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Chapter 924: Rather Stick to your guns

PS: Thanks to the book friend Lao Na for the reward of 20,000 starting coins at the age of 18 this year, congratulations on becoming the 21st leader of this book ^_^

Although Lu Jianghe has some crows' mouths, he is like a big sect at the level of Zuowangjianlu. They must have some treasures in the bottom of the box.

Even if Lu Jianghe didn't mention Chu Xiu, he had heard of the picture scroll that Shen Baochen took out.

This item is called Wanjian Catalogue. It is from the ancestors of Zuowangjianhu. Once someone reaches the realm of heaven and earth, they will describe their own sword intentions in it. How many people can reach the Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan Realm, I am afraid only Zhan Wang Jian Lu knows.

This Wanjian Catalog has been enshrined in Zuowang Jianlu for generations, and it is already full of sword energy. After this use, as long as the Wanjian Catalog is not damaged, it can still be used to accumulate sword qi.

Although this Myriad Swords catalogue can't forcefully shake the existence of the real Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, it is not a problem to join hands with the unknown old man from Wuxin Jianzhong to stop Shang Tianliang, after all, the other party is still injured.

Shaking his head gently, Chu Xiu walked directly to the Tibetan Sword Villa.

It's just two foreign objects. It is not easy to defeat Shang Tianliang. During this time, Chu Xiu was enough to solve the Tibetan Sword Villa.

Seeing Chu Xiu approaching, Cheng Tingshan shouted: "Sword array, open the sky!"

As his voice fell, an astonishing sword energy burst out in the entire Hidden Sword Villa.

The brilliance of the formation shines in it. Hundreds of elite branches of Cangjian Villa are in all directions of the sword array, six elders of Cangjian Villa guard the six most critical positions of the sword array, and Cheng Tingshan is the center commander.

The biggest difference between the sword formations of the Tibetan Sword Villa and the ordinary sword formations is that the formation of the formations is not mainly based on the formation technique, nor the people who set up the formations, but the long sword with a gleaming edge in the center of the formation. .

These long swords have magic weapons and treasure soldiers. At this moment, they are connected together through the formation, and the power that erupts is extremely terrifying.

Cangjian Villa has studied the sword formation for thousands of years, and its accomplishments in this way can be said to be far superior to other sword schools.

Therefore, when Hidden Sword Villa took out this sword formation as a deal, the other three factions were more or less tempted for this reason.

Chu Xiu looked at the sword formation of Hidden Sword Villa with great interest. To be honest, although in Chu Xiu's eyes, Hidden Sword Villa was still very weak, but the power that can be passed down for thousands of years must have some family background. This sword formation is one of them.

At this time, in Chu Xiu's eyes, in the entire sword formation, people and swords, swords and formations have formed a delicate whole, and the forces are connected with each other. Slash directly at Chu Xiu!

The sword formation of Hidden Sword Villa can be attacked and defended. Facing Chu Xiu at this time, Zeng is either life or death. Since this is the case, what is the point of attacking and defending? Unless Chu Xiu is repelled, no one will want to live!

There is also a type of swordsmanship in Xuanwu Zhen Gong, which is called Tianming Swordsmanship.

Because Chu Xiu has never used a sword, this martial skill Chu Xiu has never used.

But Xuanwu Zhengong has been cultivated to the extreme. All ten kinds of martial arts are integrated. When they are combined into one, they can also burst into stronger power, so even if Chu Xiu has never used swordsmanship, it is always good to know about it at this time. of.

In an instant, the Heavenly Dao battle box turned into a long sword, and the sword fell without the magnificent sword energy, but there was a different charm in it.

Destiny's Sword Dao, what is cultivated is not only the sword intent, but also the destiny of the Dao of Heaven. When this sword falls, it is the power of the rules.

The seemingly plain sword collided with the incomparably magnificent sword energy of the Tibetan Sword Villa, but what erupted was an extremely powerful might.

Under Chu Xiu's Destiny Sword Dao, the huge sword qi began to crack and dissolve, which made Cheng Tingshan and other people in the Hidden Sword Villa horrified.

They know that Chu Xiu's strength is strong, but no one has heard of it. Chu Xiu is actually good at swordsmanship.

With kendo against kendo, they were crushed by Chu Xiu where they were best at, which was not a good feeling.

As the sword energy collapsed and melted, Chu Xiu frowned slightly.

He seemed relaxed, but his whole body was already burning with inner strength to resist the crazy surge of sword energy.

After all, kendo is not the martial art he is best at, and the real trump card of Hidden Sword Villa, the famous sword formation in all corners of the world, is not a false name.

The powerful sword qi in the sword formation does not contain any alien power, only the sword qi, pure and powerful sword qi!

Under the bombardment of the sword energy, even the long sword transformed into the Heavenly Dao battle box was a little unstable, making a slight mechanical vibration.

Over there, Cheng Tingshan gritted his teeth and shouted: "Sword Dance!"

As his voice fell, countless sword qi shot out from the sky, spreading in the sky as if covering the sky and covering the sun, and attacked Chu Xiu with a whistling wind.

