“Mr. Congressman, have you ever been in the war?”

“In the midst of war, there is complete control over where.”

Nick Fury’s voice was very affirmative. ,

It’s full of a convincing feeling.

But these members of the world Council are also a bunch of old foxes.

It’s not so easy to fool.

Asked directly.

“You mean, that Asgard has declared war like us?”

Nick Fury despised the congressmen in his heart.

If Asgard had made a move, the Earth might have changed hands by now.

Can you legislators still force from here?

“No, Mr. Congressman, not Asgard, it’s Loki.”

“He never fights alone, what about the other god?”

“His brother?”

Another lawmaker asked.

Nick Fury glanced at the congressman with whom he had a good relationship.

“Mr. Congressman, our intelligence shows that Thor is not our enemy.”

“But he’s far away.”

“We can’t expect him to help.”

“It’s all up to us.”

“So you should go all out on the second stage, which is precisely for this situation…”

Gideon Malik spoke.

However, he is not finished.

Nick Fury interrupted him.

“The second stage has not yet been completed, but the enemy has already sharpened his knife.”

When Gideon refers to the second phase, he refers to the Insight program they undertake.

Protect the Earth in the air through large space carriers.

But the plan is not yet complete.

Coupled with Jason’s constant secret reminders, he found something wrong.

Secretly thwarting this plan.

So as soon as the first phase of the plan was completed, it came to a standstill.

What he wants now is something else.

“We need an emergency detachment.”

Nick Fury said categorically.

“The Avengers plan has been stopped.”

“I didn’t say anything about the Avengers.”

Nick Fury retorted.

When he said this, the parliamentarians also spoke.

“We’ve seen that list.”

“You have the world’s best secret service organization on your hands.”

“But now you’re going to hand over the fate of humanity to a bunch of freaks?”

Nick Fury frowned.

“I didn’t mean that at all.” 】

“We need an emergency detachment.”

“These people may have some quirks or even not quite normal.”

“But I believe that if we use people properly, they can give us the help we need.”

Nick Fury cursed while defending his heart.

Although people may be a little abnormal, they are better than you bastards who only value your own interests.

At least others can protect the planet.

“You believe it?”

“Chief, war is not won by emotion.”

Lawmakers seized on a loophole in his words and chased after him.

Nick Fury reacted immediately.

“Yes, but good soldiers can.”

Nick Fury gave them a look.

Start talking and talking.

After a good exchange.

He finally gained permission to form the Avengers.

But at the same time.

He must also fully begin supporting the second phase of the Insight program.

It made him feel a little bad.

I always feel that these people are so anxious to promote this plan.

Very problematic.

But he couldn’t tell where the wrong place was.

Only the exchange could be agreed.

in exchange for the support of the World Security Council.

After all, this is the world where people have the final say.

The exchange of benefits was completed.

Nick Fury returned to his office, lost in thought again.

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