"Yes!" Christine nodded, "It's just that the enjoyment we, the Saint Norbit family, pursue is to torture our bodies to feel the ultimate pain, overload our senses and achieve the ultimate mental pleasure!"

Levi's face was expressionless, but in his heart he complained that the other party was a pervert with masochistic tendencies!

"When you evolve from a curser to a monk, you can absorb the pain of other beings and thereby increase your own power!" Christine said.

"Were you, the Saint Norbit family, created by Leviathan?" Levi asked curiously

"Yes!" Christine nodded, "In fact, almost all the tribesmen were originally from normal humans! Before being transformed into the Saint Norbit tribe, they all suffered huge psychological trauma, and Or experienced huge external stimulation!”

Li Wei nodded, maybe only people with psychological and spiritual problems are more likely to be distorted and transformed!

"According to what you just said, is the Puzzle just a part of hell?" In fact, Ms. Medina also mentioned before that there are many demigod-level lords in hell, and Leviathan is just one of them.

"Yes!" Christine nodded, "Hell is boundless and huge. It is at least hundreds of millions of light years away from your world, but it is essentially made up of many demigod domain chains connected together. hell!"

"So the deeper the realm is in the depths of hell, the older and more powerful its lords are!" Christine shook her head, "There are even rumors that there are real gods in the deepest parts of hell!"

"With a distance of hundreds of millions of light-years, can you get there through a Rubik's Cube?" Levi looked at the rusty Rubik's Cube placed on the table in front of him, "Does hell have perfect space teleportation capabilities?"

Levi is most eager for this kind of technical ability, because the universe is too vast. Whether it is the battlefield of the battle between gods and evil, or the galaxy where Odin lives, it will cost countless people to get there with the current level of science and technology of mankind. time!

"Yes! In each domain of hell, there are space portals arranged by their respective lords. This transmission ability not only consumes huge amounts of radiation, but it is also said that only demigods can open up the space arrangement!" Kristen nodded head.

"The Rubik's Cube contains an energy from Master Leviathan. This energy is a coordinate in the universe! The key point of space teleportation is actually this coordinate. Otherwise, if it is teleported immediately, there is a 100% chance that it will be sent to the infinite distance. In the Dead Star Territory, in that situation, you can only wait for death!"

"Coordinates?" Levi's heart moved slightly. This was a problem that needed to be solved. "By the way! Did you just say curse disciple? Is this your evolutionary level?"

"Level 1 living beings are curse disciples. They can only increase their strength by feeling their own pain. Their strength is generally at the peak of level 1." As if recalling the scene when she was a curse disciple, Christine's face became a little... Cold, "And cursers can devour each other!"

"At the same time, cursers are also the qualifications of monks. When monks evolve in life level, they will also choose to harvest the power of pain in cursers' bodies!"

"Level 2 life forms and level 3 life forms are eligible to receive the attention of Lord Leviathan, evolve into hell monks, and choose the human world to preach painful sermons!"

"As for level 4 life forms, they are eligible to apply for Lord Leviathan's test. If they pass, they can be promoted to high priest and gain more power from Lord Leviathan!"

"How many level 4 life forms do you have?" Levi asked.

"Six!" Christine replied, "But three of them failed to pass Master Leviathan's sacrificial test before, but later joined the command of High Priest Spencer, so Spencer is also one of our three high priests. head!"

"He has become Lord Leviathan's spokesperson in hell. He is the most powerful person who can borrow his power. Therefore, for most of the period, Spencer is the actual manager of the puzzle!"

"Besides me, there is another high priest named Harry Damore. He is very mysterious and pays little attention to related matters in the labyrinth. I haven't seen him for many years! What if? If his soul fire was not still burning in the Temple of Pain, I would have thought he was dead!"

Levi sneered in his heart, Christine said so much, the most important thing is just the last sentence!

She just told Li Wei in a subtle way that if she died, Leviathan, the Lord of Pain, would know about it immediately, allowing Li Wei to consider the terrible consequences of being targeted by a demigod!

In fact, Leviathan has no regrets in his heart at all. Not to mention that due to the degree of radiation recovery, the opponent's body cannot come over at this time. Even if he does come, Levi holds a level 7 energy and lightly You can easily defeat Leviathan!

But Levi had no intention of killing Christine. What he wanted was a nail to drive into hell!

Levi's original plan was to kill Kristine in the Heroic Spirit Mini House, and then use the power of the Ice Talisman to transform Kristine into a special life form that completely obeys him!

But Levi was worried that even if he killed Christine, her soul would still be led away by hell, and even attract the attention of Leviathan!

Therefore, Levi can only choose plan B at this time!

"Boom!" Levi suddenly made a move, and Kristine, who was still sitting on the sofa, was immediately restrained by a huge mental force field, and then a black flame dyed with blood red attached to Kristine's body. !

"Huh?" Christine, who was unable to use her mind power, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered when faced with Levi's vast sea of ​​mental power. She quickly shouted, "Levi! You can really bear to be killed." My price!"

Levi did not pay attention to the other party, but instead handed over the control of the flame to Arvette who was standing behind him. As Arvette, who was accompanied by the fragments of the Hall of Valor, was now controlling a strange thing with Levi. Things are the same!

"Buzz!" Although Arvette only has a trace of her originality left, her ability to control power is still there, and she can also borrow the power of Levi and the Heroic Spirit Mini House!

Therefore, after taking over the Flame of Fear, with a thought, the power of fear and the power of killing in the flame separated, directly penetrated Christine's body, and burned towards the other party's soul!

"Ah!" Kristine let out a miserable cry. Her eyes, which were originally like blood-colored gems, were now vaguely covered with a layer of rolling black mist, as if there was a black flame burning in her eyes!

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