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Chapter 1006: Jun Wushen

The inner demon is right, no one is born crazy, and no one is born evil or good.

All of Kuang Xieyue's experiences were in the illusion, and Chu Xiu could see it.

For the existence of the heart demon, who once built the illusion that can confuse the heaven and earth and the powerhouse, it is very simple to confuse Kuang Xieyue, who has a great loophole in his state of mind, and even conceal any changes in his heart. But Heart Demon and Chu Xiu.

So Chu Xiu said, Kuang Xieyue was pitiful.

However, everyone in the world suffers, and in this world, who is not pitiful? Who doesn't deserve sympathy?

Chu Xiu's heart is as hard as iron, and he will kill for pity, but also for sympathy.

However, at this moment, seeing that Chu Xiu stabbed Kuang Xieyue to death, everyone was stunned, including Lin Canglong.

He didn't make a move before, not because he didn't want to save Kuang Xieyue, but because he was trying to figure out how he could pull this guy Kuang Xieyue back, and don't let him continue to die.

They are all divine generals of Tianmen. Lin Canglong knows the strength of Kuang Xieyue. On the premise of using the Xieyue Saber, Kuang Xieyue can at least last for a while, but who would have thought that Kuang Xieyue would be killed by Chu Xiu like this. stabbed to death.

This knife is simply inexplicable. The illusion built by the demons lasts a long time, so long that Kuang Xieyue can remember the most painful period of time.

But in the outside world, it was only a moment, at that moment, Kuang Xieyue's heart defense was completely lost, and Chu Xiu was stabbed to death without any resistance.

Pointing at Chu Xiu, Lin Canglong's eyes were full of anger and disbelief.

He, Chu Xiu, actually dared to kill the divine general of Tianmen!

However, Lin Canglong was not idiot enough to seek revenge on Chu Xiu at such a time.

His strength is stronger than the normal Kuang Xieyue, but it is not stronger than the state of madness, Kuang Xieyue who used the Xieyue Sword.

In this state, Kuang Xieyue was killed by Chu Xiu, and now he can only go back to Tianmen first, and tell the sect master.

Seeing Lin Canglong fleeing, Chu Xiu did not go after him.

There are far more important things than Lin Canglong. As for the feud between him and Tianmen, it cannot be solved by killing Lin Canglong. There are so many people watching.

Chu Xiu held his hand on the evil moon knife, and instantly there was a feeling of resistance on the evil moon knife, and even a frantic killing intent continued to affect Chu Xiu.

This knife is indeed the magic soldier among the magic soldiers. At the same time, it is powerful, but the spirit of the tool has already begun to overwhelm its users, affecting its users.

Even the current Chu Xiu couldn't suppress it, so Chu Xiu threw it directly into the space secret box, but no one paid attention at this time. From the corpse of Kuang Xieyue, a faint light actually shone. Come.

At the same time, far away in the Tianmen of West Kunlun, in the drowsy hall, nine strange dragon-shaped lamps and candles suddenly went out.

The next moment, a black-robed, red-haired man appeared in the hall, stared at the extinguished candle, and suddenly said, "Kang Xieyue, dead."

This black-robed, red-haired man is Wushen, the lord of Tianmenmen.

But when he learned that Kuang Xieyue was dead, he didn't feel any sadness or anger. This sentence seemed to be just a statement.

At this time, another figure appeared in the hall. It was an old man wearing a dragon-patterned robe, and a pair of purple-gold boots with gold-painted dragons under his feet were very luxurious.

He is tall and mighty, with a lion nose and tiger eyes, just standing there, giving people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

"Kang Xieyue is actually dead? Someone dares to kill my Heavenly Gate God!"

The old man's voice was like a thunderous roar, causing the entire hall to rumble.

Jun Wushen said with an expressionless face: "The gods of Tianmen are also human. There are many people in the rivers and lakes who dare to kill me and kill me."

The old man snorted coldly: "Do not worry, the door owner, I will find someone to replace my ban for three months... No! I will bring back that person's head in two months!"

Jun Wushen shook his head and said: "No need, I will go in person, open the Qiankun Wuji Formation, and directly send me to Kuang Xieyue's side, people, should have not left yet.

There are indeed many people in this arena who can kill me, but how many people are still alive after they can kill me? "

The old man said in amazement: "But the sect master, once the Qiankun Promise Formation is used, it will affect the ban.

It's better for me to go there. You won't have to worry about this trivial matter.

Hey, it's just a pity Kuang Xieyue, he was the person I was most optimistic about back then, but it's a pity that he lost his mood and destroyed himself.

Even if he is not killed this time, when the next time the gods will be ranked, he will go crazy again and won't be able to keep his position. "

Jun Wushen did not agree or refute, just looked at the old man and said again: "Open the Qiankun Promise Formation."

