Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 100 Arrival and Blockade

"Master, this is just a possible guess with a probability of 52.3% after I connected the current clues." The White Queen replied.

Levi nodded. He quite agreed with the White Queen's speculation. As a field staff member of the Church of All Souls, Tribis had dealt with level 1 aberrations. The fact that she could make her cry for help in a panicked tone meant that she encountered something in the hospital. There is something more terrifying than a level 1 aberration!

Coupled with the rapid dispatch of the FBI emergency response team, the possibility of major problems with the test subjects is even higher!

"Situation report completed! Pastor Levi has been asked to follow and deal with it!" On the plane, Bill reported Tribis's call for help and the relevant situation of the rescue to the church's liaison personnel.

"It has been recorded. Good luck and God is with you!" After hearing that there was already a level 2 pastor accompanying the rescue operation, the liaison officer could only record it and then upload the report.

Because when a level 1 missionary is in danger and the danger level cannot be confirmed, two other teams of field personnel are often dispatched to investigate the situation. Only a very small number of people who are relevant can call in a level 2 priest.

"Huh?" Just after Levi's name was recorded and reported, Medina, who was processing documents in the office, suddenly changed her expression. With a wave of her hand, she immediately mobilized relevant information about Levi's rescue operation. At the same time, her eyes turned into A silvery white color.

Two seconds later, after confirming that there was no danger to Levi in ​​this operation, Medina slowly dissipated the powerful radiation around her, lowered her head and continued to process the official documents.

Although Medina did not deduce the cause of the high-intensity radiation reaction more than an hour ago, after mobilizing satellites and trip monitoring, Medina discovered that the person at the center of the radiation reaction was none other than Li dimension!

And when Medina tried to deduce relevant information about Levi, she felt the same sense of obstruction and was unable to deduce any information about Levi!

Although it was hard to believe, Medina could only come up with an answer that shocked her. The radiant vortex with an energy level close to level 4 was created by Levi!

Although I was shocked, I thought that after all, Levi had received the inheritance of the Dwarf King. He was also the first inheritor of top-level heroic spirits on the earth in more than five thousand years. There were some peculiarities that far exceeded common sense and understanding. It will be easier to accept!

Therefore, Levi's status in Medina's heart has been elevated again, and his importance has even surpassed that of several other bishops! So when it came to Levi's mission, Medina would subconsciously make some calculations!

And Medina does not feel that the threats that Levi may face if she intervenes will affect Levi's development and opportunities, because before protecting Levi from growing up to be strong enough, Medina believes that she and the Church of All Souls are Levi's biggest threats. Backer and opportunity!

"Boom!" Nearly thirty minutes later, the helicopter had covered a distance of more than 400 kilometers and arrived at the suburban town where St. Mary's Hospital is located.

This speed surprised Levi a little, because the armed helicopters he used to perform missions in the special operations team only had a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, which was already quite fast in a helicopter!

"The church's T3 tilt-rotor aircraft can reach a top speed of 650 kilometers per hour. The V-22 helicopter in the army was actually copied by the military after purchasing the church's related technology!" I saw Levi's Surprised, Bill shouted loudly, covering his earphones.

"The T3 aircraft is a free means of transportation provided by the church for our field staff. The church also has more advanced T6 and T9 rotorcraft, which are not only faster, but also have a range of up to thousands of kilometers!" Bill's eyes showed envy. "But those advanced models of transportation also require higher-level professional title authority!"

Levi nodded. After he was promoted to level 2 priest, he saw the T6 rotorcraft in the redemption list of the APP. The redemption price was as high as 1,000 merit points, which was prohibitive!

However, you can also choose to rent at a price of 50 merit points per month. This method is also the choice of most priests.

"Buzz!" At this moment, Levi's bracelet vibrated, and he immediately saw a floor distribution drawing of St. Mary's Hospital sent by Bill, as well as the relevant terrain around the hospital.

Levi glanced at it and found that St. Mary's Hospital is located in the suburbs of Monterey Park in Los Angeles County, California. Except for some infrastructure, there are no residential buildings or commercial centers around the hospital. There are many rivers and jungle flowers and plants, and the natural environment is quite superior.

"Captain, the helicopter signal is interfered with, and the farther forward, the stronger the interference signal, and may even cause damage to the helicopter's electronic components!" At this moment, the helicopter suddenly swayed slightly and then stopped in the air, and the pilot's voice Passed over.

"What's going on? Someone detonated the EMP bomb!" Bill frowned after hearing this, but he had no choice but to order, "Everyone is preparing to land. Helicopters are patrolling outside the interference signal, observing the situation, and are ready to respond to us at any time! "

"Bill, you guys are on the helicopter, I can go in alone!" Levi stopped Bill. Although the field team was elite, they were powerless against aberrations above level 2!

"How is this possible!" Bill shook his head quickly, "I was the one who invited you to help us!"

"Let's do this Levi, we will be on guard and respond outside the hospital to help ordinary people who have escaped from the hospital. We will never become a burden to you!"

"Okay! Protect yourself!" Levi nodded, and then jumped out of the helicopter more than 20 meters high while carrying the ogre.

"Huh!" Levi took a deep breath and immediately smelled the smell of blood wafting from the hospital hundreds of meters away, as well as some residual aberrant radiation energy.

"Da da da!"

"Boom!" At the same time, a series of gunshots, explosions, and screams came from the hospital. The firepower was quite intensive, as if a local war was going on inside!

Li Wei looked around and saw that the entire hospital had been completely sealed off. Outside the wall originally composed of shrubs, an alloy steel plate about 5 meters high and 30 centimeters thick emerged from the ground. They were nested into each other to form a circle of steel walls. , the hospital was completely surrounded!

Several flying insects flew onto the steel wall, and with a burst of electric sparks, the insects were instantly electrocuted to ashes!

"Sure enough, I was prepared!" Levi frowned slightly, and he felt that these steel plates with high-voltage current were not only used to defend the experimental body, but also to prevent all living things in the hospital from escaping!

Li Wei became more and more curious, what on earth had they created?

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