Chu Xiu wanted to hone the martial skill of Destiny Swordsmanship, so he was not in a hurry. He still just used Destiny Swordsmanship, a martial skill that he was not too familiar with, to fight the enemy. Although he could not defeat the sword formation, he did not let that The sword formation was injured.

After fighting back and forth for dozens of tricks, Shang Tianliang over there snorted coldly: "Chu Xiu boy, stop playing, if you are not serious, this old man won't play with you!"

The nameless old man's sword soul and Shen Baochen's Ten Thousand Swords catalogue caused a lot of pressure on him. He is still injured now, but Chu Xiu is slowly honing his martial skills over there, which is totally unreasonable.

Seeing that Shang Tianliang had already started to protest, Chu Xiu put away his thoughts of honing his martial arts skills, and with a move of his hand, the Heavenly Dao War Box instantly turned the long sword into a war knife.

Po Hai in the Seven Great Limits slashed out with one blade, the violent and violent blade was about to tear everything apart, and even the air in front of him made a burst of harsh explosions.

Wherever the blade moves, everything is submerged and covered. This blade is the ultimate power!

The power of this sword is Chu Xiu's full force. The Tibetan Sword Villa, which had just adapted to Chu Xiu's offensive, was not checked, and even the sword formation was instantly slashed by the power of this sword. The elder immediately burst all over, and instantly turned into a cloud of blood and dispersed.

The mystery of the sword formation in Cangjian Villa is that people and swords have reached a delicate balance. When the sword formation is formed, people borrow the power of the sword, and when they bear the power, they can also replace the sword formation to bear the power.

But in this way, the sword may not be damaged, but the person will be injured.

The elder of the Hidden Sword Villa was considered to have voluntarily assumed such a great strength. Although the damage to others was reduced, he also paid the price with his own life.

Cheng Tingshan shouted with red eyes, "Sword and shield!"

The sword formation changed, and in an instant, countless sword energy layered on top of each other, turning into a shield shape and lying in front of Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Courage is commendable, but it is still a useless sacrifice."

The terrifying pure demonic energy condensed out of Chu Xiu's hands and turned into a giant bow of demonic energy in front of him.

The arrow of Mie San Liancheng burst out. The arrow with the power of ultimate annihilation was like a small black spot on the huge sword and shield, but the black color seemed to be contagious, getting bigger and bigger. It began to gradually collapse and melt, and the ultimate power of silence has even penetrated into the sword array. Another elder of the Hidden Sword Villa took the initiative to stand up and bear most of the power, and was finally directly affected by the power of silence. strangled to ashes.

After fighting several tricks in a row, Cangjian Villa could no longer hold it.

None of the six elders guarding the sword pavilion was afraid of death, and they were all scrambling to stand up and block Chu Xiu's offensive.

But unfortunately, five of them died in an instant.

To be honest, at this level, even Chu Xiu was a little surprised.

He is now making a move with all his strength, and there are almost only a handful of people who can stop him in the real fire refining spirit realm.

In Chu Xiu's eyes, the people of Tibetan Sword Villa were like ants, and they could easily be crushed to death by him.

But with that sword formation and that desperate blood and courage, they were able to persist for such a long time, which really impressed Chu Xiu.

But Chu Xiu is not the kind of person who will let them die just because he appreciates the enemy.

The enemy is the enemy, I appreciate you, but I still want to kill you.

When the last elder of the Hidden Sword Villa was completely unable to hold it under Chu Xiu's knife, and after his body was shattered, Cheng Tingshan's spirit had completely Although the sword formation of Hidden Sword Villa's sword array , the existence of swords is more important than people, but if people are dead, who can control the sword formation?

Cheng Tingshan roared with red eyes: "Sword Festival!"

The other warriors who controlled the sword formation looked at Cheng Tingshan with disbelief. This move was almost a means of perishing. All the power in the divine weapon would be extracted, and the sword spirit would be smashed to break out the greatest power. Come on, if you use this trick, you will directly kill people with swords!

"The Hidden Sword Villa is almost gone. What's the use of the sword? Don't you, Chu Xiu, want Liuguang Xieyue? My Hidden Sword Villa would rather destroy these divine swords than leave them to you, Chu Xiu!"

Although Cheng Tingshan has a lot of calculations on weekdays, at this moment, the crazy killing intent in his heart has been aroused.

Rather Stick to your guns!

Chu Xiu frowned, the toughness of Cheng Tingshan and Cangjian Villa was beyond his imagination.

At this moment, Bai Qian suddenly said, "Hold on."

Chu Xiu looked at Bai Qian, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, Sword King City is also ready to intervene in this matter?"

Saying that, Chu Xiu also glanced at Fang Qishao, and Fang Qishao just shrugged, meaning that he didn't know what Bai Qian wanted to do.

Bai Qian shook his head and said, "There are only so few people in my Sword King City, and there is no way to intervene, I just want to give you some advice to Master Chu.

What you want is Liuguang Xieyue, there is no need to force the entire Tibetan Sword Villa to annihilate.

Although the relationship between the five major sword factions is not close, but two people were destroyed at the same time, it is not good to hear it.

Master Chu, you have to forgive people and forgive them. I will bring Liuguang Xieyue for you. You leave the Taoist line of Cangjian Villa. What do you think? "


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