Meet The Leader

Chapter 950: traitorous

After hearing Mei Qinglian's information, Chu Xiu had a look of disbelief.

He had countless guesses before. For example, Li Qiudi was angry at himself, but he suffered a loss last time, so he took advantage of this time that he was suppressed by Xiang Long and came to trouble him.

Or other bigwigs of the hidden demon lineage were dissatisfied with themselves, so they joined forces to put pressure on them to **** Li Qiudi behind their backs, etc.

But he never thought that Li Qiudi appeared beside Xiang Chong because of a man.

Chu Xiu said with a strange look: "If I guessed correctly, Li Qiudi is already quite old, right? How old is that man? Old cows eat tender grass?"

Mei Qinglian waved her hand casually and said, "Of course it's not too small, it's bigger than me anyway.

That Lin Fengyu was a piece of trash. He was only in his twenties when he used the pills left by his ancestors to reach the innate realm. Their ancestors in the Lin family were relatively beautiful, but by his generation, they had completely declined, and he was the only one left in the clan. Therefore, he invested in Xiang Chong, an unloved prince, as a guest.

And it's not that I look down on her, Li Qiudi. She was dumped by a man at the beginning, but now, she is planted on the offspring of that man. She really remembers eating but not beating. That man is not a good thing. She vomited blood.

Now, no matter what Li Qiudi does, I won't be surprised. The word love is the most harmful and can make people lose their minds the most.

Li Qiudi's woman was very paranoid and not very smart, but now she has completely turned into an idiot. "

Chu Xiu wondered: "How do you know that Lin Fengyu is not a good thing?"

Mei Qinglian sneered: "How do you think my news came from? Lin Fengyu himself told Xiang Chong about such detailed things, and was heard by the servants of the Prince's Mansion, and then sold to Zhenwutang. 's spies.

Li Qiudi can be said to be very affectionate to him now, but he sold Li Qiudi in a blink of an eye, and few men are good things. "

Chu Xiu touched his nose and said, "Don't hurt the innocent, there is still a man in front of you."

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows, rolled her eyes at him and said, "Then you mean, what kind of good are you? Those who died in your hands definitely don't think so."

Mei Qinglian's amorous look in her eyes was so charming, even Chu Xiu was in a trance.

He said in surprise: "Your concubine Dafa has made a breakthrough again?"

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "The old lady's appearance is amazing, what's the matter with Guan Gongfa?"

Chu Xiu touched his chin again, and wisely did not argue with Mei Qinglian about this issue. As long as it is a woman, no one is not confident about his appearance.

Men are very open on this point. Anyway, in this arena, few people rely on their faces to eat.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Fang Qishao, who thinks that his handsomeness is comparable to that of Lu Fengxian, and he feels very good about himself.

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said, "The trouble is enough, it doesn't matter if there is one more Li Qiudi, even one Li Qiudi is not a problem.

I rarely misunderstand people, but Xiang Chong has to say, I misunderstood him. This man's desire for power has become a little distorted. "

Mei Qinglian said: "From a prince with the lowest hope of succession to a prince, and it won't be long before he can inherit the throne, such a big pie hits his head, if Xiang Chong is not twisted, then his I am afraid that the scheming is deeper than Xiang Long."

Just when Chu Xiu was about to say something, someone outside suddenly came to report that it was Xiang Li's visit.

Mei Qinglian said in surprise: "What is he doing here? Could it be that he still wants us to help him ascend to the throne?"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Apart from this, what else can he do with us? Besides, why can't we put him on the throne?"

A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Mei Qinglian's face. To be honest, she really didn't expect Chu Xiu to be so courageous.

For a long time, Mei Qinglian thought that Chu Xiu just wanted to protect herself, to keep Zhenwutang's power and foundation in Beiyan.

Who would have thought that what Chu Xiu thought was even more exaggerated, that he actually wanted to interfere in the battle for the throne of Beiyan!

You must know that if Chu Xiu did this, his opponent would not only be Xiang Long, but the entire Beiyan royal family and the Beiyan court!

Mei Qinglian wanted to say something, but Chu Xiu turned around and left.

Mei Qinglian, who was behind her, shook her head, but she didn't intend to persuade Chu Xiu.

He, Chu Xiu, has done a lot of daring things, and this one is not bad.

In the council room, as soon as Xiang Li saw Chu Xiu, he rushed over, grabbed Chu Xiu's hand and shouted, "Master Chu! Help me! Help me!"

Chu Xiu frowned, his true qi slowly bloomed, he fixed Xiang Li's figure, and moved him away.

He was not used to a man holding his hand.

"Don't get excited, Your Highness, the sky hasn't fallen yet, and you haven't died, so why panic?"

Let Xiang Li sit in the chair to calm down, and then Chu Xiu looked at Xiang Li now.

It had only been a few short days, and Xiang Li was almost unrecognizable.

