Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 179 The power of killing

However, Miles also has the talent of intermediate self-healing, and his injuries will heal in a few breaths. Therefore, even if Miles does not break out and just fights steadily, as the fighting time goes by, the balance of victory begins to move towards. Lean on Miles!

"Scoff!" The monk's sickle arm blade penetrated Miles's chest, but the next moment, the arm blade was stuck tightly by Miles, and he wielded a sharp and tough bone saw, directly cutting him into pieces. Chop it down!

"Wow!" Blood spurted out from the severed limb, but after suffering such an injury, the monk's originally dark insect eyes glowed slightly red.

"Plop!" Then Miles, who was stepping forward and preparing to pursue the victory, suddenly stumbled and half-knelt on the ground!

"Huh?" Levi, who was watching the battle, frowned slightly, because the severed limb inserted into Miles' body instantly turned into countless tiny black bugs and wormed their way into the wound!

These bugs were scurrying wildly inside his body, devouring flesh, and were soon covered all over Miles's body. At this time, the Achilles tendons in Miles' hands and legs had also been devoured and bitten off!

"Tick-tock! Tick-tock!" The monk let the blood flow from the broken arm, walked to Miles, and looked at him with a tilted head, "Strange, there is no blood in the body? And there seems to be the smell of another demon remaining on the body, already Have you been targeted by someone else?"

The monk shook his head, then raised another arm blade and chopped off Miles's head. Although the intermediate self-healing ability is powerful and can even regenerate severed limbs, it still has to be done if the mind is smashed to pieces. die!

"Buzz!" But at this moment, a powerful light red force suddenly emerged from Miles' body, which was half kneeling on the ground, washing away at every corner of his body. Countless little bugs in his body were directly washed away by this energy. At first glance, it looks like black-red blood spurting out!

It was Miles who drew all the blood energy stored in the other dimension back into his body. It was like reinstalling a fully efficient energy battery on the machine, and it suddenly exploded to a true peak that was several times greater than before. the power of!

The only pity is that after Miles was controlled by the leather book, he lost contact with the Druid Church Wendigo and lost the ability to use teleportation. Otherwise, there would be another one. A killer weapon!

"Boom!" Miles' figure suddenly popped up, and the huge force directly knocked the monk who was standing in front of him without much defense, knocking him to the ground and pressing directly on him.

The bone saw in Miles' hand was swung like a ball of silver light, cutting the monk's upper body into a puddle of dark, soft flesh in the blink of an eye!

"Crash!" But the next moment, the mud on the ground turned into countless small black insects, flowing and gathering like liquid, and re-condensed into the appearance of a monk, seemingly unscathed!

"Haha!" The monk looked down at Miles with his huge insect eyes, opened his mouth, and seemed to show a sarcastic smile, "This is the true power of eternal pain! If the pain is not extinguished, I will not die!"

Levi on the side was not too surprised when he saw this, because the church had already disclosed most of the information about hell and demons before.

Existences such as hell monks are often not formed naturally, but are created by a powerful being in hell. They are actually borrowing the power of that being. Although they also have their own thoughts, a certain To a certain extent, it can also be regarded as the incarnation of that existence.

That kind of existence is also called a hell lord, and it is said that each of them is a level 5 life form!

The easiest way to kill the monk is to use the power of the hell lord to destroy evil at its source!

Otherwise, if you want to completely kill the monk, you need to destroy the other party's soul, and that requires at least the power of a level 4 life form to do it!

Otherwise, even if the monk's body is destroyed, the other party can still be reborn in hell! Therefore, these hell monks are also known as the most difficult demons!

"Boom!" But Miles did not stop because of the opponent's recovery, and attacked the monk again. What Miles enjoyed was the process of killing, and the result was not that important to him, which is why he did it before The reason anyone survived him.

Moreover, Levi discovered through the leather book that during the killing just now, Miles' heart also began to flicker and evolve again!

In his external performance, Miles's body's strength, speed and reaction began to continuously improve, and a strange power began to slowly emerge from his body. This power was filled with pure killing and began to attach to the bone saw in his hand. superior!

"Tsk!" And just when the bone saw cut into the monk's body again, the killing force actually caused a faint black smoke to emit from the other person's body, leaving a residue on the body that looked like plastic had been burned and solidified. The black scar after!

"Boom!" A red light flashed in the eyes of the monk who received this kind of power attack, and the painful power obtained from the lord in his body was actually relieved!

In other words, Miles has now mastered and used a power that seems to come from hell and is enough to actually kill it!

"Species: Human Demon

Name: Michael Myers

Age: 61 years old

Life level: Level 3

Physical fitness: 40 (killing power is increasing)

Physique: 45 (killing power is increasing)

Talents: Heart of Miles (evolving), killing power, intermediate self-healing

Skills: Killing Level 5, Fighting Level 2

Status: Full Control”

"Huh? The power of killing?" After the new power was born in Miles' body, Levi's expression also moved slightly. Because of the leather book, he also obtained the kind of "killing power" that the leather book called "killing power." The natural ability of "power"!

"So, is this the product of the evolution of Miles' Heart?" Levi felt the new power in his body, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Although this power is still very weak at present, it has considerable potential, because this power is very similar to his power of fear in terms of power, and it can gain strength and evolve life through killing!

And when Miles suddenly mastered the power of killing, the monk, who was still enjoying the attack and pain, no longer dared to ignore Miles' attacks and began to dodge!

"Hi!" However, the monk's body was soon covered with fine scars, and the black leather clothes he wore outside his body became a little gray, and his strength and speed continued to decrease!

"Buzz!" Sensing the life-and-death crisis, the monk had no intention of fighting Miles anymore. He actually controlled the wooden horse toy in Levi's hand to start spinning, opened the passage again, and planned to escape back to hell!

"Boom!" But just when the monk was about to rush into the passage, a ball of black flames suddenly hit it!

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