"Huh? What do you mean?" Levi turned to look at the boy who had been expressionless from just now to now, but after the other party said these words, he fell silent and turned around to leave.

Seeing this, Levi thought for a while and used his recovered mental force field, intending to hypnotize the other party to get useful information. After all, it was obvious that the other party's family had such a number of insect eggs growing in their bodies, but they could still live normally. unusual!

It's just that Levi didn't detect any radiation reaction from them, they seemed to be just ordinary humans.

"Huh?" But when Levi's mental power was about to break through into the boy's brain, a look of pain appeared on the other person's face, and he actually blocked Levi's mental hypnosis!

"Ugh!" The young man let out a painful low cry from his throat, covered his head with his hands, fell to his knees, and then smashed his head against the ground!

Levi frowned when he saw this. He discovered that the reason why the boy was in such pain was not actually due to mental hypnosis.

It was because after Levi's mental power entered the opponent's mind, the eggs in the boy's brain were instantly activated, growing and crawling in his brain at an extremely fast speed, causing the boy great pain.

At the same time, it also interrupted Levi's plan to continue hypnosis, because if this continues, the boy's brain will be exploded by insect eggs!

"What's going on?" Levi withdrew his mental force field. The young man immediately breathed a sigh of relief and lay limply on the ground. In just one or two seconds, his body was already soaked with sweat!

"It's punishing me!" The boy who had recovered had a look of horror in his eyes, and he murmured inarticulately. Then he held on to his weak body and rolled and crawled outside!

"Crunch!" In the perception of Levi's huge mental force field, he could see the young man running back to the wooden house staggeringly, and he could also see Thomas staring at the woodshed where he was through the cracks in the wall of the wooden house.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" In the wooden house, Suni, who was sitting very obediently at the wooden table, looked at the embarrassed Luo Meng and ran over to worry.

"Romon." Thomas and his wife looked at their son with cold eyes. Instead of saying words of comfort, they said in a cold tone, "Don't do stupid things. Great existence cannot be violated!"

"Thomas, what should we do with that person?" Julie asked in a low voice after Thomas finished scolding her son.

"I can already feel the call of the great existence! This is a sacrifice just delivered to my door!" Thomas showed a cold look in his eyes.

"What do you think?" Julie's body trembled after hearing this, with a look of fear and enthusiasm on her face, "Then I'll call him!"

"Da da!" But just as Julie was about to open the door, there was a knock on the door. When she opened the door, it was Levi.

"Ms. Julie, I saw that Romon was feeling a little uncomfortable just now. Do you want to see if he is feeling better?" Levi said softly, tilting his head and seeing Romon sitting motionless in front of the wooden table, his eyes blank. Staring at the oil lamp on the table, the little girl Suni looked at Levi curiously.

"Thank you for your concern. Luo Meng is fine." Julie shook her head, then turned sideways and made an inviting gesture, "We are getting ready to pray before going to bed, Li Qian, do you want to come with us?"

"Of course!" Levi nodded, then walked in and sat next to Suni.

"Children, it's time to pray before going to bed!" Thomas nodded slightly to Levi and clapped his hands.

As soon as Thomas finished speaking, Levi clearly felt an aura of fear from Suni and Romon beside him, especially Suni, whose thin body began to tremble slightly.

"Crack!" But Julie walked to the only locked wooden cabinet behind her and took out a very weird-looking toy that looked like a carousel!

This merry-go-round toy is only about the size of an adult's palm. It is beautifully shaped and has a white umbrella with gold rim. However, what spins under the umbrella is not a wooden horse, but a circle of weird insects!

"Kakaka!" Thomas took the carousel from Julie's hand with a solemn expression, and carefully and slowly twisted the spring below.

"Ding, ding, ding!" When Thomas placed the wind-up carousel on the table, there was a crisp and strange sound of music, and insects of various shapes under the umbrella were also winding up. On the drive, it began to rotate continuously and made a running posture.

"Ah!" As the carousel toy started to run, all the eggs in Thomas's family were activated, growing and devouring them, causing several people to roar.

But compared to the painful screams of the two children, Romon and Suni, the roars of Thomas and his wife revealed an ultimate sense of relief, as if this kind of physical pain made them experience an unparalleled experience. hapiness!

Sitting at the wooden table, Levi observed the Thomas family with a frown, and found that although the insect eggs in their bodies were destroying the bodies of several people, the eggs would also secrete a strange substance in the process. , constantly repairing the damage in their bodies!

"Huh?" At this moment, Levi's eyes moved slightly, because according to his mental force field perception, several extremely small flying insects that could not be seen by the naked eye actually flew out from the carousel toys. On Levi's skin.

And these flying insects also secrete a paralyzing and corrosive liquid in their bodies, which seems to intend to corrode Levi's skin and then get into his body!

"Crack!" But Levi's skin was much harder than steel. The little flying insect had been busy for a long time, but it could not destroy a single hair of Levi. Instead, it was directly crushed into insect pulp by Levi's mental force field!

"Roar!" As those small flying insects were crushed to death by Levi, the Thomas family suddenly seemed to be severely stimulated. They suddenly opened their eyes and rushed towards Levi with a ferocious expression. He has completely lost his humanity, as if he is controlled by the bugs in his body!

"Boom!" But the four people, two large and two small, were directly pressed to the ground by the mental force field. Apart from making some roars, they were completely unable to move.

"What on earth is this?" Levi reached out and took the merry-go-round on the table, but Levi did not detect the radiation reaction of the strange object from this toy.

"Crack!" Levi slowly increased the strength on his hand, and the toy began to show traces of cracks. He wanted to see what was hidden inside the toy, and whether the Thomas family would return to their original state if the toy was destroyed!

"Bang!" But just when the toy was about to be crushed by Levi, the four people on the ground exploded into pulp all over the floor. Four black mist flew out of the insect eggs that were also destroyed in the body, and penetrated directly into the toy. Into the toys!

"Buzz!" At the next moment, the toy's rotation suddenly accelerated, and at the same time, an extremely cold energy shot out from the toy, forming a black channel that was constantly rippling in the space in front of Levi!

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