The old man opened his mouth and didn't say a word again. He could only sigh and control the complicated formation in the hall. The next moment, a powerful wave poured directly into the hall, the void was torn apart, and a black streak appeared. of cracks.

Jun Wushen stepped into it, and when the crack disappeared, the old man sighed.

An eventful autumn.

At this time, in Liaodong County, Northland, next to a small village not far from the snow city in the extreme north, a figure in white was walking in the heavy snow.

The outside world is obviously cold winter and heavy snow, but the ground around him is as warm as spring. The ground he walks on, the snow and ice melts, and even tender shoots emerge, but as he walks away, the tender shoots are. In an instant, it withered, and in an instant, it was covered by heavy snow.

In an instant, the Four Seasons Withering Rong was repeated at his feet.

The figure in white looked like a young man in his twenties, with loose hair and a red slender mark on his forehead, as if it was a closed vertical eye.

He is obviously a young man, but he has an indescribable temperament in him, not old age, but a sense of vicissitudes brought about by the passage of time.

In an instant, the vicissitudes of life.

Compared with the desolate and uninhabited Northland, although Liaodong County is also covered by snow for most of the year, there are still normal people living there. This is the case in this small village.

At this time, a seven- or eight-year-old child was building a snowman outside the village, wrapped in layers of cotton-padded clothes, round and round like a little bear.

The young man walked up to the child, leaned down and asked, "Excuse me, where is the north?"

The child was enveloped in a warm feeling, without the slightest fear of life, pointed in one direction, and said crisply: "There."


The young man touched the child's head, and in an instant, a slight ray of light poured into the child's body.

At this time, if someone examines the child's body, they will be horrified to find that although the child is young, the meridians in his whole body are already extremely transparent.

Of course, the child naturally didn't know this at this time. The young man stood up, stepped out, and disappeared in front of the child's eyes. This suddenly made him open his mouth in surprise.

After wiping his nose, the boy turned back and shouted at the village, "Auntie! Come out and see the gods!"

A loud shout resembling the roar of a lion in the Great Brightness Temple came out from the village: "My mother looks like a fairy! The little bunny will come back to eat without being dumbfounded? If you don't come back, I will give you an eight-petaled ass!"


At this time, in the primitive demon cave, most of the people were still in a state of shock, and they were shocked that Chu Xiu had actually stabbed a Heavenly Sect **** to death.

But at this moment, there was an astonishing wave in the void, and the space was torn apart layer by layer.

Everyone looked over there in amazement, even thinking that this primitive cave was about to collapse, and they were ready to escape from the treasure at any time.

But as the space was torn apart layer by layer, a portal was formed, and a black-robed, red-haired figure walked out from it.

Everyone present was stunned, obviously no one could recognize who this person was.

Only the senior Qing, who had never made a move, suddenly stood up straight, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Why is he here?

At this time, Lin Canglong, who had already escaped a long distance, sensed the aura. He immediately ran back at the fastest speed and shouted in surprise, "Sect Master! Why are you here?"

Hearing Lin Canglong calling him everyone present immediately knew who this person was in front of them.

Fourth on the Supreme List, the Lord of Tianmenmen is godless!

This legendary existence, even the existence of several Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan realm present, no one has dealt with him.

Ye Shaonan stared at Jun Wushen, not knowing what he was thinking.

The world's first person in the devil's way has almost stood at the peak of the rivers and lakes, but he is pressed down by two legendary beings. He may be thinking, how far is he and Jun Wushen?

Jun Wushen also looked at Ye Shaonan subconsciously at this time. It should be said that only Ye Shaonan was worthy of his attention.

But the next moment, Jun Wushen turned his eyes and slapped out, directly blasting Lin Canglong into a mountain.

Lin Canglong struggled to climb out, and even though he spat out a mouthful of blood, the slap was more serious than the injury he suffered in the previous fight against Chu Xiu.

Jun Wushen didn't scold him, and there was no trace of anger on his face, he just asked lightly: "Kang Xieyue, who killed it?"

Lin Canglong coughed and spat out another mouthful of blood.

However, there was no expression on his face, as if it was only natural for him to be slapped by Jun Wushen.

Lin Canglong pointed at Chu Xiu and said, "It's Chu Xiu! Kuang Xieyue died in the hands of Chu Xiu, and the Xieyue Sword was taken away by him!"

At this moment, everyone present turned their attention to Chu Xiu, some were surprised, some were gloating, and some were worried.

Everyone knows that Chu Xiu killed the Heavenly Sect God General, and this matter will never end like this, but even everyone present did not expect that the retribution would come so quickly!


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