After taking a closer look and discovering that there were no traps or alarms installed at or around the hotel entrance, the group took action.

Thalia carried a strange-looking sniper rifle on her back, took a run, and used the trash can in the corner to climb onto the roof of the abandoned gas station opposite the hotel. After placing two extremely inconspicuous booby traps on the edge of the roof, this Only then did he find a suitable place to lie down.

"Report, all the exposed windows and balconies of the hotel are covered with stone bricks, and long-range fire support may not be possible!" Thalia looked through the magnifying glass and came to a somewhat helpless conclusion.

In fact, not only the balcony corridor on the floor, but also the door of the hotel was sealed, leaving only a back door accessible, and there was almost no other way to enter except breaking the door.

But this also has advantages. It means that the night demon can only enter and exit through the back door, and everyone can completely block his escape route!

"Roger!" Thalia's voice was heard in everyone's earphones, and John immediately replied, "Black Snake, your mission is to keep an eye on the surrounding area. If you find the target fleeing, kill him immediately!"

"Pap tap tap!" The mercenary team formed a formation with Levi as the tip of their swords and walked quickly to the back door, while Lucero followed closely with five of his men.

"Huh? It's a steel explosion-proof door!" When he walked to the back door wall, Levi tapped the iron door, and there was a dull sound.

As a master locksmith, Ah Jin was waiting for Lucero and others to beg him to take action, but he saw Ji Xiu striding back and taking out a small gas tank from the car, which turned out to be acetylene!

The 3800-degree high-temperature flame soon and silently burned the copper lock core of the explosion-proof door, and the back door was easily pushed open.

"Go! Go! Go! Rescue the lady, and each person will be rewarded with another 200,000 cash! If something happens, the company will support your family!" When the door was pushed open, Lucero held down John's shoulders and turned to let him go. The five men behind him went in to explore the way.

Lucero didn't know what kind of danger this night devil's lair would pose, but he knew very well that the main force against the night devils must be John's mercenary team, so he first sent his company's gunmen to go ahead for John and the others. thunder!

The completely sealed hotel was not completely dark. The fire indicator light under the corridor still emitted a strange-looking green light. While people could see the surrounding scene clearly, they unconsciously tightened their breathing.

The group of people was divided into two sections. In front were the five gunmen and Akin who was surrounded by them. Behind them were the Buffalo Squad and Lucero who formed the formation.

"It seems there is no need to be secretive. He has probably discovered us!" As he passed a water pipe corner, Levi suddenly stopped and looked up at the corner above his head, where a very inconspicuous lightless camera was installed. .

At this moment, in a small room in the hotel that had been transformed into a monitoring room, a burly man was silently staring at the display screen in front of him.

Then he opened the safe on the side and took out a strange-shaped hood made of some kind of blue-black leather. He put it on his head very religiously, then pressed the red button on the side and started the home hunt!

In the hotel, John and his party climbed more and more cautiously towards the interior of the hotel. Soon, everyone felt that the temperature began to slowly drop, and at the same time, there was a faint smell of blood at the tip of their noses.

After turning the corner, everyone came to an aisle filled with wire cages, with ultraviolet lamps hanging above their heads, and blood-stained syringes scattered on the ground, which was very strange.

"Huh?" Levi's eyesight, which was far beyond that of ordinary people, immediately saw clearly the creatures in the wire cages.

"Roar!" Just as the five gunmen approached the iron cage, the electronically controlled door of the iron cage was suddenly opened, and a dozen humanoid creatures suddenly jumped out of it, biting wildly at the gunmen's necks.

"Ah!" A gunman reacted a little slowly, and his carotid artery was bitten in an instant. Blood spurted out crazily. After letting out a scream, he fired several shots at the figure that was still eating him.

But what surprised a few people was that this figure had been shot several times, but it seemed as if he didn't feel anything at all and was still biting the gunman's neck crazily.

"Bang!" Levi raised his rifle and shot the figure's head, and his body fell softly.

"Hit the head! Hit the head!" Lucero yelled upon seeing this, aimed his pistol and fired, killing a weirdo.

Soon, all the creatures that emerged from the iron cage were killed by Li Wei and others. Except for the first unlucky guy who was bitten to the neck and died, the other gunmen only suffered minor injuries at most. .

"What is this?" Under the flashlight's light, I saw that these creatures were all human beings wearing some kind of bone masks. They were pale and bloodless, their eyes were bloodshot, and there were no tongues in their mouths.

"Are these zombies?" Ji Xiu frowned. These humans looked like corpses, had no pain, and would die immediately only if their heads were shot. They looked very much like zombies in movies.

"It should be that a large amount of some kind of nerve agent was injected!" Levi used his foot to stir the syringe on the ground and could smell the pungent smell of the drug inside. "It's like taking too many drugs!"

"Hey! Look there!" Ah Jin, who was hiding behind the gunman and unharmed, suddenly pointed behind the iron cage.

Several people gathered their flashlights and saw that the innermost position against the wall was filled with fragments of human body parts, just like a garbage dump for corpses!

"Ugh!" Ah Jin's stomach churns, and a pool of vomit suddenly spurts out of his mouth, "I told you, that guy is a complete devil!"

"Okay, everyone, be careful! Keep moving forward. I don't believe we can't kill that monster with so many guns!" Seeing that everyone's faces were not good-looking, Lucero clapped his hands to boost morale.

"Help! Help me! Please help me!" Just as a group of people continued to move forward to a corridor on the fourth floor, a naked man suddenly appeared with dense scars on his body, but his face was very young and handsome. man.

"Pfft!" The man staggered to his knees in front of several people, spit out a mouthful of blood, and kept mumbling to himself, "I didn't become it, I didn't become it!"

"What didn't you become?" A gunman stepped forward cautiously and asked.

"I didn't become his collection!" The man suddenly raised his head, with a strange expression that sounded like crying and laughing. No one noticed that there was a bomb nailed to the back of his neck that was blocked by his hair!

"Boom!" The bomb exploded instantly, blowing the two gunmen close to the man into pieces. The other two gunmen were also blown away by the powerful shock wave and were seriously injured.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Levi suddenly issued a warning and grabbed Ji Xiu and John beside him and dragged them back.

"Tsk!" I saw a sharp steel pipe suddenly stabbed from the top of my head, and directly stabbed the two gunmen who fell on the ground into candied haws!

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