Jason scratched his head.

The ATP produced by the reaction is adenine nucleoside triphospholipids.

It is a very unstable high-energy compound.

Just hydrolyzed.

It will emit powerful energy.

This energy is utilized in any living organism.

But there is a problem.

Machinery cannot harness this energy.

It’s like a car.

The internal combustion engine is utilized.

In essence, the combustion of gasoline bursts out a powerful thrust.

Then push the piston.

to get the car moving.

But it’s not easy to get a chemical bond to power it.

I am afraid that the existing engines of human beings cannot be used.

Hearing Jason ask this, Tony Stark also frowned deeply.

“How about using a bioengine?”

The so-called biological engine is a measure to use biomass emission points.

In essence, there is no big difference between hydraulic power and thermal power.

“The energy conversion efficiency is too low.”

Jason shook his head.

The bio engine is really a very good thing.

But there is also a problem.

That is too inefficient.

The conversion from chemical energy to electrical energy may require at least triple conversion.

Most of this energy is probably consumed.

Only a small part of the energy can really be used.

Tony Stark nodded when he heard this.

“It’s really inefficient.”

“We’re going to find another way.”

“It seems that we need to find a place to rest and think about it.

“It’s not something you can study hard anymore.”

Hear Tony Stark

Instead, he lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

Tony Stark soon realized Jason’s abnormality.

“Jason, did you think of something?”

Hearing Tony’s words, Jason spoke.

“Since machinery can’t work, how about we use biological cells?”

Jason lowered his head and frowned.

The more I think about it, the more feasible it is.

“I can create a biomimetic cell.”

“For example, electric eels, which are marine creatures, can emit 800 volts of high-voltage current.”

“Electric rays can also discharge hundreds of volts of current.”

“That’s what they hunt on this current.”

“They’re probably not consuming that much energy.”

“They can emit a strong high-voltage current.”

“This shows that the energy conversion efficiency of their discharge organs is very high.” 】

“What’s more, ATP is fully capable of generating electricity directly.”

“Very efficient.”

Jason said and looked up at Tony Stark.

He also fell into Chen Si.

A moment later.

He just looked up.

“It’s a reactual, doable.”

“You’re such a genius Jason.”

Tony Stark said excitedly.

He didn’t expect Jason to come up with such a surprising idea.

Any orthodox engineer.

I am afraid that I will not think of the process of using biological power organs to achieve energy conversion.

The idea is really amazing.

At least he didn’t think about it.

He thinks Jason is really a genius!

He couldn’t even think of something.

As for whether this thing would work, it was never his consideration.

There is him.

Nothing will not work.

After thinking about it, I sorted out my thoughts.

Tony Stark immediately became confident.

“Let’s get started, Jason.” 、

“I can give my precious ingredient.”

“It’s frozen, though.”

“But it should be okay to study the cell structure.”

Jason nodded. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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