Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 198 New God and True God

"Arvette, why do you recognize me as your master?"

"Because you have obtained the power of the original talisman!" Arvette's heart was still full of disbelief that a level 3 life form could actually be recognized by the original talisman!

"Did you put the magic talisman into the little girl's body?" Levi asked.

"Yes!" Arvette nodded, "The talisman is the foundation of Valhalla's existence, and it is also the power that maintains my existence! But the power in the talisman has been weakened to the extreme, and I can only ask for help and send it out. Maintain the existence of the original talisman by harvesting life!”

"Arvette, what level of strength can you exert now?" Levi couldn't help but ask with expectation when he heard that the other party was once a level 5 demigod.

"My lord, I must disappoint you! I only have a trace of my original remnant spirit left, and the power I can exert is only at level 3-4. And I can't leave this fragment of Valhalla. Maybe I can't. I have provided you with so much help in battle!" A trace of embarrassment appeared on Arvette's face.

"Huh?" After hearing this, Levi was a little disappointed, but he had expected it. If Arvite could still maintain the strength of a level 5 demigod, how could he be curled up in this small place? Inside the house?

Levi has seen the methods of another level 5 demigod named Leviathan before, which can break the space barrier!

But Li Wei was still excited, because aside from the other party's status as a demigod, Arvite, as a maid of the main god, knew information and secrets that far exceeded those of the Church of All Souls!

It's like Levi has his own portable "grandpa", not to mention that the other person is a Valkyrie who looks very pleasing to the eye!

"Arvette, the battle of the gods you just mentioned, is the battlefield in our solar system?" Levi asked. In that battlefield of the gods, a main god died, as well as an unknown number of gods, almost A divine tomb that contains countless treasures!

If you can find that battlefield of the gods, you will have found an unimaginable treasure!

"To be precise, it happened in the Milky Way. The solar system is the lucky one who was slightly affected!" Arvette shook her head.

"When Lord Odin brought us to the Milky Way thousands of years ago, it was a super-giant elliptical galaxy with a diameter of millions of light-years, which gave birth to a large number of various civilizations!"

"What? Millions of light years?" Levi was shocked. According to current scientific calculations, the diameter of the Milky Way is only a few hundred thousand light years, which means that the other area has a diameter of more than 800,000 light years. They have all been destroyed by the divine war back then!

"Is that the power of level 6 or 7 life forms?" Levi was sweating profusely and couldn't help but silently swallow a mouthful of saliva. The slight pride he had in his current power suddenly disappeared!

"That is the power of the Level 7 True God!" Even though she was once the personal maid of Lord Odin, Arvette still showed awe for those existences in her eyes, "The gap between the Level 7 True God and the Level 6 New God is, It’s also very huge! No, to be precise, in the eyes of the level 7 true god, the level 6 new god is still as fragile as dust and ants!”

"True God? New God?" Levi's face showed confusion.

"I once overheard the Lord Odin talking about a level 7 life form that cannot be achieved through acquired practice and evolution!" After Odin fell, Arvert dared to tell Levi these extremely secret truths about the universe. , "The limit that life in the universe can reach by relying on its own strength is actually only level 4! And even with the help of true gods, its limit can only reach level 6 at most!"

"Why?" Levi asked quickly. He had also heard this statement in the church. Since the death of the gods, it is impossible for new demigods to be born in the world.

"Because if a level 4 life form wants to evolve to a level 5 life form, it needs a magical object that only gods can create." Arvit said, "That kind of magical object is called a god base!"

"Only when the divine base is successfully initially fused, the life form can evolve to level 5!" Arvite waved his hand, and an object the size of a fingernail, like a pale golden amber, appeared in front of him. Although it was full of cracks, There is a hint of immortality in it!

"This is the Divine Foundation, which means the foundation stone of God!" Arvette showed off her already broken Divine Foundation. "The soul of the demigod and the Divine Foundation are constantly fused, and you can easily gain a life span of tens of millions of years!"

"If the soul can be completely integrated with the divine foundation, then the divine foundation will not be damaged, the soul will not die, and you will have almost eternal life! This is why level 5 life forms are called demigods!"

"Huh?" When Levi stretched out his palm to touch the Divine Foundation, he was shocked to find that the Divine Foundation, which was the size of a fingernail, contained unimaginable mass. Even with Levi's current ability, he could easily lift seventy or eighty tons. The power of things can't even be shaken at all!

"Can this divine base be made only by gods?" Levi retracted his palm.

"Yes!" Arvite nodded, "Because the raw material used to create the divine base is a rare thing called orichalcum. During forging, the power of the true god needs to be continuously incorporated in order to have a certain chance of success!"

"Orichalcum?" Li Wei frowned slightly, shocked in his heart. No wonder the ordinary earth would be looked at differently by the gods. It turns out that orichalcum has such a huge effect!

"What about level 6 gods? How did they evolve from demigods?"

"When the level 5 demigods have completely integrated the divine base, they need the true god to use their own divine fire as a guide to ignite the divine fire belonging to the demigods. With the divine base and divine fire, and then develop their own beliefs, then a god will be almost immortal. The new god is born!”

"What about level 7 true gods? What's the difference between them?"

"When I was serving the banquet of the true gods, I heard them inadvertently reveal relevant information. It seems that the true gods do not need a divine foundation. They themselves represent the original power of the universe. They are born to be gods, and they are true gods!" Arvite recounted the information she had collected, "Even the most powerful being among the Level 6 New Gods can be easily destroyed in front of the Level 7 True God!"

"Arvit, after the death of a demigod or a new god, will their original divine base be retained? If I get a divine base, can I evolve to a level 5 life form by fusing it with the divine base?" Levi looked to Asked the divine base in Arvette's hand.

There are no gods walking in the world now. Even if Li Wei finds orichalcum, what's the use?

"It's okay!" Faced with Li Wei's gaze, Arvette couldn't help but shudder. She was afraid that Li Wei would take away her divine foundation by force, so she quickly said, "But my lord, my The Divine Foundation has been broken into pieces. If you fuse this Divine Foundation, it will greatly limit your future growth. It will do more harm than good!"

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