Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 158 The Origin of Human-Dragon and Copper

"Mr. Levi, do you know what the first advanced creature to rule the earth was?"


"No, it's what humans call dinosaurs!" Price shook his head, "Dinosaurs already dominated the world more than 200 million years ago! And at that time, there were..."

"Among these dinosaurs, there is a branch of the group called Troodon. After a very long evolution, they finally evolved intelligence, the ability to use tools, and their own language! Later, tens of millions of years later With the evolution and development, our dragon clan has an extremely brilliant civilization!”

"So is this the origin of your dragon clan?" Li Wei asked in surprise. He didn't expect that the "horror of humans" theory, which was once considered a joke by the scientific community, turned out to be true!

"Yes!" Pulis then asked, "Mr. Levi, do you believe there are aliens on the earth?"

"Aliens?" Levi shook his head, "I don't know, maybe there should be some!"

The universe is vast and vast, so the chances of aliens existing are high!

"Yes, there are aliens on the earth, and there are many, many of them!" Pulis smiled and nodded, "Because compared to the earth, humans are aliens and invaders!"

"You said humans are aliens? How is this possible!" Levi frowned. This is simply a big joke. There is Darwin's theory of evolution in science, and there are also legends about gods creating humans in the church.

But no matter which way you say it, human beings are an intelligent race that is indigenous and evolved on the earth!

"Because we dragons are the natives of the earth! Sixty-five million years ago, the gods came to the earth, and the demigods under them had a war with our dragons. The demigods created you humans as weapons of war. !" Pulis continued to say nothing surprising!

"Our Dragon Clan was already very powerful at that time. We were technologically able to achieve sub-light speed flight across star systems. We had fully mastered all energy sources in the entire solar system including stars. We had achieved interstellar immigration to the 12 major planets in the solar system. We had even begun to gradually Explore the galaxy! And in terms of cultivation, our dragon clan is even more blessed, and we also have several demigods in our clan!"

"But even so, our dragon clan is still as weak as ants in front of hundreds of demigods!" Pulis said in a low tone, "Not to mention, the gods sitting behind the demigods!"

"We, the dragon clan, were helpless against the invasion of the demigods. After fighting for decades, our defense lines failed layer by layer. In the end, we shrank into the interior of the earth. Our civilization was shattered and our race was almost exterminated!"

"And at that moment of life and death, a demigod named Ashadron in the Dragon Clan, in order to continue the Dragon Clan, against all opinions, led most of the remaining Dragon Clan to surrender. From then on , the dragon clan retreated into the background, and the master of history became a human being!”

"But at that time, there were still a very small number of dragons who hid in the dark and chose to resist to the end. These people later founded the Church of the Loom, with the ultimate goal of regaining the dominance of the earth and reviving the glorious era of the ancestors!"

"The saddest thing is that with the passage of time, the former Dragon Clan has long abandoned or even abandoned the glory of its ancestors! Even though they are of the same race, Dragon Castle still implements a high-pressure strategy to hunt down the Loom Church to the end. !”

"In our opinion, Long Bao is the biggest sinner of the Dragon Clan and the betrayer of the Dragon Clan!" At this point, Pulis showed a look of resentment on his face.

Levi wiped his face and sorted out the huge amount of information that Pulis had narrated in the past two minutes with some shock.

"You mean, the gods led the demigods to invade the earth back then? But why did they do that?" Levi shook his head and said, "For the gods, erasing your entire race is not a difficult task! And even if it is It shouldn’t take more than a few decades for hundreds of demigods to defeat the Dragon Clan!”

"Nearly two hundred years ago, a high-ranking traitor appeared in the Church of the Loom, which almost brought disaster to the church. Even the church's sacred objects were lost! And the records of the church's past history, They were all destroyed by Dragon Castle!”

"But according to the few trivial records that remain, the reason why the gods invaded the earth is for a very precious resource on the earth!"

"A resource precious to the gods? What is that?" Levi asked curiously.

"I don't know for sure, but it's said to be a kind of copper!"

"Copper?" Levi frowned, "There should be huge reserves of copper on other planets in the universe. It can't be said to be precious anyway, right?"

"That's not very clear." Pulis shook his head. "The written records of that period of history in the church have been wiped out with the disaster more than a hundred years ago. But the copper that the gods want to get must be It’s not the kind of metal we know now, at least it’s an extraordinary material!”

"But it is precisely because of the need to mine that kind of copper that the demigods' attack is so 'mild'. Otherwise, if hundreds of demigods fought on this small planet like the earth, the earth would have been turned into ashes! "

"Of course, even so, that war caused a disaster comparable to the annihilation of the entire planet. Almost all living things and civilizations were destroyed!"

"And the strangest thing is that although the gods brought the demigods to the earth, no one has seen the gods. It is obvious that the ants can be crushed with one finger, but the gods allowed the two sides to fight for decades. !”

"Of course, it's also possible that the war between dragons and demigods is just a game to please the gods!" Pulis shook his head helplessly.

"Is that so?" Although it was impossible for Pulis to lie to Levi, it did not mean that what the other party said was true. Levi naturally had to remain skeptical about this.

And no matter what happened back then, humans, or the demigods behind humans, were the winners in writing history.

"By the way, according to what you just said, the dragon clan already had extremely advanced technology tens of millions of years ago, but why are humans, the victors, so backward in technology now?"

"After the demigods led humans to take over the earth, the earth entered a period of tranquility for tens of millions of years. But the demigods, or gods, do not need the advanced technology developed on the earth, because for the gods, the earth is Just a mineral star!"

"Therefore, the demigods, in order for the humans and dragons to mine copper for the gods with peace of mind and avoid unnecessary thoughts, destroyed and blocked the technology and thinking of the two races! Turning the humans and dragons into robots The primitive miner!”

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