Meet The Leader

Chapter 985: ready to break through

After the first battle for the throne, the entire Beiyan was not in chaos.

In addition to the further power of Zhenwutang, other forces have not changed much. Of course, the two branches of Taoism and Buddhism left directly.

Xiang Li was supported by Chu Xiu to the throne, and Zhenwutang became the supreme leader of Beiyan Jianghu. There is no point in continuing to build this sub-rudder.

After everything was done, everyone went back to Zhenwu Hall. Wei Shuya looked at Lu Jianghe and asked, "Who is this fellow? Why have you never met me before?"

As an old man in the Hidden Demon lineage, there are magic Dao warriors in this world, whether they are from the Ming Demon lineage or the Hidden Demon lineage, or some loose cultivators, except for some loose cultivators who are not strong enough, the rest Almost all of Wei Shuya knew him, but Lu Jianghe was really good-natured.

At this time, Lu Jianghe has not returned to the peak. After absorbing the qi and blood of the ancestors of Huangfu, the remaining qi and blood have not been absorbed much and the battle has ended, so the cultivation level at this time is only about the real fire. It's only in the middle stage of Refining God Realm, which is far worse than his peak period.

Hearing the words, Lu Jianghe said proudly: "Who is this? This seat is Lu Jianghe, the Blood Sea Demon Venerable five hundred years ago!"

Wei Shuya frowned and said, "The Sea of ​​Blood Demon? Is there a Sea of ​​Blood Demon among the Four Great Demons?"

At this moment, Mei Qinglian seemed to remember something, and she suddenly said: "You are the one who offended the leader because of your cheap mouth, but you have no strength as a Demon Lord, but you want to call yourself a Demon Lord Lu Jianghe, my master is giving I mentioned you when I talked about the history of the Holy Religion, saying that you were the most wonderful person in the history of the Holy Religion!"

Hearing this, Lu Jianghe's complexion turned dark: "Little girl, don't think you're pretty and I won't hit you!

Why are there so many long-tongued women in your Yin Demon Sect? Fortunately, your master is dead, or else I will teach her a hundred times to let her know what a wonderful flower is! "

Mei Qinglian directly told Lu Jianghe's pain point in one sentence, Lu Jianghe really wanted to beat people.

But he had been with Chu Xiu for so long, and he had long suspected that Chu Xiu had an affair with this little girl from the Yin Demon Sect. Seeing Chu Xiu's face... or his fist, he endured it!

Hearing what Mei Qinglian said, as long as the people present were from the Kunlun Demon Sect, almost all showed a clear expression, obviously they all remembered who Lu Jianghe was.

After all, the history of the Kunlun Demon Sect is so long, and the head of the church is already a high-level leader of the Kunlun Demon Sect. What's more, Lu Jianghe was really famous in the old Kunlun Demon Sect. Of course, as Mei Qinglian said , He is such a wonderful person, it's hard to think of a famous person.

For so many years, the warriors under the Kunlun Demon Sect have betrayed and disobeyed discipline, but they have never been as bizarre as Lu Jianghe, who was thrown into a bead by Dugu Yume and trapped for five hundred years because of his cheap mouth.

Chu Xiu coughed: "I found the blood soul bead that banned Lu Jianghe in the past, but it's just because of certain circumstances that I only let him out now."

Everyone present had a clear look, obviously they all knew what Chu Xiu was talking about.

With Chu Xiu's character, if he didn't have enough confidence, how could he let out such a guy whose enemy is unknown to me?

And including Wei Shuya, everyone present didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

The Kunlun Demon Sect was all five hundred years ago. Now if Dugu was the only one to come forward, they would immediately kneel and be loyal, and follow the leader to conquer the world again.

But a hall master is not worthy of their treatment, especially such a strange creature as Lu Jianghe, which really makes them unable to respect him.

After the dispute over the throne of Beiyan was resolved, Wei Shuya had to take Chu Wuji to leave Beiyan and return to Dongqi.

Chu Xiu originally wanted Wei Shuya to settle down in Beiyan completely. After all, Beiyan has now become his territory.

But Wei Shuya refused. He had to go back to Dongqi to pack up some things, to be precise, to pack up some people.

For the other people in the hidden demon lineage, Wei Shuya really felt a little cold.

If the Hidden Demons depended on them, they would have been wiped out eight times by now.

It just so happened that this time Chu Xiu had completely risen in Beiyan, and Situ Qi and others had done so much again, and Wei Shuya was not afraid to turn his face against them completely.

He was going to change the attitude of the Buddhist system that he didn't care about anything before, and wanted to recruit those Loose Cultivators in the Hidden Demon lineage.

These people are the future hope of their hidden demons, and they have not yet abandoned their old fritters, which are worth cultivating.

After Wei Shuya left, Chu Xiu took out the blood red he had taken from the ancestor of Huangfu, and asked Lu Jianghe, "Can this magic spear be repaired?"

Lu Jianghe glanced at it and said, "Repair can definitely be repaired, but it needs to be repaired using the bones of the experts in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. Where can you find this?

