Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 108 The Mark of Fear and the Gathering Church

"Ahem!" With a mouth full of blood-smelling coughs, Figueiredo finally woke up from a coma. Before he opened his eyes, his whole body rolled on the spot and hit a hard wall, regardless of his right leg. In severe pain, he clung to the wall and looked around on guard.

"Huh?" But it was pitch black where he could see it, and he couldn't see anything. Only the slight shaking under his feet told Figueiredo that he should be in a moving car at this time!

And he was still carrying the metal container containing the divine blood, which had not been taken away by his captors!

Figueiredo frowned slightly. The carriage was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood, just like the smell of a slaughterhouse!

Figueiredo took out a metal lighter from his pocket, and with the faint light of the fire, he was shocked to find that the four walls of the carriage were actually covered with all kinds of sharp knives and axes, large and small!

Even though these knives and axes were kept very clean, they seemed to be soaked in blood, constantly emitting a strong smell of blood!

And for some reason, Figueiredo, who had undergone extremely rigorous training by the FBI and had seen many more terrifying scenes than this, suddenly felt a trace of fear in his heart, and it was the kind of fear that had no specific object. Pure fear!

And as time went by, this fear became deeper and deeper. Only a few dozen seconds passed on the watch, but Figueiredo felt as if centuries had passed and he was already overwhelmed by this fear!

"Let me out! Please let me out! I can tell you anything, and I can also give you the divine blood!" Figueiredo almost collapsed mentally, struggled to stand up, and beat the iron In the carriage, shouts full of terror came from the mouth.

"Please! As long as you let me out, I will do anything for you! I am willing to be your dog!" His fist hit the iron door, and the charred skin suddenly burst, and bright red blood left along the car door. Then he was strangely absorbed into the carriage.

Figueiredo no longer paid attention to these visions. He knelt on the ground and huddled in a ball, with tears streaming down his face and a low cry in his mouth.

"Hey!" After a moment, the vehicle stopped moving, and the iron door of the carriage was opened from the outside. A sliver of moonlight shone in, but Figueiredo trembled with excitement.

Levi looked at Figueiredo, who was curled up and kneeling at the door of the carriage, pushed open the door, and pulled him out. In Levi's sight, Figueiredo was filled with black fear!

With a gentle breath, these fears that seemed to turn into smoke were inhaled into Levi's body. While strengthening the fire of fear, it also made him feel a trace of joy in his heart.

The rear compartment of the Iron Chariot, in addition to being used to store items and convert various things into energy, is also a weapons arsenal equipped with various deadly mechanisms!

The carriage is filled with various weapons, or torture instruments, that are integrated with the steel chariot!

And if someone enters the carriage without Li Wei's permission, the mechanisms in the carriage will be activated, they will suffer inhuman torture, contribute their own fear, and then the body will turn into energy for the chariot to move!

"Plop!" Figueiredo fell to the ground, but the pain in his body dispelled some of the fear in his heart, allowing him to feel alive again!

Levi put on the Faceless Mask again, covering his appearance, and at the same time, black-red flames of fear erupted from his palms. Figueiredo, who witnessed the flames with his own eyes, completely collapsed, and was struck down deep in his heart that belonged to Levi. Brand of fear!

"I ask, you answer!" Levi put away the fire of fear, his voice without any emotion, like an evil spirit from hell.

Figueiredo nodded quickly, and without even asking Li Wei or the intervention of hypnotic mental power, Figueiredo quickly took the initiative to explain everything he knew clearly!

As the direct person in charge of the FBI field team, Figueiredo can be regarded as a middle-level person with real power in the American government!

And his immediate boss, Joseph, although his official position is only the deputy director of the FBI, but with the support of Pelosi, he has almost mastered most of the power of the entire FBI. The chief director is ready to retire this year and give way. Got it!

Therefore, as a confidant of Joseph, Figueiredo knows a lot of inside information about the American government and other extraordinary forces.

For example, the Divine Transformation Society that Levi learned about from the pig-headed puppet was an extraordinary force formed not long ago by the advanced aberrations in the United States!

The Divine Transformation Society helps high-ranking officials and plutocrats gain strength and longevity, and actively cooperates with the government in research on aberrations, strange objects, and radiation. Both parties share research results, and the government provides the Divine Transformation Society with the food and materials they want. and information!

The senior officials and plutocrats of the United States have also implemented their tenet of doing things, that is, there are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests, even if the other party is not human!

However, this cooperation is not friendly to ordinary people who are unaware of it. As one of the requirements for cooperation, the government needs to actively cover up the hunting behavior of the aberrants in the Divine Transformation Society. In some cases, it even needs to cooperate with the aberrations to target ordinary people. The hunt!

For example, Jigsaw Jigsaw, who was famous in Stuart, killed nearly a hundred ordinary people through various methods. However, the FBI intervened to clean up the murder, and the police searched for it for nine years but still could not find him!

This is because Jigsaw Jigsaw, as a deformed body of the Gods, needs to use this method to advance to the second level of deformed body, which is later the pig-faced puppet!

Although the Divine Transformation Society and the government chaebol are currently in the honeymoon period, the top government officials still maintain a high degree of vigilance against the Divine Transformation Society!

Therefore, high-level government officials, super plutocrats, including some top scientists, and even some high-level demon hunters, formed a camp belonging to the elite humans - the Church of the People!

From the president, senators and congressmen to Josep and Figueiredo, they are all members of the congregation church!

The Gathering Church represents the interests of the elite, and its purpose is to use the power of the state machinery and extraordinary forces such as the Divine Transformation Society to develop extraordinary power that belongs entirely to them to protect their own interests!

That is, naked use of public tools for private use!

After hearing this, Levi was not too shocked, because this approach is very American!

As for the pig-headed puppet aberrations and the divine blood experiment under Saint Mary, they are two of the many collaborations between the Church and the Divine Transfiguration Society. These two projects were put in charge of Figueiredo, but now they have all failed and been destroyed. Figueiredo can only choose to run away!

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