Meet The Leader

Chapter 966: Taoist war

There may have been conflicts between Daguang Temple and Chunyang Daomen before, but the two sides were only conflicts, not fierce battles, so no one was killed.

But this time Ye Xiao killed someone, and he killed a disciple that Daguang Temple values ​​so much. How can this make Daguang Temple not angry?

As soon as the news came back, even if it was a false statement, he couldn't suppress his anger at this time, so he directly brought two old monks of the Jingzi generation and a group of disciples from the Daguang Temple to the trouble of Chunyang Daomen.

In Chunyang Daomen, Xiyunzi and Shouzhenzi also covered their heads with headaches.

Xiyunzi stared at Ye Xiao with some bad eyes: "I said how did you kill the people of Daguang Temple?"

Compared to Shouzhenzi, Yuyunzi is actually more sensitive.

Before, he also felt that Ye Xiao was chivalrous, but now it seems that his actions are not ordinary ruthless.

Is there such a chivalrous person?

Ye Xiao's heart froze, and he also knew that he was a little anxious this time.

In fact, his original plan was not like this.

Chu Xiu just asked him to provoke the grievance between Daguang Temple and Chunyang Daomen, and he did not set a time for Ye Xiao.

So Ye Xiao's original plan was to intensify the other party's contradictions little by little.

He killed that Yanguang before, just because the other party was being protected too obviously, and it was a little conspicuous.

But who would have thought that that guy was so valued by the people of Daguang Temple, and if he killed him, Daguang Temple went crazy.

So if he didn't explain well this time, it would be a little dangerous.

He was apprehensive in his heart, but on the surface Ye Xiao made a righteous and dignified look and said: "To fight an enemy is to kill. You taught me before that since I joined the sect, then the interests of the sect should come first.

Since we and Daguang Temple are enemies, why can't I kill people?

I don't understand the twists and turns between you big factions, but now it seems that I am in trouble by killing people.

If the monks come to make trouble, I will go up and fight with them! "

Shouzhenzi sighed, waved his hand and said to Xiyunzi: "Don't blame him, he is a loose cultivator, he really doesn't know the interests of the major factions.

Don't forget the scene when we first saw him before, and it's our fault that we didn't give him a good mention, which is why we look like this today. "

Hearing Shouzhenzi say this, Xiyunzi only remembered that when they first met Ye Xiao, Kuangguan picked up the entire Jiaolong Village with one person, and beheaded Chen Wujiao in front of everyone, and even killed Chen Wujiao. When they recruited each other to enter Chunyang Daomen, the other party was still holding a human head.

It is conceivable that although the other party is jealous of evil, it is from the bottom of the rivers and lakes, and his hands are also covered with countless blood and human lives.

Such people do not really understand the checks and balances between the major factions, and there are all kinds of intrigue. For them, the enemy is the enemy, and they are done by killing them directly. Why bother with so many complicated things?

Xiyunzi sighed, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's none of your business.

You are now a disciple of my Chunyang Daomen. No matter when my Chunyang Daomen is, I will never throw my disciples out to take the blame.

there is always a solution to a problem. The big deal is to fight with those monks.

You go down first. "

After letting Ye Xiao go down, Xi Yunzi said to Shouzhenzi: "Uncle, do you think those monks will really come?"

Shouzhenzi shook his head and said: "Who knows, if the Daguang Temple is from another martial arts institute this time, there may be some discussions.

However, this time the Daguang Temple came to the King Kong Academy, which was a bit tricky.

The guys from the King Kong Academy are very ill-tempered, and now that someone is dead, even if they don't want to shoot, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop the people below. "

Xiyunzi scratched his head and said, "They're not afraid of taking action, but what I'm afraid of is that the guys from Daguang Temple are really coming, making Chu Xiu lively."

Shouzhenzi also sighed: "After all, it was our side who killed people, and this time, we can only see the attitude of Daguang Temple."

At this time, in the Daguang Temple, Shouzhenzi had a deep understanding of the Daguang Temple, and the false statement was able to maintain reason, but it did not mean that other people could also maintain reason.

Chunyang Daomen took the lead in killing their disciples this time. If there is no explanation for this matter, it will be unbearable for anyone else.

So even if Xu Yan wanted to investigate the matter clearly before starting, but he had to be coerced together to find trouble with Chunyang Daomen.

The false words called back all the people who were searching for disciples outside, and the Jingangyuan directly gathered together and went to Chunyang Daomen to find their troubles in the sub-rudder of Beiyan.

Because this time Chunyang Daomen was called by Xiang Long himself, so their sub-rudders in Beiyan were also prepared for them by Xiang Long, just on the edge of Dongcheng, all the surrounding areas were evacuated and allocated to Chunyang door.

At this time, the disciples of the Daguang Temple had surrounded all the sub-rudders of Chunyang Daomen, and Xiyunzi walked out with a smile: "I said everyone, with such a big battle, who are you frightening? What is there? Can't you speak well?"

