Meet The Leader

Chapter 910: I only live by myself

PS: Thanks to the book friend L Ai for the reward of 60,000 starting coins in Lordaeron

Chu Xiu's voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the maze formed by the Azure Dragon Club actually disappeared voluntarily, revealing the iconic palace of the Azure Dragon Club, which was as grand and magnificent as the Azure Dragon going out to sea.

Rama and Ling Yunzi looked at each other with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Chu Xiu actually took the initiative to let go of the formation, is this really ready to fight them in an upright battle? Where did he come from?

This time, the Moon Worship Cult will not take action, and Ye Shaonan is currently in retreat. Except for Ye Shaonan, it is useless for other people to make a move.

Ling Yunzi looked at Rama: "Abbot Rama, since everyone has come forward to invite, what about us?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Rama's mouth: "Of course it's disrespectful."

As the orders of Ling Yunzi and Rama were passed on, tens of thousands of people rushed directly to the Azure Dragon Society.

The Azure Dragon Society, which has been closed for countless years, is now shown to everyone for the first time, but in this way.

Before the Qinglong meeting, Chu Xiu's blood-colored robes fluttered in the wind. Facing the thousands of warriors of Taoism and Buddhism, Chu Xiu's expression did not change, but he took the initiative to say hello: "I didn't expect that one day, I, Chu Xiu, would have this kind of thing. Treatment, it seems that you can't wait to get to the place where I, Chu Xiu, die."

There are actually more warriors watching the battle than the real warriors of Taoism and Buddhism. Seeing Chu Xiu's appearance, they have to admit that, at least in terms of bearing, Chu Xiu is truly worthy of his current reputation, and he has quite a few. The stance of the Demonic Giant Owl has changed.

For other people, at this time, they are either timid and worried, fleeing in a hurry, or completely falling into hysterical madness. They can be as calm as Chu Xiu, but very few.

Ling Yunzi looked behind Chu Xiu, but his expression was a little weird, and he always felt that something was wrong.

Behind Chu Xiu is Wei Shuya, one of the five celestial demons of the Nine Heavens Mountain in the past, as well as Chu Xiu's friend Lu Fengxian.

There are also some people from Beiyan Town Wutang and Guanzhong Punishment Hall, as well as a group of people from Jiufentang, a friend of Chu Xiu's friend Luo Feihong.

These people add up to more than 10,000 people, but to tell the truth, compared with the elites of Chunyang Daomen and Subhuti Temple, as well as a group of Taoist and Buddhist elites, Chu Xiu's group can only be worth four words: mob.

Relying on this rabble, what did Chu Xiu do to block the alliance between Dao and Buddha? Has he given up?

At this time, Rama said softly: "It's not that the poor monk wants to kill you, but you yourself have expected today, right?

Body crushing can still be reborn. This kind of secret method is described in some classics. I believe that when you reshape your body, it should be very simple for you to change your identity.

Chu Xiu is the enemy of rivers and lakes, you should know how much cause and effect you have on your shoulders.

Jingchan Zhizang killed you, but it also cut off the karma in you. Unfortunately, you gave up this opportunity, killed Chang Yunzi, and took on the karma again. "

All of what Rama said was actually something that most Jianghu people doubted.

Although the remodeling of the body is a bit sensational, it is not unheard of.

When everyone thought that Chu Xiu was dead, Chu Xiu could completely change his identity and step into the rivers and lakes openly and aboveboard, but unfortunately he didn't choose so, which was a bit unwise in the eyes of others.

Looking up at the sky, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Master Rama said it right, I do have another choice, it's not that I can't choose, but I don't want to choose.

What are people living in this life? Some people serve the Qingdeng ancient Buddha for life, and some people observe the Taoist scriptures in order to seek the Tao of the world. "

Chu Xiu pointed to himself and said, "And in my life, Chu Xiu, I only live for myself, Chu Xiu's Chu, and everything is suspended!"

Chu Xiu's words were not only said to Rama, but also to the others present, but also to the existence in the dark.

It doesn't matter whether he is Lin Ye in his previous life, or he has some confusing connection with Dugu Wei I, but now, he Chu Xiu is Chu Xiu, and it can only be Chu Xiu!

Rama raised his eyebrows slightly, and every move of this legendary monk seemed to have a magical Buddha nature, which moved people's hearts.

"I'm curious, what are you going to stop me today? Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, you can't win."

Rama's tone was not arrogant, just stating a fact.

Chu Xiu's ability to kill Jingchan Zhizang and kill Chang Yunzi has proved Chu Xiu's strength.

But Heaven and Earth Tongxuan and True Fire Refinement Spirit Realm have always existed in two realms. The former is already the supreme existence standing at the peak of this river and lake!

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I really can't match you, Master Rama, so your opponent today is not me."

