does Yangdaomen have to stand on the rivers and lakes?"

Ling Yunzi suddenly raised his head and said, "I have a foothold in the world of Chunyang Daomen, do I just rely on my face?"

The old Taoist who spoke slammed, but then he snorted coldly: "The face is for others to see, but we Chunyang Taoist ourselves can't knock down our teeth and swallow blood!

With the strength of Senior Brother Chang Yunzi, even if he couldn't match that Chu Xiu, he could still escape, but why didn't he escape?

Because he is the head of the six real people of the temple, if he escapes, he will lose the face of my entire Pure Yang Daomen!

Moreover, if murderous demons like Chu Xiu appear on the rivers and lakes again, that would be a catastrophe for the entire rivers and lakes! Senior Brother Chang Yunzi wanted to use his own life to drag the demon to die together!

As a result, now that Senior Brother Changyunzi is dead, the demon is still alive. If my Pure Yang Daomen were to swallow my voice, I am afraid that I would not even dare to die, because I have no face to see Senior Brother Changyunzi! "

The words of this old Taoist priest were almost the voice of all the Taoist priests present. As soon as these words came out, everyone else also agreed.

The only person present who could keep calm, besides Ling Yunzi, was the little uncle Xi Yunzi of Chunyang Daomen.

Ling Yunzi waved his hand and said a little tiredly: "Since that's the case, let's do it, but I can't be the only one who does it alone.

Chu Xiu is not alone. Zhenwutang, Qinglonghui, Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and behind him stand the entire line of hidden demons.

If you want to kill the demons, you can't be unprepared at all. I will let Yuyunzi go to the Subhuti Temple later. I believe that there will be no peace there.

All right, you all go down first and prepare for the burial of Senior Brother Changyunzi, Junior Brother Xiyunzi, you stay. "

In normal times, people from Taoism would definitely not seek Buddhism, and they would definitely object to Ling Yunzi's approach.

However, these people from Chunyang Daomen are just a little paranoid, and they are not idiots. It is indeed a bit laborious to rely on them to deal with Chu Xiu.

Therefore, at this time, we can only temporarily put aside the view of the door, and join forces with those monks in Nanman to exterminate Chu Xiu together.

After everyone left, Ling Yunzi let out a long sigh and said in a low voice, "Junior brother, do you think I'm useless?

Master named me Ling Yunzi, in the hope that in the future I will have the ambition of Ling Yun and soar to the sky.

Later, he gave me the Taoist title of Shouyang, because he wanted me to guard the stall of Chunyang Taomen.

As a result, in my hands, the Pure Yang Daomen was at its weakest in the last thousands of years. "

In the past, when Chunyang Daomen was at its peak, it was the leader of Daomen. At that time, Zhenwu Sect was only a weak branch of Daoism. There were only a dozen little Daoist priests surnamed Zhang in Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain. preaching.

And now, the Zhenwu Sect has become the head of the Taoist sect because of a Ning Xuanji, and even though Ning Xuanji has been missing for five hundred years, there are still people who remember the important identity of the Zhenwu Sect, at least a halo of Ning Xuanji makes the Zhenwu Sect again It is not a problem to eat for five hundred years.

As for the Tianshi Mansion, there is an old Tianshi in charge, and there are countless other middle-aged and young people as well as the latest generation of powerhouses. He has long been a veritable Taoist sect. Daomen guarding has become like this, which makes Ling Yunzi feel ashamed of his ancestors.

At this time, Xi Yunzi no longer had the usual hippie smile, he just closed his eyes and sighed: "Senior brother, what you have done is good enough. The forces of all parties, maybe what Chunyang Daomen will look like now.

I haven't had much contact with my cheap master, but he is quite accurate in seeing people. Since he handed over the position of head teacher to you, it proves that you are qualified to sit in this position. "

Ling Yunzi closed his eyes slightly and said, "The Buddhist monks always talk about cause and effect, I don't believe it, how can there be so much cause and effect in this world?

But now I believe it, my pure Yang Daomen scenery is too long, maybe God can't see it.

face? Hehe, they still don't understand, if you want to stand at the top of this arena, you must be strong or shameless.

If you don't have strength, you need to be embarrassed. That's a shame. "

If people who knew Ling Yunzi in the past saw him like this, they would definitely be surprised.

In the past, the Daoist real person who hated evil and had a hot temper in the past has now turned into this decadent appearance.

Xiyunzi stood up and said, "Senior brother, don't think about it so much, at least they have grown a little bit, if it was put before, they would probably say that they would avenge their own revenge, and there is no need to find outsiders to join forces.

When I come to the Subhuti Zen Temple, other people want a face, but my face is worthless, let alone the Subhuti Zen Temple, I can go to the Daguang Temple. "

Ling Yunzi suddenly opened his eyes and said, "In Chunyang Daomen, you are the only one who has contacted that Chu Xiu. Do you feel that if we take action, can we completely solve Chu Xiu?"

Xiyunzi stood up and said, "Who knows? If this kind of thing can be calculated, there won't be so much trouble.

Senior Brother, there is no choice. If we don't take action, the entire Pure Yang Daomen will be in chaos.

My cheap master can't control the habits and tempers accumulated over the generations, and you can't control it after using it for decades. It is estimated that the next generation will be the same.

The world says that the law is natural, what kind of natural law? Damn it, live Let it be fate, just make it through life, the huge Pure Yang Daomen, can it still collapse? "

After finishing speaking, Xi Yunzi turned around and walked out of the Chunyang Palace, leaving only Ling Yunzi sighing deeply, and the Mu Qi on her body became stronger.

More than ten days later, in the Subhuti Zen Temple, Xiyunzi was dressed in a gorgeous splendid Taiji Taoist robe, with a meticulous Taoist bun on her head, and Lu Zu's divine soldier, Chunyang, on her waist, with a solemn look on her face.

His appearance can be compared to the sloppy appearance in Chunyang Daomen, just like two people. When going out, always pay attention to the image.

"Abbot Rama, this is what I mean by Chunyang Daomen right now, Chu Xiu has a special identity, and moving him is equivalent to moving the entire line of magic.

In the past, Jingchan Zhizang, an eminent monk in your temple, failed to kill Chu Xiu and bring him back to life, but now he has caused even more trouble.

Chu Xiu's strength has soared, and my senior brother Chang Yunzi died at his hands.

Right now, Chu Xiu even controlled the Qinglong Guild, one of the four spirits, and let a sharp sword covered with blood be held in the hands of a demon whose hands were covered with more blood. What kind of consequences would it cause? And metaphor.

For more than ten years, the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain was considered a small fight, and the two sides tried it out.

Although there was no victory or defeat in the battle of the Lunatic Cult, it led to the rise of the Lunatic Cult.

So in fact, my righteous line has lost a little bit.

The rise of Chu Xiu now also represents the rise of the hidden demon lineage behind him. It doesn't matter whether it's about you or me, it's about the whole martial arts righteous path! "

Xiyunzi said with a solemn expression: "So today, on behalf of Chunyang Daomen, come to join hands with Subhuti Temple, gather the power of Dao and Buddhism in the world, give up prejudice, start the third battle of righteous demons, and kill Chu Xiu!"


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