The genetic system is a very complex system.

The expression of genes is not done by relying solely on DNA in the human body.

Rather, there are a lot of complex ingredients.

A string of DNA nucleotides translated into a small piece of protein biomolecule in a small cell is a very delicate, complex auxiliary and regulatory system.

Such as various mRNA, tRNA, various RNA, various primers, various templates, various enzymes, various transporters, various molecular chaperones.

Large and small subunits of ribosomes, free radicals that interfere with translation everywhere, and enzymes that dewrum.

These are the products of the gene that people produce.

To understand genes, it’s still not enough.

Enzymes and templates that check if bases are correct, enzymes that cut the wrong bases, enzymes that carry the right bases to the right places, and countless other details.

These details determine whether a gene is copied accurately, and any change can lead to the paralysis of the entire process.

And these enzymes, mRNA, transporters, and partners all come from their own production combination systems, and changing them requires changing these systems.

So, genetic modification is a very complex thing.

It is so complicated that the time and experience consumed by human beings to master him may be difficult for ordinary people to bear.

The transformation of the body by the desperate virus is a modification process based on the reorganization of human DNA.

Changes in DNA are used to control the transcription of enzymes in the human body.

To achieve the purpose of rapid cell division and repair of injuries.

High temperatures that damage the destruction of the human body.

It’s just a by-product of this process.

Although powerful, it has no effect.

If the desperate virus really gets the right development.

It could really become a new medical technology.

Repair the human body to participate and enhance the life span of human beings.

After systematic strengthening, the desperate virus becomes much more perfect.

The side effects of the desperate virus are almost eliminated.

Nor can it be said to be elimination.

Instead, it reduces this side effect to a level acceptable to the human body.

By lengthening the repair time, it reduces explosive side effects.

The more you read these technical materials.

The more Jason felt unfathomable.

This virus originates from plant cells.

It’s incredible that the system has been transformed into this way.

“Skynet set me up a biological laboratory.”

“At the same time, we began to cultivate the first strains of the desperate virus.”

“Ready for research.”

Jason commanded into Skynet.

A virus is a living thing after all.

It is not like a machine, which can be manufactured by assembling parts.

Virus modification is a very complex process.

It takes a long time to induce evolution to get the performance that humans want.

It’s the same food we eat now.

Many years ago, these plants could have been poisonous.

It is under the training of human beings from generation to generation.

They became usable by humans.

The same is what the virus looks like.

In order not to allow them to destroy the structure of the human body itself.

Desperate viruses require prolonged culture.

Only samples of the virus that can be used are selected and implanted into the human body to produce corresponding effects.

In fact.

A desperate virus is more of a parasite.

Parasites multiply inside the human body.

Heal the human body by shuffling certain DNA inside the human body, enhance vitality, and increase lifespan in disguise.

If it is not used well, it will cause damage to the human body.

Take Killian, for example.

Although he gained otherworldly power.

But his lifespan will also be greatly affected.

Burning substances in the body too much produces high-energy heat.

It is easy to cause subtle damage inside the cell.

The white coat is much smarter.

He was clever enough to spot the damage.

This damage is then transferred to the machinery.

More ingeniously.

It can also use substances in machinery to control the activity of desperate viruses.

Let them exert their corresponding power, but they will not destroy the human body.

Even Jason had to sigh.

In biomodification technology, this guy is indeed a genius.

Centipede endoskeleton modification technology is indeed very practical.

“Unfortunately, I can’t use this technology.”

A trace of pity flashed in Jason’s eyes.

He will not reinvent himself.

It will not risk the world’s great disapproval to transform other people’s bodies.

This technique seems to be only at the bottom of the box.

“Young Master, why don’t you combine this technology with the steel armor?”

Skynet, who had been silent, spoke.

Skynet is very intelligent, but he usually doesn’t like to talk.

Most of the time, surf the web.

This time, Skynet suddenly spoke, which surprised Jason.

Soon, though, he wondered if the technology was feasible.

Soon, he felt that it was a wonderful fit.

Centipede endoskeleton transformation combined with steel armor.

Although the extraordinary recovery ability of the desperate virus is not used, the increase in strength and the high heat generated are very useful.

No matter how bad it is, it can be used to die together.

After thinking about it for a while, Jason felt that it was indeed feasible.

It’s just that there are still some issues that need to be solved.

First, there is no corresponding muscle tissue and DNA structure inside the armor, how to make the transformation technology effective.

The second is how to control this high heat so that he does not cause damage to the warframe itself.

After thinking for a long time, Jason spoke.

“Skynet, establish a new research sequence.”

“Codename Biological Warframe Technology.”

“Using artificial muscle instead of human muscle tissue, high-energy culture fluids provide energy for viruses.”

A flash of excitement flashed in Jason’s eyes.

The Steel Warframe is a great invention.

But there are also disadvantages.

Too rigid and inflexible, all rely on the strength of the armor itself, and the operator’s own strength is not outstanding.

Since it is an assembled structure, it is very easy to disintegrate.

Once the two are combined.

These shortcomings can be completely overcome.

The joint structure can be completely transformed into a more flexible bionic structure.

And the strength of the internal structure can also be guaranteed, making the combat effectiveness of the warframe stronger.

In contrast, it cannot be worn by humans.

It can only be operated as a robot.

Of course, it is also very useful as a bomb that died together.

Thinking of this, Jason became more and more excited.

“Skynet, contact Osborne Industries, I want to buy several of their technologies.”

“Secretly contact Dr. Connors to see if he has any intention of coming to work for our Wayne Group.”

Jason immediately gave two orders.

To combine the two, there are still many technical difficulties.

He wasn’t in the mood to study, but he just had a subordinate.

In biotechnology.

Osborne is definitely the top of the entire Marvel.

Dr. Connors even made himself a lizardman.

It can be seen that he has a deep knowledge in biology.

As long as he can restore Dr. Connors’ short limbs.

Are you afraid that this guy will not kneel down and sing conquest?

When the time comes.

The development of these things is left to Connors.

He is only responsible for being the boss, isn’t it beautiful?

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