Hearing this, Nick shook his head and he sighed.

“I don’t know, it seems that I won’t be able to wake up for a while, but fortunately, it was the Hulk who poisoned the person, not Loki.”

Natasha seems.

“Loki doesn’t need to go down, whether he can wake up or not, it’s still an undetermined number, if you want to poison, of course, choose the awake Hulk.”

For this, Nick looked at her with a complicated look in his eyes.

“But what is the reason why that person wants to poison the Hulk? Can’t figure it out. ”

Natasha didn’t say anything, apparently, she couldn’t figure it out.

At this moment, Loki slowly opened his eyes, and after the two noticed it, they were startled and looked one after another, and when they saw Loki open their eyes, Nick and Natasha were shocked.

Nick was in a hurry and immediately went over to ask.

“Loki, are you awake?”

Hearing this, Loki looked at Nick blankly, without saying a word, his eyes were full of confusion, and he looked a little delirious and looking.

Nick asked him.

“Loki, would you like some water?”

However, Loki listened and did not say, still looking at Nick with a daze.

Nick gradually noticed that he seemed a little weird.

He asked Loki nervously.

“Loki, do you still recognize who I am?”

However, after Loki listened, he still just looked at Nick with a confused expression, letting Nick say nothing and not answer.

Natasha looked at Loki like this, and she couldn’t help but say.

“Why doesn’t it seem like he recognizes us anymore?”

Seeing this, Nick immediately looked at Natasha, and he said with a serious and firm face.

“Natasha, hurry up and find the Doctor.”

Hearing this, Natasha immediately nodded.


Then she hurried away, and Nick withdrew his gaze, and he looked at Loki again, patiently asking him questions.

“Loki, would you like some water? Thirsty or not? ”

Next, Dr. Banner was quickly called, and he hurried in and saw that Loki was indeed awake, and Dr. Banner was delighted.

“Great, Loki finally woke up.”

Hearing this, Nick looked at him, but he frowned.

“But Doctor, Loki seems to be a little wrong, he doesn’t seem to recognize us very well, what I said to him just now, he didn’t answer, he looked confused.”

Seeing this, Dr. Banner came to the bedside.

He looked at Loki and asked him himself.

“Loki, do you still recognize who I am?”

Hearing this, Loki still looked confused, and Dr. Banner was also surprised by this, he asked.

“I’m Dr. Banner, don’t you recognize me?”

However, like Nick, no matter what question Loki asks, he does not answer, only an expression.

Looking at him like this, Nick was worried.

He looked at Dr. Banner and asked.

“Doctor, what exactly is his situation now?”

Hearing this, Dr. Banner looked speechless and replied.

“How do I know? I don’t know, maybe just woke up, so, the brain can’t turn around, it’s okay, let him rest for two days, perhaps, he will slowly remember, after all, the human brain, like the computer, when it starts at the beginning, it takes some time to slowly run over, and all programs return to normal. ”

Dr. Banner looked at Loki and said.

Seeing this, Nick looked at Loki and didn’t say anything, hoping that it was, hoping that in two days, Loki could remember everything.

Now that he had just woken up, he was in a hurry to ask him questions, which was too reluctant for him.

And Loki, he looked at the person in front of him with a demented expression.

No one is him, so no one knows what he is thinking in his head at this moment, and what kind of thinking he is in.

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