
"Da da da!" Facing these spiders, John and Ji Xiu felt terrified. How could there be such big spiders in nature?

The shells of these spiders were not very tough, and the bullets penetrated the spider's body very easily, but John's face showed a solemn look.

Because the vitality of these spiders is so tenacious, even if their bodies are riddled with holes, the spiders will still rush at them quickly. Only by completely smashing them can they kill a spider.

The most disgusting thing is that these spiders can climb walls, and will climb on top of people without noticing, and then fall down to attack!

At this time, the light machine gun in Ji Xiu's hand showed its usefulness. The machine gun bullets had strong kinetic energy and two shots could kill a spider, so the problem was not serious.

"Crack!" But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the end of the room, it was Night Demon, and he was holding the unconscious girl in his hand, it was Elena.

The Night Demon blocked Elena in front of him and stared at Levi with only one eye, as if he wanted to keep him in mind. Then he reached out and patted the button hidden in the wall, and an invisible barrier suddenly opened on the wall behind him. The secret door, he jumped behind the door in a flash.

"No! This guy wants to run away!" The three of them saw the movements of Night Demon clearly. John frowned and shouted, "Li! We will open a way for you, you go rescue the target and solve the problem." Night Devil!"

With that said, John and Keith immediately gave up resisting the spiders crawling toward them, and instead turned their guns and fired, clearing a route for Levi to the invisible door.

"Protect yourselves!" Levi jumped out suddenly with force from his feet, his whole body was like a cheetah, his movements were extremely fast.

John and Ji Xiu couldn't even see his specific movements clearly. They only saw an afterimage leaping. Levi jumped a dozen meters away, went to the wall, and opened the invisible door after a little fumbling.

"Wow! Is this the strength of the Crusher!" Jixiu was stunned. If he faced an opponent at that speed, even the light machine gun in his sweeper would probably be useless, because of his reaction speed and the speed of turning the muzzle. Can't keep up with the other party at all!

Behind the invisible door was a narrow, closed staircase with strange red lights flashing. Levi listened intently, but did not hear breathing or heartbeat.

Moreover, Levi did not choose to step on the stairs, but stepped on the wall and walked forward. After a few seconds, he came to a closed room.

The room was more than 100 square meters and less than three meters high. It looked very cramped. Levi could reach out and touch the ceiling, and pieces of silver-white steel plates were installed on the surrounding walls.

There is a huge generator running continuously in the corner of the room, making a harsh roar. One end of the machine is connected to a huge iron gasoline barrel, and the other end has several thick cables extending out of the room. Here It should be the energy supply center of the entire hotel.

A chair was placed in the middle of the room, and Elena, who was in a coma, slumped on the chair, but the Night Demon was nowhere to be seen. The roar of the engine and the strong smell of gasoline affected Levi's hearing. With his sense of smell, he couldn't find where the Night Demon was hiding for a while.

Although I don’t know what dirty tricks the Night Demon is planning, as long as I follow the opponent’s script, the Night Demon will appear on his own sooner or later.

"Elena!" Levi walked over carefully. After checking, he found that her breathing and heartbeat were stable, and there were no bombs planted on her body or under the chair, so he picked her up.

"Scoff!" Just after Elena left the chair, the pressure on the chair changed and immediately triggered the mechanism. Nearly a hundred two-centimeter-thick steel pipes pierced out from the ground and went straight to the ceiling, forming a steel cage to trap Li Wei. Among them, the stairway entrance was immediately closed by a steel plate!

When Levi was trapped, a steel plate on the wall next to the engine was pushed away, revealing the Night Demon curled up and hiding inside.

"Buzz!" Night Demon pressed a button in his hand, and immediately saw gasoline pouring out from the gaps in the steel plates of the wall. This made the gun in Levi's hand useless unless he wanted to set himself on fire.

"Pah! Pat!" Night Demon seemed to feel that he had a chance to win, and then walked slowly to the cage with heavy steps. Although he still didn't say a word, just standing quietly, he could make people feel a The attitude of a winner.

Across the cage, Night Demon and Levi looked at each other. Night Demon tilted his head and looked at Levi up and down, seeming to feel a little regretful about destroying such a perfect collection.

But when Night Demon found that Levi's face was still very plain, without showing the slightest look of fear or panic, it even gave Night Demon the illusion that he was trapped in a cage, and their identities had completely changed!

This made Night Demon suddenly feel a surge of anger in his heart. These mercenaries had pushed themselves to this point, even giving up the secret base they had worked so hard to build, but the other side actually dared to show a calm expression when death was imminent. expression!

"Hi!" But the next moment, Night Demon took out a lighter from his pocket, apparently planning to ignite the gasoline stored nearby and burn Levi alive.

"Huh!" But at this moment, Levi suddenly exhaled. His powerful lung capacity made the breath like an air arrow, directly blowing out the windproof lighter in Night Demon's hand.

Levi's actions seemed to be cheating, which made Night Demon obviously stunned, but at the moment when Night Demon was stunned, Levi took action!

"You are too close to me!" Levi's left hand suddenly reached out. Taking advantage of his height and long arms, Levi directly skipped the distance of more than one meter, grabbed the Night Demon's right hand holding the lighter, and then pulled it suddenly!

"Bang!" The 200-pound Night Demon, like a child, hit the steel pipe cage hard in an instant, making a loud noise and bending several steel pipes!

"Tsk!" At the same time, Night Demon's entire right arm was torn off by Levi's huge force!

"Huh?" Levi looked at an arm in his hand, with a slightly confused look in his eyes.

He originally thought that the Night Demon was a level 2 life form that was equally matched, so Levi didn't hold back at all, but he didn't expect that the Night Demon's physical strength was a little weaker than he imagined. It was just the physical strength of an ordinary person!

Under Levi's strong grip, Night Demon's right wrist was as fragile as plasticine, and was instantly turned into a puddle of flesh by Levi!

"Pap tap tap!" Night Demon, who was knocked to the ground by the rebound, kept kicking back, keeping a distance of more than two meters from Levi.

Night Demon looked down and saw that his right arm, connected to part of his chest muscles, had been violently torn off by Levi. Blood was gushing out wildly. His chest was also shattered and sunken due to the strong impact, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. Without saying a word, he just staggered up and tried to escape.

"Crunch! Crunch!" Levi held the steel pipe with both hands and exerted force suddenly, bending the steel pipe to a huge extent, and then took Elena and stepped out, "Isn't it too late to run away now?"

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