This is to be laughed at. But he looked at Dr. Banner’s eyes lit up, and he was dancing when he talked about the excitement, and he could understand in his heart how exciting it must be that after studying the theory for so long, finally had results.

“Mr. Nick, keep looking… Come on, this is what I told you last time, I will tell you again, you must listen carefully, the connection between these two drawings, that is a match made in heaven, broken silk, seamless connection.

It’s not enough to understand one… Eh, where did it go? “Dr. Banner took the drawings and searched frantically through the folder. Nick was also confused, and he nodded wordlessly. If Dr. Banner can’t find it, it will liberate Ha.

“Found it, Mr. Nick, come and see this…” Dr. Banner looked excited, and immediately put the old drawing into Nick’s hands and began to study it again with him.

Nick listened to two sentences, and he couldn’t listen to it, how to say that he also has official business, and being able to listen to it hard can be regarded as respect for Dr. Banner.

He quickly said, “Well, stop it for a moment, Dr. Banner, congratulations on your research, or come to my office tonight.” You see, say this in the hallway… Isn’t it not good… So be it, I’ll go first. ”

Nick pushed Dr. Banner away as he walked faster than he had just walked towards the end of the corridor. Dr. Banner nodded in the direction Nick left, chanting: “Talk about work in the hallway… Indecent? ”

Nick took a few steps and looked back from time to time. When he was sure that Dr. Banner was far away from him, he gradually slowed down. He knew that this place was approaching his destination, and a very important person was detained here.

“Mr. Nick!”

Walking around a corner, he gently nodded to the two people guarding the door: “Hard work.” ”

Open the door, and the one who is detained here is Loki.

“Chief, why did you come in person?” As soon as Loki saw Nick coming, his originally listless appearance immediately made a 360-degree turn.

“There are some words, it’s better for me to ask in person,” Nick pulled out the microcomputer and turned on the recording function, “Come on, it’s getting dark, and I have an appointment with a troublesome doctor in the evening.” ”

“What is there to ask, it’s boring.” Loki leaned back in his chair again, grimacing idly.

“What do you know about Hydra?” Nick got straight to the point and didn’t bother to talk so much nonsense with him.

“Understand? Know a snakehead? ”

“I’ll ask you questions seriously, you’d better give me a serious answer, don’t get snakeskin out of position with me.”

“Snake head and snake skin, let’s go to each other, Mr. Nick, shouldn’t you also be a Hydra person, come to give me a hint?” Loki looked lewd and smiled.

“You give me seriousness, I want you to answer my questions!”

No matter how angry Nick is, Loki just ignores it, anyway, I’m the only hostage you have, what can you do with me?

On the other side, Thor says goodbye; After Nick, he did not go to rest, but tried to repair the psychic staff. Although the Mind Staff is difficult to do, once successful, it can make great discoveries. At this time, Thor was in the process and got a revelation.

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