Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 136 The Correct Way to Use a Loom

"White Queen, search the church documents for information about the Wendigo."

"Okay, Master." After a few seconds, the White Queen had found relevant items from the vast sea of ​​information and filtered out the parts that were useful to Li Wei.

After flipping through the information found by the White Queen, Levi frowned tightly.

Wendigo is indeed an existence believed in by the Druid Church. Although the other party is not a god, he is also a big boss who has existed for a very long time. He even had an affair with Joshua, the founder of the Christian Church more than 3,000 years ago. Fight and escape from each other's hands!

This is a bit scary. After all, Joshua is a recognized demigod and the last demigod in human history so far!

Being able to fight a demigod and escape unscathed shows how powerful the Wendigo is!

Levi continued to control Miles' body. Although the other person's soul had dissipated, the memories of so many years still existed in his brain.

Levi kept looking through Miles' memories as if he were watching a movie, and found that in Miles's 61-year memory, killing almost occupied the vast majority of the content. Almost thousands of humans died at his hands. !

Soon, Levi discovered an anomaly from the memories he was looking through. When Miles was 6 years old, a new nanny came to the house, and she was a white woman who looked very kind.

But every time the other party puts Miles to sleep at night, he will take out a strange pendant, which looks like half a broken mini antler, and stick the pendant to Miles's forehead, and keep saying something that sounds quite weird. , a mantra sound like the low cry of birds and beasts!

That is, seven days later, Miles felt as if another existence had broken into his body, imprisoning his soul to the deepest part of his body. He could only watch helplessly as that existence controlled his body, killing people. His beloved relative died!

And during the 15 years after he was admitted to a mental hospital, Miles continued to compete with the being in his body for control of his body, but Miles was too weak in comparison!

Not only was Miles unable to regain control of his body, the other party even began to erode Miles' soul in the process, and set up an indestructible cage to imprison and erode Miles' soul.

It wasn't until one night 15 years later that the nanny came into contact with Miles as a hospital nurse and put on the mask of the Bloodless Man, thus officially starting Miles' 40-year killing career. !

"So the nanny is most likely a member of the Druid Church, and was she assigned by Wendigo?" Wendigo, the boss, and the Druid Church spent fifty or sixty years planning, but Li Wei single-handedly Destroyed, he could even imagine the other party's fury!

"So maybe I'm being targeted by the Wendigo again?" Levi sighed, but there was a sense of indifference in his heart that he didn't have to worry about having too many debts.

What makes Li Wei most emboldened is, in addition to the All Souls Church, his confidence in his own strength improvement!

It may not take long for Levi to evolve into a level 4 life form. Even if he can't defeat the Wendigo by then, saving his life shouldn't be a big problem!

The object of Levi's greatest concern at this time is actually Arachne's loom!

Michael Myers was the first name woven by the loom. Levi obtained the Bloodless Mask from Myers and got a huge opportunity!

And Levi is currently not sure whether this is a coincidence, or whether this loom can really peek into, or even weave, destiny!

So after finding Miles, Levi couldn't wait to weave in a second name!

"Click! Click!" As a little bit of ordinary energy was put into the loom, the sound of machine transmission suddenly came from Levi's mind.

Li Wei's soul observed the weaving process of the loom. Arachne with a human face and a spider body crawled on the spinning thread, and the eight shining spider legs weaved with flexible and graceful movements.

And every time Arachne's spider legs stir up the spinning thread, the two sides will collide with little dots of white light! This is a scene that Levi did not see when he first used it.

When he used it and watched the weaving process for the first time, Levi was only a level 2 life form, and his soul was still missing, so he didn't feel anything strange, or it could be said that his soul had not reached a certain minimum threshold.

Moreover, based on the two previous improvements in improving his mental power and replenishing his soul, Levi calculated that his initial soul strength should only be around 0.6. Based on the fact that the ultimate lifespan of a level 3 life form is around 600 years, Levi also roughly calculated With a soul strength of 0.1, it can almost support the existence of the soul for about 100 years.

But now, Levi's soul has not only been completed, but its strength has also reached a level of 1.51. Therefore, by using and observing the weaving process of the loom again, new discoveries have been made, or in other words, he is finally qualified to experience the loom. Another function of!

Levi quickly fell into silence while observing, and an indescribable mysterious feeling arose in his soul. Then the light spots on the loom began to merge into Levi's soul!

After just ten seconds, there were no more light spots on the loom, and Levi was finally interrupted by a name that suddenly appeared in his mind, interrupting the mysterious feeling in his soul.

"Huh!" Levi took a long breath. Although the display showed that only ten seconds had passed, Levi seemed to have had a big dream just now, and his soul felt like a massage. It was warm and comfortable!

"Huh?" The next moment, Levi was shocked to find that his soul strength suddenly became 1.81, which increased by 0.3 in this short period of time!

There are so many benefits to increasing soul strength, including the increase in the range and power of the mental force field, the keen intuition of threats after acting on the sixth sense, and especially the huge increase in Levi's actual lifespan!

At this time, Levi has almost unlimited vitality and lifespan physically. The only thing that restrains him is his soul. Now that the soul strength has been increased by 0.3, it is almost an increase of 300 years of soul lifespan!

With an actual lifespan of around 1800, Levi probably wouldn’t live that long even for a Level 4 life form!

"Is the improvement of the soul due to those white light spots? Or is it because of ordinary energy?" Levi guessed in his mind that although ordinary energy is called ordinary, it essentially comes from the human soul!

In the past, the main function of ordinary energy was to strengthen aberrations like ogres.

But now the loom can be used to release the soul source in ordinary energy and directly increase the strength of Levi's soul. Levi has also found the correct way to use the combination of loom and ordinary energy!

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