What shocked him was that the stick in his hand, after hitting the vine, the force of the two was not as strong as Tony imagined.

He thought he would easily knock it away.

But Tony felt that his hand was shaking so hard that he almost got rid of the stick, as if he was knocking on a piece of iron, and the reverberation force was quite large.

However, the contact strip did open.

But open one, and another stretches out, and, over time, the vine grows bigger and bigger.

Thor watched this scene from the sidelines, he was anxious.

He thought about it, and then, too, rushed over and copied a stick like Tony, and Thor rushed over.

After coming to Tony’s side, Thor stopped, he was anxious.

“You open those vines, I’ll save them both.”

Hearing this, Tony glanced at Thor.

It would be nice if it was a machete in the hand, but unfortunately, they will not have such machetes in their laboratories for no reason.

Tony nodded and said to Thor.

“Well, you go quickly.”

Looking at the touches that attacked again, Tony confronted them, he fought with them, and Thor, he tried to rush over, trying to save the two of them.

If entangled, there is only one Hulk.

Then, neither of them will care whether he lives or dies, after all, the two are not saving Hulk now, the main purpose is to save Dr. Banner.

Rushing closer, Thor hit the tentacle with a stick.

Unexpectedly, it really worked.

The tentacle received a stick from Thor, and it was released in pain, and Dr. Banner fell from above, falling not lightly, fortunately, not high.

Seeing this, Thor rushed over in a hurry.

“Dr. Banner, are you all right?”

Hearing this, Dr. Banner seemed to him to answer.

“I’m okay.”

Then, he struggled to get up, and Thor rushed to the back and also went to help him, but unexpectedly, another tentacle reached out, trying to entangle the two.

When Thor saw it, he was in a hurry.

He immediately hit it with a stick, and then, opening the tentacles, Tony fought a little farther away, and after seeing Dr. Banner being rescued, he quickly shouted at Thor.

“Thor, come here quickly.”

Hearing this, Tolle looked, he nodded, obliged.


Then Thor pulled Dr. Banner and tried to save him from the vine area, because it was close to the main pole of the vine, and there were tentacles sticking out on all sides.

Thor opened one with a stick.

Hulk looked at this scene, and he shouted in a hurry.

“And me, and me.”

When the two heard this, they glanced at Hulk, however, no one wanted to care if he lived or died.

Seeing this, Dr. Banner quickly said to Thor.

“Thor, let’s save him, although he just said about you, but now our common enemy is that vine, let’s unite with the outside first.”

Seeing this, Thor had to shout at Tony.

“You come and take the Doctor out, I’ll go save the Hulk.”

Hearing this, Tony had to rush over, and then, coming to the Doctor’s side, Thor had already rushed towards the Hulk.

Looking at Thor, Tony didn’t speak.

He was silent for a moment, then turned to the Doctor again.

“Dr. Banner, let’s get out.”

Then, Tony escorted Dr. Banner out, and the two successfully arrived outside, Tony stopped, he looked at Thor, but saw that Thor hit the tentacle with a stick, hitting it in pain and loosening the Hulk.

Thor said to the Hulk with a look of disgust.

“Follow me, if you get entangled in the vine a second time, I won’t have time to save you.”

Saying that, Thor immediately rushed out.

The Hulk was very scared and followed Thor closely.

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