I can give you a few suggestions, go to Fengyun Sword Tomb to see, there can be more than one top kendo powerhouse buried in it, and there must be the existence of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. "

Chu Xiu said angrily: "Of course there is not only a strong swordsman buried there, but also countless murderous things.

I'm going to Fengyun Sword Tomb to dig graves, can't I find death? "

Last time, the nameless old man in Fengyun Sword Tomb took out a sword soul directly. God knows what else is in Fengyun Sword Tomb. With Chu Xiu's current strength, going to Fengyun Sword Tomb to dig graves is simply seeking death.

Lu Jianghe shrugged and said, "Then there is no other way. Apart from digging graves, do you still want to slaughter a powerhouse in the realm of Heaven, Earth, and Profound Realm?"

Mei Qinglian on the side felt a little speechless listening to the conversation between the two of them.

No wonder her master had said before that the hall master of the Gorefiend Hall was simply a weirdo, but now it seems to be the case, and it is extremely unreliable.

Chu Xiu was too lazy to talk to Lu Jianghe, he said directly: "During this time, the power of Zhenwutang has been re-distributed to the entire river and lake, and the previous grievances will be ignored for the time being. If there is resistance now, just kill them!

If you have trouble, go to Lu Jianghe directly. If Lu Jianghe can't solve it, go to the store owner for help. In short, no matter what happens during this time, don't disturb me in retreat. "

Lu Jianghe was slightly dissatisfied: "Chu Xiu, are you using this seat as a thug?"

He is a dignified blood sea devil, well, even if this title is not recognized by others, the position of the blood devil hall master is still recognized. Even the four big devils in the past were not qualified to drive him.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you not a thug? Could it be that you stayed in Zhenwutang and wanted to eat and drink for nothing?

Of course, you can also choose to leave, I won't stop you, but are you sure that you are the remnant of the Kunlun Demon Sect and can do whatever you want on the current rivers and lakes? "

Lu Jianghe shuddered when he heard the words, he really didn't have this confidence.

Five hundred years ago, the strong in the arena were very strong, and they are not weak now.

The 500-year-old Celestial Master from the Tianshi Mansion, the bald donkey from the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple, and some low-key righteous powerhouses, Lu Jianghe didn’t know what to do with them, so they stayed in Zhenwutang. , at least there is Shang Tianliang, who is finally regarded as a normal Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan Realm powerhouse.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lu Jianghe has never been sure what the relationship between Chu Xiu and Dugu Sect Master is.

The unknown is the most terrifying. Lu Jianghe is not afraid of others, but Dugu is the only one who is afraid of me.

So even if he was very upset, Lu Jianghe had to obediently prepare to stay in Zhenwu Hall as a thug.

Of course, it is also good to think in a different direction. He has not recovered his strength yet. There is still a chance to shoot in the Zhenwu Hall. He is fighting, maybe he will return to the peak.

At this time, Mei Qinglian didn't care about Lu Jianghe's stay. She heard that Chu Xiu was going to retreat, so she couldn't be disturbed. She suddenly moved in her heart and said, "Are you going to break through the realm of real fire?"

Although Chu Xiu always retreated before, it was only a normal retreat. Once something happened, Chu Xiu could go out at any time.

But this time Chu Xiu is so serious, obviously this retreat is very important to him.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Almost, I have reached the bottleneck before, but you know that the bottleneck of the real Dan realm entering the real fire refining spirit realm, you need to understand, not forcibly break through, so I have never been there. Specifically to manage.

This time, thanks to the blood red mention, I saw some things in it, and I also realized some things. This time the retreat As long as there are no accidents, it is possible to step into the real real world. Fire refining **** realm. "

The old scenes seen in the blood red mention really helped Chu Xiu a lot, not only let him realize the sword intent of Dugu only me, but also loosened his previous strong bottleneck.

This time, Chu Xiu's step into the realm of real fire refining the spirit is almost a sure thing, of course, it is not ruled out that there are accidents. After all, there is only one person in the whole world who has achieved real fire refining of the gods and real fire of the body at the same time.

Chen Qingdi looked at his appearance, he should have given up the plan to refine the gods with real fire, he is going to directly use his strength to prove the Tao, cultivate the physical body to the extreme peak, and even break the barriers between heaven and earth, and step into the heaven and earth with the physical body. to the point of.

So now that Chu Xiu has made a breakthrough like this, it can be called the first person on the rivers and lakes. The road ahead is unpredictable, and it is hard to say whether there will be any accidents.

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't say these things, but the other people in Zhenwu Hall were very excited.

The stronger Chu Xiu's strength, the more reassuring their subordinates will be.

With such a strong person as the boss, no one would be reluctant.

After ordering everything, Chu Xiu went to the secret room to retreat.

Lu Jianghe shrugged, looked at Mei Qinglian and said, "Little girl, call me Lord Mozun in the future, tell me, what should I do next?"

Mei Qinglian raised her head and looked at the burly Lu Jianghe, she was really a good material for a thug, and Chu Xiu had a good eye.

She showed a charming smile and said: "Some people in Jianghu watched my Zhenwutang shrink its power before, and thought it was my Zhenwutang who was afraid, but he did a lot of outrageous things and went too far.

So, of course we are going to kill people, let's go, Lord Mozun. "


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