Although the previous Xiang Li was a little arrogant, he had the atmosphere of a royal family.

As a result, now, Xiang Li was slender, and his beard and hair were not in the mood to take care of it, and it was a mess.

In addition to the long-term insomnia, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eye sockets were deeply sunken, which made him look extremely miserable.

During this period of time, Xiang Li was indeed on the verge of being driven insane.

Xiang Chong had been looking forward to the position for so many years, but he also knew that once Xiang Chong settled in this position, he would definitely be the first to operate.

Over the years, he has not suppressed Xiang Chong once or twice. Of course he knows how much his thirteenth brother hates him. Once he ascends the throne, will he still have his own way of survival?

Moreover, there is always no mercy for such things as the throne fights.

His father had even killed his own brother, let alone Xiang Chong.

In the past few days, Xiang Li also saw that the world was in a cold state.

The forces who had promised to rely on him before, the military, the civilians, and the nobles of the royal family, all of them left him decisively after he lost power and fell into Xiang Chong's arms, but he was helpless.

Originally, Xiang Li was still borrowing wine to relieve his worries in his own palace, but unexpectedly heard the news of the conflict between Chu Xiu and Xiang Chong, but he suddenly thought of one thing. Even though Chu Xiu is being suppressed by Xiang Long now, only Chu Xiu can save himself and dare to save himself.

So Xiang Li couldn't wait to go directly to the door, let go of his dignity, let go of everything, and when he saw Chu Xiu, he seemed to grab a life-saving straw and didn't let go.

Xiang Li took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Master Chu, although I'm not dead right now, it's uncertain whether I'll be dead or alive in the future.

I'm here today, and I have prepared for the worst. As long as you can save my life, Master Chu, all my savings can be handed over to you, Master Chu! "

In front of Chu Xiu, Xiang Long didn't even call himself the king anymore.

For him now, life is more important than anything else.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Your Highness doesn't need to be so unreasonably worried, as I said, the sky hasn't fallen yet, and Xiang Chong has not succeeded to the throne.

You have been looking forward to the position of the Crown Prince for more than ten years, and now it is gone. Are you really willing?

Just thinking about saving one's life seemed too timid. "

Speaking of this, Chu Xiu's tone seemed to contain some kind of magic, and Xiang Chong's eyes showed a strange light after hearing it.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to regain everything that belongs to you and ascend to the throne of Beiyan?"

Xiang Li was stunned for a while, then trembled slightly: "Ascension to the throne of Beiyan? Do I still have a chance? That is the order of the father.

Everyone has taken refuge in Xiang Chong, and Donghai Sword Saint Kang Dongming is his master, and he has been blessed by the Nine Dragons Yin.

The prince has everything he has in one day, what can I fight with him? Fight with him? "

Chu Xiu stood up, stared at Xiang Li and said, "I don't need you to fight with him, and I don't need you to fight with him, just leave it to me.

You just need to do as I tell you, and I promise to help you to the throne.

Of course, the premise is that you need to be obedient, otherwise, a pool of mud, no matter how hard I try, will not stick to the wall. "

Chu Xiu's words seemed to carry some kind of magic, but Xiang Li's panicked heart stabilized a little.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Xiang Li still trembled slightly and said, "Master can you really help me regain the throne?"

"Trust me, then you can!"

Xiang Long was still a little puzzled: "But Master Chu, why are you doing this? What can you get?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Bei Yan, it is not the Bei Yan of your royal father, nor is it the Bei Yan of the Xiang family alone.

Xiang Chong has everything from your father, so of course, you must resolutely implement your father's policy.

Therefore, when he becomes the emperor, it will affect my interests, and I am very unhappy.

Put you on the throne, Beiyan, I will help you guard.

Jiangshan is yours.

Jianghu is mine. "

Chu Xiu's ambitious, even naked/naked/naked **** for power reassured Xiang Long.

Don't say that Chu Xiu just wants to share with him the Northern Yanjiang Mountains that do not belong to him. Even if Chu Xiu wants to be the emperor and only leave him a lifetime of wealth, Xiang Li is willing.

No one wants to die, Xiang Li doesn't want to die, so even if he sells everything, as long as he can live, he is willing to do it.

So Xiang Li didn't even think about it, he nodded heavily and agreed: "As long as Master Chu can help me win the throne, I can promise everything!

In this country of Beiyan, the general surname is Xiang, and half of the surname is Chu! "

Hearing this, Chu Xiu's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

Mei Qinglian was still listening to the movement outside the door, of course not eavesdropping, but listening openly.

Hearing Xiang Li's words at this time, that the betrayer sold so neatly, she couldn't help shaking her head.

Chu Xiu's method is even more extreme than the people of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect.

People just attract people's inner demons, but Chu Xiu is better, even if others don't have inner demons, he can pull people into the devil's way.


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