With that said, Chu Xiu shouted behind him: "Mall owner, don't eat it, it's your turn to take action."

Shang Tianliang was wearing a brand new black and gold robe, but at this time he was still holding a roast chicken in his hand and gnawed it, swallowing it directly, and wiping his oily hand on the robe.

His style does not have the style of a powerhouse in the realm of heaven and earth, as if he is a poor old man who is about to starve to death.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In a place like Green Capital, which is like a **** on earth, what is the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm? It's a fart!

Black Storm will not go around you just because you are in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. Except for the strong ones, Shang Tianliang is no different from other people. In addition to thinking about how to live all day, he also has to think about letting the entire mall how people live.

After coming here, Shang Tianliang knew that he was here to be a thug, so he didn't ask any more questions, he had been eating and drinking these days.

In fact, Shang Tianliang ate and drank here not only to satisfy his appetite that he had never satisfied in his life, but also to restore some vitality.

Although Shang Tianliang's realm is the real fire refining spirit realm, but staying in a place like Ludu for a long time, his real qi cannot be replenished enough, some parts of his body have been damaged, and even the meridians have shrunk.

While eating and drinking, Shang Tianliang is also relying on the essence of the food to repair the defects in his body, but he does not delay.

The other people around had a strange look on their faces, so Chu Xiu was going to rely on such a bad old man to resist the **** monk Rama? Is he afraid of losing his mind?

Everyone looked like a joke, only Rama frowned, and after a while he said solemnly, "I don't know you."

Others couldn't see what was wrong with Shang Tianliang, because even if Shang Tianliang went to the outside world, he didn't need to be afraid of the consumption of True Qi, but he was still subconsciously restraining the True Qi in his body.

But Rama, who is also in the realm of heaven and earth, can see the details of Shang Tianliang.

There are only a few Heaven and Earth Tongxuans on the rivers and lakes. Even if it includes some old monsters who have not appeared in the rivers and lakes for decades, Rama cannot match him.

Shang Tianliang grinned and said, "The old man doesn't recognize you either. Are you a monk? It's interesting, very interesting."

There may be some people in the green capital who practice Buddhist martial arts, but there are absolutely no monks.

When you open your eyes, you don't know if you can still see the sun tomorrow. You go and tell others that all living beings are equal, and my Buddha is compassionate? Fuck him, he must have been beaten to death on the spot.

Therefore, Shang Tianliang really felt that the "profession" of a monk was very interesting.

But he didn't talk to Ramado, because he knew that he was here to be a thug this time, and since he wanted to be a thug, don't worry about the rest, just one word, war!

As Shang Tianliang's voice fell, the ground under his feet cracked, and his body was like a cannonball, slamming straight at Rama!

The palm of the hand is a knife. The next moment, Shang Tianliang's whole body condensed a majestic knife qi. He seemed to be transformed into a knife, and the vitality of heaven and earth was absorbed around him. The figure of Shang Tianliang can only see the huge sword beam of a hundred feet slashing towards Rama!

Rama spit out a Buddhist sound, a strange and mysterious syllable, and the next moment, a golden light shone in front of him, Shang Tianliang's knife slashed above the light curtain, and all the light of the knife was absorbed by him.

"Break me!"

Shang Tianliang let out a low voice tore his hands, and the powerful heaven and earth vitality burst out in his hands, and even tore the light curtain directly.

Stepping down and punching, the mighty heaven and earth vitality poured into Shang Tianliang's body, making his punch like a spear that shattered the sky, extremely sharp and extraordinary.

In the Green Capital, Shang Tianliang, as an existence in the realm of heaven and earth, not only can't use too much true qi, but he can't even arouse the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth.

Now in the outside world, Shang Tianliang finally realized what real power is. This is what is described in the classics. The strength of his merchant ancestor is also the realm of strength he should have!

In the green capital, Shang Tianliang is not belligerent. It should be said that every person in the green capital is not belligerent, but their murderous aura is stronger than anyone else's, because it is not a battle, but a life-and-death situation. life.

But this time against Rama, Shang Tianliang knew what the real fighting spirit was!

Facing the spear that seemed to pierce the sky, Rama used a flower as a seal, but the seemingly weak Buddha seal caused the huge spear condensed by Shang Tianliang to begin to smash and crack, and lightly pointed at Shang Tianliang's. On the fist, he was blasted out of the whole body, smashed to the ground, and a huge pothole of more than ten feet was smashed.

Buddha Nianhua, all the magical powers, all in silence.

Although Rama seemed to be an understatement and blasted Shang Tianliang into the air, the next moment, Shang Tianliang had already climbed out of the pit, unscathed at all, and even shouted, "Happy!"

The next moment, his figure appeared in front of Rama again, his hands were like dragon claws, tearing everything apart, and continuing to attack Rama.


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