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Chapter 999: unparalleled power

With the strength of one person, Chu Xiu's strength is simply frighteningly powerful.

Situ Qi's complexion had completely changed. He had calculated so much, but the only thing he didn't count was that Chu Xiu's strength had already reached such a level that he was simply regarded as nothing by ordinary warriors of the same rank.

Since stepping into the realm of real fire refining, in fact, Chu Xiu has only really shot twice.

The first time was with Shang Tianliang, and the second time was with Xuyun.

It's just that when he started with Xuyun, only one Sheng Beixuan saw it. At that time, the magic line had not yet come.

This time, everyone finally saw Chu Xiu's strength, which was simply a horror.

Seeing that Chu Xiu continued to walk towards Han Qiuhong, this time it was not only the people in the magic way, but even Xu Jing and Xu Du also attacked Chu Xiu.

Of course, they are not helping Situ to abandon them, but now the magic power of Chu Xiu is indeed amazing. Other people in the magic way are not terrible, but Chu Xiu is terrible!

As soon as Xudu and Xujing left, the two true fire-refining **** realm warriors from the mall who had fought with them before heaved a sigh of relief.

Before, the two of them were fighting against Xu Du and Xu Jing. Although they did not lose, they were unilaterally crushed.

It is suitable for the warriors in the mall to bully the weak, but when facing warriors of the same rank, it is indeed not very dominant. The only advantage may be that they are more resistant to beatings, and they will not lose so fast.

Chu Xiu attracted such a huge force to besiege him alone, but it made Mei Qinglian and others feel a lot easier.

Seeing that Xu Jing and Xu Du were also attacking him, Chu Xiu couldn't help sneering: "Is Daguang Temple going to join forces with Demon Dao now?

Who said before that hatred is like hatred? "

Xu Jing didn't speak, Xu Du just laughed and said: "Chu Xiu, don't blame us for this, Buddha and his old man have a saying that the higher you stand, the worse you fall.

You have taken all the benefits away, the devil sees you as unhappy, we see you as jealous, we don't shoot at you, who is it?

Be low-key, hello, hello, everyone. "

Xu Jing's face turned black and said: "Buddha didn't say this! Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

When the voice fell, Xu Jing had already squeezed the lotus seal. In an instant, countless golden lotuses bloomed in the space around Chu Xiu, but they did not move. Instead, they blocked all the positions around Chu Xiu that could be avoided.

Xudu is the Buddha's light shining all over his body. The Buddha's Dharma, the Diamond Dharma, and the King Ming Dharma all bloom together. He looks magnificent, but in fact, there is no solemn feeling of the Dharma, but it looks a bit messy.

However, although it was chaotic, the power of each of these dharma images was completely different, and the power was incomparably terrifying.

Xu Jing and Xu Du are obviously different from others in their shots. They cooperate tacitly and complement each other. In addition, they are the first of the three major meditation halls in Daguang Temple. They belong to the upper class among warriors of the same rank. The two are worth it. Before going up, several people besieged Chu Xiu.

Moreover, the other magic practitioners were not idle at this time. They always looked for an opportunity to make a shot. If they missed a hit, they immediately fled far away.

Among the righteous warriors present, the only ones who did not take action were Senior Qing and Xuanlongzi from Longhu Mountain.

Seeing other people fighting there, he could only watch from the side, which made Xuan Longzi scratch his head.

He is the kind of character who can't be idle, let alone in this situation he can only be a spectator.

"I said, Senior Qing, let's just keep watching, and don't make a move?"

Senior Qing said indifferently: "Shoot? Who are you going to fight? That Shang Tianliang who is in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm?

I still want to serve the Heavenly Master for a few more years. I wouldn't do such an unsure thing, the old man.

As for fighting with Chu Xiu, you haven't heard a word, called Quan afraid of young strong?

The old man, I am so old, and this young man is so fierce, if he accidentally punches him a few times, it will not feel good. "

Xuan Longzi pouted in secret.

There is an old man in a family, if there is a treasure. As a result, the two elders of Longhu Mountain will only rely on the old to sell the old.

From the first time Xuan Longzi saw this senior Qing, he was in this half-dead appearance, looking older than the old celestial master.

As a result, the guy named Yuan Tianfang from the hidden demon lineage came to provoke him, but he was still slapped and slapped, very fierce.

Senior Qing said solemnly: "Xuanlongzi, you are good at everything, just this heart, you can't calm down, so the old Tianshi gave the Tianshi Mansion to Zhang Daoling to take care of it, not the more talented one. you."

Xuan Longzi pouted and said, "It's not uncommon for me to give it to me. Zhang Daoling can stand loneliness, but I don't have that patience."

Senior Qing glared at Xuan Longzi and said, "Tough mouth! The old master meant to make you more stable.

A smart person takes one step and counts ten steps. Can you be so smart? If you can't do it, then before taking this step, think about him ten times to see if you can take this step.

Right now is not the time when my Tianshi Mansion should take action, the real drama is still to come.

