Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 117 The Breastfeeding Monster

"Hurry into the basement!" Looking at the pistols in the hands of the two strong men, Tris and her brother were shocked. Although they did not know the two men, they were not friendly and were obviously coming towards them.

Tris and her brother quickly opened the closed basement door, turned around and hid in!

"Marcin, don't get killed!" A bald white man saw the Tris siblings hiding in the basement in a hurry. A smile suddenly appeared on his lips, and he turned to tell his partner.

Before the two of them entered, they had basically checked the situation around the house. There were no signs of other people living around, and there were no other exits from the house.

And the target task actually hid in the basement by himself, which was equivalent to putting himself in a cage, which saved them a lot of trouble!

The only thing you need to worry about is your partner. Don't get excited and torture the target person to death again!

"I know, Harry!" The brown-skinned strong man on the side nodded. It concerns those big shots. No matter how cruel and murderous he is, the mission must be his priority!

In the basement passage, Tris' expression changed suddenly after she heard the conversation between the two through the door panel.

I thought I had run into a robber, but the two people on the other side actually came here specifically for their sister and brother, and I suddenly became more and more nervous!

"There is no signal on the cell phone here!" Dai Li picked up the cell phone and prepared to call the police, but found that there was no signal every time at the critical moment.

"Those two people should have blocked the signal!" Since the two people were coming straight towards them, they must have been well prepared. Tris looked solemn, "And even if they got through, the nearest police station is still many miles away from here. Hundreds of kilometers away! By the time the police arrive, our bodies will be cold!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" At this moment, the wooden door at the entrance to the basement was also knocked to the point of collapse. Although the wooden door was considered heavy, it could not block the opponent for two minutes.

"There is no other choice! Go downstairs!" Tris gritted her teeth, stepped forward and pushed open the wooden cabinet, and walked into the dark corridor. She could only hope that there were other exits in the basement below!

"Tick-tock! Tick-tock!" Walking into this dark passage, the sound of water dripping could be heard in the ears. The uneven rock walls on both sides were wet and looked very damp.

"Boom!" Just as the two of them were slowly groping their way down, the sound of the wooden door being knocked open came from above, prompting the two siblings to speed up their walk down.

"Huh? Where are the people?" Harry and Marcin rushed to the basement and found that except for the "rumbling" generator, all the target people had disappeared!

But the two were elite FBI agents after all, and they soon discovered traces of movement left by the cabinet on the dust on the ground, and opened it to reveal the passage downwards.

"Click!" The two looked at each other, took out the pistol and flashlight that had been put away, loaded the bullets, and slowly moved down one after the other.

"Tris, is that a cage?" On the other side, Tris and her brother had already walked out of the stairs and came to a flat aisle. They immediately saw several huge wire dog cages stacked on both sides of the aisle!

The two walked over and scanned it with their mobile phones. They found that the iron cage was stained with a lot of dried blood. Words such as "confinement" and "kidnapping" suddenly came to mind.

"Shh! Listen!" Just when Daley was about to say something, Tris pricked up her ears and vaguely heard the sound of laughter and music coming from the front.

"Is there someone there?" The two of them swallowed. People who live in this kind of place are probably not normal!

But there were two bad guys with guns behind them, so Tris and the two had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking forward.

Soon, the two walked out of the aisle and came to a corridor with obvious signs of decoration. The corridor was very narrow, but it was about four meters high. There was a room with sound and light about ten meters in front.

The two walked over quietly and found that the room was only five or six square meters. The room was covered with dirty, black and smelly mats. A very old-fashioned TV was lit in the corner, and a children's program full of laughter was playing!

"What the hell is this?" Daly was full of questions when he saw this. The collision and fusion of the terrifying basement and the joyful children's program gave Daly a sudden and unreal feeling of being in a dream!

But at this moment, Tris, who had keen intuition, tensed up and felt that a figure seemed to appear in the narrow aisle behind her, looking straight at them!

"Daly!" Tris had goosebumps all over her body, but the depression in her heart prevented her from having the courage to look back. She could only lightly touch her brother beside her with trembling teeth.

"What's wrong?" Dailey seemed to be still immersed in the unreality, a little dazed.

"Daly! There seems to be someone behind you!" Tris trembled without daring to look back. The two of them stood at the door of the room, with walls to the left and right and the aisle behind them. They were in a desperate situation!

"Huh? What? Is there someone?" Daley was stunned after hearing this.

"Ha!" But at this moment, a low and clear exhalation suddenly came from behind. The sound was very close and rang in the ears of the two of them. At the same time, a foul smell also enveloped the tip of their noses.

Tris used the corner of her eye to vaguely see a tall, dark figure slowly approaching them.

"Huh?" Daley subconsciously turned his head and saw a disheveled, old and scary-looking face, like a mummy, suddenly sandwiched between him and Tris.

With this turn of his head, Daley's mouth even kissed the cheek of that terrifying human face!

Daley's heart seemed to have suddenly stopped. His eyes widened and he looked at the monster in front of him. He didn't dare to move and just kept kissing the other person's cheek.

"Bah!" Just after the monster was kissed, he stretched out his long and thin arms, hugged Tris and Daley, gently picked them up in his arms, and brought them to the front of the TV with the TV on. In the room, he sat cross-legged with his back to the door.

With the help of the light from the TV, Tris, who was as stiff as wood, finally saw clearly the face of the monster holding her.

This monster is roughly human-shaped, with disheveled hair, naked and dirty body, as skinny as a mummy, but extremely tall, even with its back on its back, it is over three meters tall.

The mouth is full of yellow fangs like wild beasts, the fingers are full of sharp claws, and there are huge breasts hanging on the chest. She looks like a female savage in the documentary!

At this time, the monster was holding Trish and brother in its left and right arms like a child, and kept moving their heads toward the breasts hanging on its chest like water bags.

"Ugh!" Smelling the strong stench from her breasts at close range, Tris almost spit it out and quickly turned her head to avoid it.

"Roar!" But this action seemed to anger the monster, and the other party immediately roared and roared at Tris. His pale eyes stared at Tris with a terrifying look!

"Ugh!" Daley on the other side trembled when he saw this. He felt as if he had just woken up from a dream. His rapidly running brain immediately understood the monster's intention. He immediately took the monster's nipple into his mouth and sucked the milk vigorously. , whispered to Tris in his throat, "It thinks we are babies and is breastfeeding! If you don't want to die, hurry up and suck it!"

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