“Contacts with plot characters.”

“In extraction technology.”

“Due to the authority of the censor.”

“You can choose one of the following three technologies.”

“Complete repository of space carriers.”

“The Complete Database of Kun-Type Fighters.”

“Optogenetic control of brain neuronal technology.”

Jason looked at the technology suddenly given by the system and was directly stunned.

Nick Fury so hanging?

Wouldn’t the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. technique be able to be pulled out of him?

Isn’t that developed?

In the future, I have to make out with Nick Fury.

The idea of staying away from Nick Fury’s old yin bie was immediately put away by Jason.

Fight for the risk of identity exposure.

He will also make several trips to Nick Fury in the future.


Jason, who quickly made up his mind, became distressed again.

What should he pick?

Space-based carriers needless to say.

I’m afraid it’s the most hanging thing in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Aircraft carrier in the air.

Although the aircraft carriers that do not have each other in formation are somewhat garbage, they are very secretive.

No radar or optical locking.

The only way to destroy it is to send fighters or anti-aircraft guns.

However, an aerospace carrier would have been a large carrier.

There are not only fighter formations above.

It also carries nuclear warheads.

It is definitely an invincible aerial killer inside the earth.

As for the Kun-type fighter, then it is a little worse.

However, fast maneuvering and vertical takeoff and landing are also very good.

After modification, it is even possible to travel in space.

As for the last three optogenetic control brain neuronal technologies.

It is a technology capable of erasing human memory.

It is also very black technology.

So now Jason is once again in melancholy.

He didn’t know which one to choose.

Gritting his teeth, Jason finally chose the space carrier.

Follow the description of the system.

It’s a domain database.

Whether it’s materials, engineering, or various designs, these are all included in the database of space carriers.

With this information, he can instantly become an all-rounder.

The latter two techniques are also good though.

But after all, there is no comprehensive technology here.

Even so, Jason was still a little unwilling in his heart.

It would be nice to pick two technologies.

It’s a pity that this is not possible.

“Forget it, maybe you can draw it in the future.”

Comforting himself in his heart, Jason began to examine the technology he could get.

Shaking his somewhat swollen head.

Jason quickly became happy.

Great harvest!

The system gave more technology than he could have imagined.

It almost contains the technology of not much of human civilization.

With this technology, Jason even felt that he could build an industrial system from scratch.

The space carrier contains something real.

This is simply the pearl of human civilization!

It is nearly a third larger than the world’s largest Ford-class aircraft carrier.

The total field is 427 meters and the width is 96 meters.

It can be installed in more than 6,000 members at most, and due to the very high degree of automation, only 3,000 people generally operate.

Three of the world’s most advanced AlB hydrostatic nuclear fission reactors.

Twelve large turbocharged engines that provide lift.

More than a hundred fighters of various models, six-seat aircraft helicopter platforms, six-seat aircraft ejection platforms.

Able to carry almost a hundred Trident nuclear missiles.

Able to destroy a continent in an instant.

In addition to these.

And conventional weapons.

Twelve “Sea Sparrow” rocket launch nests, twelve “Dense Array” 20mm melee artillery weapon systems.

Six eight-seat eight-battery launchers equipped with NATO Sea Sparrow MK29 anti-aircraft missile launchers.

The range is twenty kilometers, the speed is Mach three.

SPS48E three-dimensional anti-air cable radar, fire control system, countermeasure fire control system of electronic radar, etc.

And these are just S.H.I.E.L.D. just to use it as an air base.

Only basic weapons are carried.

If there is really going to be a war.

Firepower can also be several times more powerful.


Drive such a big killer.

All the countries on the earth, except for the P5, can be slaughtered once.

Look at the description in the data.

Jason’s saliva was almost coming out.

With this thing.

S.H.I.E.L.D. dared to go up and fight a dozen.

Everyone can fight the Avengers.

“Unfortunately, it can’t be built now.”

Jason let out a long sigh.

Before the construction of his Mars mining base is complete.

Don’t think about this thing.

A large international organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. spent 50 billion dollars to build this thing.

Fifty or sixty thousand people built it for several years to complete.

He wants to build it himself, but the difficulty is not ordinarily high.

Money they Wayne’s house to have is.

But let’s not mention that with so much money taken out, they can’t do it for the Enjia business.

The point is that there are some things that money can’t buy.

Aviation metals, rare earths, precious metals and other special materials.

He could buy it.

But this thing is calculated in tons on an aerospace carrier!

Let’s not talk about whether he buys or not.

The point is that after he buys it, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be able to come to him the next day.

“It seems that for now, we can only restore some of the above technologies first.”

“Then transform it.”

Jason licked his lips.

The technology on the space carrier definitely represents the most advanced technology in the world.

Not to mention the addition of the system.

But a lot of it doesn’t technically exist.

The Ark reactor he mastered was one of them.

Energy technology on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s space carriers has clearly lagged behind.

There are also problems with propulsion technology.

Change to the technology on the Warframe.

This thing can be used in the universe.

It’s just that due to gravity.

If built inside the Earth, it can only be used within the Earth.

If you want to fly this behemoth out of the earth, the propulsion technology may have to be several orders of magnitude advanced.

After thinking about it for a while, Jason had slowly had a transformation plan.

“Skynet, how is the full version of the Mars mining base?”

“The basic base construction has been completed.”

Skynet said with a glance.

“Start construction as soon as possible, scale up, and then build a spaceport.”

“Build an asteroid capture system and prepare to build a space carrier!”

Jason said with a big wave of his hand.

Although there is no one under him.

“You directly split the descendants one by one to avoid communication delays.”

After thinking about it, Jason said again.

“At the end of this year, I need to see the completion of the spaceport.”

“In two years, build this weapon.”

“Especially nuclear weapons, build me hundreds.”

“Make military-grade centrifuges on Earth and send them over.”

Jason said to Skynet.

The Battle of New York is not a few days away.

When the time comes.

Quickly build an air and space carrier to enter the war.

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s space carriers are more used as communication centers, and combat effectiveness is really not good.

He is different.

Then he decided to drive this thing to New York.

Let the Cherita people feel what it is like to wash the ground with a nuclear bomb. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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