Gravity and space are very closely linked.

It can even be said.

Gravity arises, in part, because of the curvature of space.

Space fluid matter forms a momentum flux gradient due to velocity gradients in a certain direction.

The momentum flux gradient generates potential pressure energy.

Potential pressure energy is the root cause of gravity.

Conversely, if gravity is created, it interferes with space to some extent.

Thus realizing the folding and pathway of the space.

Jason was nibbling on materials in the lab.

The old man Fox ran to his lab again.

“Jason, what are you researching?”

“Wormhole or jump engine?”

Fox’s old face was full of excitement.

As Chief Technology Officer of Wayne Group.

Although he may not be able to study this technology, he still has vision.

He just looked at some of the information and saw that what Jason was studying had to do with space.

“When did you come in?”

Jason put down the information in his hand and asked in surprise.

“When you read the information just now.”

“And I’ve been in for a long time.”

Fox said with a lewd smile.

Jason couldn’t help but touch his forehead.

He finally knew how Tony Stark felt.

Why did he directly change the password of the door of the laboratory in the later stage?

Just because there are too many idle people who always like to disturb other people’s research.

“Say, Mr. Fox, what do you want to do?”

Jason said helplessly.

“I just want to learn a little bit of technology.”

“What are you studying?”

Fox asked as he licked an old face.

Jason touched his forehead helplessly.

This old man is really shameless.

If not, Fox is the chief technology officer of Wayne Group.

He has done so much for his family.

He had already taken control of the armor and threw him out.

Sighing, Jason spoke.

“I’m studying gravity, and I want to interfere with space from the level of the house.”

“Make some kind of small space folding device.”

Hearing this, Fox’s eyes lit up.


“That’s right.”

Jason nodded.

There are four fundamental forces in the universe, strong interaction, weak interaction, electromagnetic force, and gravity.

The first three forces have been unified by the Standard Model into a production mechanism, that is, the transfer of messenger particles between material particles.

Existing scientific theories prove that fermions constitute matter, bosons transmit information, and strong interactions are quark-to-quark exchange gluons.

Weak interactions, i.e. interatomic exchange of w and z bosons; The electromagnetic force is the exchange of photons between substances.

All three forces arise because matter particles exchange messenger particles.

So based on this foundation.

Scientists on Earth hypothesize that gravity is also based on this theory.

And the particles that can produce gravity are called gravitons.

Unfortunately, the existence of such particles has not been proven on Earth.

But in Jason’s eyes, it was confirmed.

Gravitons are not actually a particle.

It’s a middle string.

According to string theory , a graviton is a closed string with no rest mass and a self-chosen 2.

According to human technology.

It is not yet possible to observe such strings.

That’s why some people say.

Gravity is actually the energy at the final high latitude.

It is a force that leaks from high latitudes to low latitudes.

So, the real difficulty of this technology is how to generate gravitons.

Fox didn’t know much, but he understood what graviton was.

“You observed gravitons?”

Fox said in shock.

“Well, I should have observed it.”

Jason nodded and said.

“How did you do it?”

Fox looked at Jason with burning eyes.

The eyes are slowly full of curiosity.

“Nothing, expand the string theory.”

Jason said lightly.

The look on Fox wanted to hit someone.

Fox saw Jason say so easily, and the whole person became very uncomfortable.

The expression on his face was like eating a dead fly.

“Did you know that this is an achievement that can win a Nobel Prize?”

Jason pouted when he heard this.

Nobel Prize?

This thing has a fart use in the Marvel universe.

Alexander Pierce, a hydra leader who can win a Nobel Prize.

Even more nonsense, he refused.

What is fair about this Nobel Prize?

Jason wasn’t even interested.

“Nobel Prize, forget it.”

“I’m going, those old men should be sad.”

Jason said without care.

Fox stopped, his heart wailing.

Even though he was a lot older, he still couldn’t bear it.

The gap between people is simply too great.

He didn’t even have a Nobel Prize nomination, and people didn’t bother to win this award.

It took a long time to calm down his emotions.

Fox spoke again.

“What new understanding do you have about string theory?”

Jason glanced at Fox and spoke.

“String theory is a very basic theory.”

“String theory holds that the world is not made up of elementary particles, but a very tiny string.”

“It is the different vibrations and movements of this string that produce all kinds of elementary microparticles.”

“But we can’t observe strings, so humans think string theory is a theory.”

“But I made a new discovery.”

“Space has three expanded dimensions, length, width, height, and six curled dimensions, curled up in the space of Planck’s length.”

“Strings are wound or attached to such spatial dimensions, vibrating in all directions.”

“Depending on the dimension of the scaled dimension, the length of the string is different and the shape is different, producing a variety of winding and vibration energy.”

“Thus forming point-like particles and forces of various properties, particles are grouped into different substances.”

“There’s graviton in this.”

“We just have to simulate the string through the machine.”

“Gravity can be generated by compiling different frequencies and vibrations.”

Jason said this, paused and looked at Fox.

“This, this is incredible.”

Fox digested for a long time before he spoke.

“Your research is even comparable to Einstein’s.”

“I’m afraid that the only living scientist who can compare with you is Dr. Bruce Banner.”

Fox shook his head and spoke.

“It’s okay.”

Jason nodded nonchalantly.

These two are really not comparable to him.

Einstein: A mountain that physicists can’t climb.

Bruce Banner was the first person in the field of modern theoretical research in physics.

The power to be hung on the wall while alive.

Although it seems that Bruce Banner has not been able to research anything powerful.

But in fact, physics is now based on the theories he studied.

And this guy has seven PhDs.

Geniuses such as Tony Stark also have only two doctorates.

He’s just leaning on the system.

It’s really incomparable.

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