Strength should be used on the edge of the blade, and it is not worth it to fight and fight bitterly here. "

Listening to Senior Qing's lesson, Xuan Longzi had a helpless expression on his face, so he could only stand there and watch Chu Xiu fight fiercely there. To be precise, it was him, fighting a group of people.

The masters of Taoism and Buddhism are besieged by turns, and this kind of treatment is not something that ordinary people can have.

After a series of fierce battles, Chu Xiu was also angry.

Chu Xiu, the magic warrior, really doesn't care much, it's just a mob.

No wonder the demon lineage is on the wane now, except for the Moon Worship Cult, the hidden demon lineage and those scattered demons, there are really not many strong people, all of them are mediocre people who rest on their laurels.

Although in the eyes of other people, those who can step into the real dan realm or the real fire refining **** realm are all amazing people, but from Chu Xiu's perspective, they are simply a group of mediocre people.

The real tricky thing is that Xu Jing and Xu Du joined forces. Although these two people couldn't hurt Chu Xiu, they cooperated tacitly, causing a lot of trouble to Chu Xiu.

Holding the Peerless Heavenly Sword in his hand tightly, Chu Xiu was enveloped in an extremely mysterious sword intent.

Before the knife was cut out, Xu Jing's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately said: "Withdraw!"

Xu Du was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Xu Jing meant, until Xu Jing shouted to withdraw again, and he was ready to retreat.

Although in the Daguang Temple, Xudu often likes to raise the bar and is a famous bar spirit, but he also knows when he can raise the bar and when he can't.

Although Xudu didn't find anything wrong at the moment, but Xu Jing practiced the way of cause and effect, his perception is quite amazing, since Xu Jing said to withdraw, then there is naturally a reason to withdraw.

But at the moment when Xudu retreated, Chu Xiu's knife finally fell.

The knife is out, the mountains and rivers change color!

This is a knife that Chu Xiu has not yet fully controlled. To be precise, he has not even understood it.

This knife was seen by Chu Xiu in the blood-red vision. When he was fighting with Kang Dongming, he used this knife with the power that was almost Dugu only me. Even in the end, the hazy feeling of this knife It has been imprinted in Chu Xiu's bones, but in fact, he still hasn't fully understood it.

But even so, the power of this knife is beyond everyone's imagination.

The sword light that seemed to cover the sky fell, and everything would shatter wherever it passed.

Countless lotus petals exuding Buddha's light have been shattered in an instant, and Xudu's innumerable Buddha's Vajra and other messy dharmas have also begun to crack, and the speed is almost faster than Xudu's escape.

And the other magic warriors who secretly attacked him were even worse.

They all heard Xu Ci shouting for withdrawal before, but they didn't care and didn't believe it.

They are not vain, they have confidence in their senior brothers.

Under Chu Xiu's sword, any martial arts power, any weapons and weapons, all shattered!

Even some people couldn't resist the powerful sword intent, and their inner organs were directly leaked by the sword intent, and blood spurted out and sprinkled on the ground, like a drizzle of drops.

After the knife, Chu Xiu did not continue to use the knife, but secretly let out a long breath.

The last time when he fought with Kang Dongming, the power of Chu Xiu's use of this sword came from the power of Dugu and I.

As a result, now let Chu Xiu condense that power, but he can't do it, so what this knife consumes is his own power.

Chu Xiu didn't expect that the consumption of this knife would be so was beyond his imagination.

Of course, this effect is also extremely amazing. After the knife, everyone has retreated, and some have even been directly injured, so they can no longer cause trouble for Chu Xiu.

After stabilizing his breath, Chu Xiu squinted and walked towards Han Qiuhong.

At this time, Han Qiuhong was also very miserable.

In front of him were a group of golden-colored Gu worms, but they were all cut into two pieces.

Those Gu worms are the Vajra Gus that he carefully raised. Adult Gu worms can even be compared to divine soldiers. Once a lot of Vajra Gu worms appear, even Daguang Temple warriors who have cultivated into golden bodies will be directly bitten through.

Seeing Chu Xiu approaching, Han Qiuhong stepped back in horror. At the same time, a large number of Gu worms flew out of his body.

As a Miaojiang martial artist who specializes in cultivating Gu Dao, Han Qiuhong's real combat power is not strong, not even a Gu insect, and even inferior to those martial artists from the mall.

But unfortunately, these little bugs didn't have much effect on the current Chu Xiu.

With a wave of his hand, the world-destroying fire bloomed, and no matter what kind of Gu worm, it has completely dissipated into fly ash in the world-destroying fire.

Stepping out one step, Chu Xiu came to Han Qiuhong completely, and the powerful aura overwhelmed him so much that he couldn't even lift his head.

Han Qiuhong couldn't help begging for mercy: "Master Chu spare my life! If it wasn't for that fellow Situ Qi to confuse me, I would never dare to be your enemy, Master Chu!"

Chu Xiu said with an expressionless face: "He bewitched you to believe, he has no opinion at all, what is the use of living?"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the world-destroying fire had already burned into Han Qiuhong's body, and in his miserable wailing, it was completely burned to ashes!


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