He said with a blank face: "Of course you can say it well.

Chu Xiu has a saying that is quite right, killing people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay.

Hand over the person who killed my disciples at Daguang Temple, and the matter will be over. "

Yu Yunzi raised her eyebrows slightly.

Not to mention that the murderer was a disciple like Ye Xiao that they valued very much, even if it was an ordinary disciple of the Pure Yang Dao sect, they would not hand it over.

After handing over someone, it will chill the disciple's heart. For a big sect like Chunyang Daomen, it's okay to be tough, but it's impossible to admit it.

Xiyunzi shook his head and sighed: "Master Xuyan, this is your fault, you need to know that monks are compassionate.

Don’t your Buddhist schools pay attention to putting down the butcher’s knife and becoming a Buddha on the spot? Now that this disciple of Chunyang Daomen has decided to put down the butcher's knife, can't this matter be uncovered? "

Xu Yan was still expressionless and said: "Put down the butcher knife? Well, send him to my Daguangming Temple. My Daguang Temple will help him save his murderous intentions and help him become a Buddha!"

Xiyunzi frowned and said, "It's really impossible to discuss this matter?"

Falsely said coldly: "Do it!"

The words fell, and the disciples of the Daguang Temple have rushed towards the Chunyang Daomen.

This time, Chunyang Daomen really angered them. You must know that although Chu Xiu also killed people last time, he was not the official disciple of their Daguang Temple after all.

Although the Buddha said that all living beings are equal, it is clear that whether it is a false statement or other people in the Daguang Temple, their cultivation base has not reached the level of equality of all living beings, so the killing of outsiders and the killing of one's own family are basically two concepts.

Xiyunzi was helpless, and had to let the people of Chunyang Daomen take action and resist together.

In terms of number of people, Chunyang Daomen is at a disadvantage, but fortunately the people brought by Chunyang Daomen are not weak.

Shouzhenzi blocked the two high-ranking monks from Daguangming Temple alone, and Yuyunzi fought against Xuyan with the magic weapon Chunyang in his hand, and he didn't have to worry about being defeated for a while.

However, other pure Yang Taoist warriors are not so optimistic.

Their number was originally small, and their strength did not surpass that of Daguang Temple's warriors, so they were even suppressed.

At this time, Ye Xiao was in the rudder, and some other newly recruited disciples of Chunyang Daomen were also among them. With their strength, going out would be a death sentence.

At this time, Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and was about to go out with his sword in hand.

Taoist priest Xuan, who was in charge of protecting them, said quickly: "I said ancestors, what are you doing here?"

Ye Xiao killed people before, because he was the leader of the team, so he was not supervising.

Ye Xiao pointed to the outside and said, "The other brothers and sisters are still fighting hard outside. You let me live here?"

Taoist priest Xuan said helplessly: "But with your current strength, it's useless to go out."

Ye Xiao shook his head and said: "They are useless, but I am useful, brother, since I joined Chunyang Daomen, I am a person of Chunyang Daomen.

Seeing other people working hard outside, I turned a blind eye here, sorry, I can't do this, is it possible that you can do it, brother? "

Master Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I can't do it either!"

Ye Xiao waved his hand: "If that's the case, then let's go out together, the other junior brothers can't Just let them stay here."

After speaking, Ye Xiao went straight out, and Taoist Xuan had to grit his teeth and followed after seeing this.

The battle was already formed outside, but Ye Xiao looked around subconsciously.

After the accident, he passed the news to Chu Xiu through Zhenwutang's hidden stake in Yanjing City, and Chu Xiu only replied to him, that is to let him find a chance to escape, and Chu Xiu secretly helped him. .

But what about the Chuxiu people now? All parties are fighting fiercely. How could Chu Xiu take him away in public? Or did he find a chance to get out on his own?

But at this moment, Ye Xiao was being watched.

It was a shirtless young monk, with knotted muscles all over his body, his chest, back and arms were engraved with Buddhist seals, radiating dazzling brilliance.

After seeing Ye Xiao, the monk immediately recognized that Ye Xiao was the one who killed Yanguang. He directly punched Ye Xiao without saying a word.

Ye Xiao and Taoist Xuan were aware of this fluctuation at the same time, and the two of them attacked with swords almost at the same time, but they were blown away with a punch.

Taoist priest Xuan said in shock: "Damn it! It's the extension of the 'King Xiaoming'!"

The other party is another young warrior who has been on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking since the "King Ming" Zongxuandi stepped into the True Pill Realm in Daguang Temple.

Because the other party's martial arts are very similar to Zong Xuan, they both take the ultimate physical strength route, and even their behaviors are somewhat similar, so he is also called 'Xiao Ming Wang' by Jianghu people.

This person has already reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and Ye Xiao and Taoist Xuan can't stop him at all.

But at this time, a subtle voice suddenly sounded from Ye Xiao's ear: "Lead him to the edge of the battlefield!"


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