It was thrown into the plasma waste disposal furnace.

Jason recorded the data from the experiment.

Start working on other things.

Began to study various radioactive rays against the background of the universe.

Time just goes by day by day.

On this day, Jason was doing experiments in the laboratory.

Tony Stark suddenly came with a request for communication.

Jason looked up at the screen.

“What’s the matter, I’m busy.”

Tony Stark on the other end of the screen glanced at Jason.

Seeing that Jason not only did not look malaise, but also looked rosy.

The spirit is also very good.

I was really stunned.

As a physicist.

He knew best how terrifying the high-energy rays in the universe were.

Genetic mutations are induced, but they act recessively.

Prolonged exposure to high-energy rays.

These rays directly kill your body’s cells.

Your body will become weaker and weaker.

Direct failure of various organs.

But it doesn’t die immediately.

The end was very miserable.

But look at Jason.

Where is the meaning of mental malaise.

Tony Stark even thinks this guy is more spirited.

“You’re such a monster.”

“It’s all like this, and it’s still alive.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“If you have anything, just say it, I’m busy.”

Jason said expressionlessly.

Hearing Jason say this, Tony Shang’s expression also became serious.

“According to calculations, we have reached the first solar gravity.”

“If Skynet’s calculations are correct.”

“We should throw out the communications equipment now.”

When Jason heard this, he stopped his subordinates.

“Have we already flown this far?”

He is doing experiments in the laboratory these days, and he has lost track of time.

“Of course, we have been marching for more than ten days.”

“Didn’t you find out?”

“Has the network on the ship become very poor?”

Tony Stark rolled his eyes.

“Well, I didn’t pay attention.”

Jason scratched his head again.

He was so busy experimenting that he didn’t notice these things at all.

“In that case, I’ll come out.”

“Skynet’s calculations can’t be wrong.”

Jason said a word and hung up the communication directly.

Then, Jason began to pack his things.

Pack up the equipment on the lab table.

Jason entered the disposal room.

Start spraying yourself with some peculiar solution.

This is to eliminate some of the lethal effects of radiation on the body.

Otherwise, if he goes out with radiation.

May affect people outside.

So Jason still has to deal with it a little.

After processing.

Jason also took a shower.

Wash off all the solution on your body.

Then I changed into a brand new set of clothes.

Only then did he walk out of the closed laboratory.

Tony Stark this guy.

It is rare that it is not in the day of wine.

Waiting for him at the door.

“Why is it so troublesome?”

Tony Stark complained casually.

“If you don’t mind getting cancer, I can go a little faster.”

Jason rolled his eyes at Tony Stark and spoke.

Tony Stark chuckled.

Only then asked.

“What should we do?”

“The equipment needs to be commissioned.”

In space, it is very troublesome to install a modulation machine.

Do they have spacesuits.

“Times have changed Tony.”

“We have robots.”

Jason spoke. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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