Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 22 Cooperation and Help

"Hi! Li!" The car was still some distance away, and Elena leaned out of the car window to say hello.

But when Elena actually walked up to Levi and felt the strong masculine aura of the other party, Elena was a little shy. She adjusted her dress, took out an invitation letter from her bag and handed it to Levi.

"Li, to thank you, my father wants to invite you to dinner tonight!" Elena turned around and ran away after saying that, "At seven o'clock in the evening, a driver will pick you up!"

Before Levi could say a word, he saw Elena running away like a rabbit, looking down at the exquisite invitation in her hand with an incomprehensible expression.

Luying Biological Company also has a huge property in Monroe City. In order to facilitate management, Peters bought a private estate in the southwest suburbs.

At seven o'clock in the evening, under the guidance of the butler, Levi met this legendary rich man.

It is said that Peters did not have any background, but he married the daughter of a wealthy man in Monroe City at the time, and his life suddenly reached its peak.

But Peters was not satisfied with this. Instead, with the capital and resources supported by his father-in-law, he started from scratch and built Luying Biotechnology, which is now worth billions of dollars.

"Li, I am Elena's father, Peters!" Peters stood up on crutches and extended his palm to Levi. Although he had gained weight in middle age, he could still see his handsomeness in his youth.

"Hello, Mr. Peters, nice to meet you!"

After a warm and ordinary dinner, Elena saw that the two men seemed to have something to talk to, so she went back to the room first.

"Li, thank you very much for rescuing my daughter!" Peters thanked Levi very seriously on the small round table in the garden.

"Mr. Peters, I just took the money to do what I should do." Levi shook his head and just took the money to do things.

"Li, what do you think of my daughter?" Peters glanced at his daughter who was looking over at the balcony on the second floor not far away, and asked with a sigh.

"Mr. Peters, Elena is a beautiful and kind girl." Levi could faintly feel Elena's eyes focused on him, and after a moment of silence he said, "But I have no plans to end being single at the moment."

After hearing Levi's words, Peters turned to look at him and found that Levi's expression was calm and firm, and he couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart.

"Bah!" Peters calmed down, lit a cigar, and then waved to a man in a suit standing not far away.

Upon seeing this, the other party strode over, took out a check from his pocket, and placed it on the table in front of Levi.

"Mr. Peters, what is this?" Looking at the check worth two hundred thousand dollars in front of him, Levi asked the other party.

"Since Elena doesn't have that luck, I can only express my gratitude through these things!"

"Mr. Peters, I've already received the commission, you don't need to do this!" Levi pushed the check over, wondering whether it was easy to get the money or not to pay it back.

"Li, don't refuse in a hurry!" Peters took a puff of his cigar, "Actually, I value talents like you very much!"

"Mr. Peters is joking, I only know how to fight and kill, and I haven't even gone to college, so how can I be considered a talent!" Levi chuckled.

"Lucero is very good at judging people, and he respects you very much!" Peters waved his hand and went straight to the point, "Besides, our company does not lack nerds, but it lacks people who are proficient in fighting and killing and can protect the company's property. !”

"And when the property reaches a certain level, there will be many things that are not suitable to be solved openly." Peters pushed the check back to Levi, "I think we can form a closer cooperative relationship. I You have the money, you have the connections, and you just have to keep doing what you do best!”

Elena's kidnapping incident this time was a wake-up call for Peters. Although he had some armed security forces, they could only serve as a deterrent to ordinary people, and they would not be able to face major events.

Therefore, Peters is now eager to have an armed force with strong combat effectiveness. He may not use it, but he cannot live without it!

And Levi and John's Bison Team are the perfect candidates.

Through his own channels, Peters has long investigated the details of Levi. He has a clean financial background, no worries, and strong combat power. It is said that he just saved John's life. There is a high probability that the Buffalo Team will fall into Levi's hands in the future.

"So, just think of this check as payment for a part-time job!" Peters said with a warm smile on his face.

"Part-time job?" Levi frowned slightly. Peters hoped that Levi would help Lu Ying Biology solve some hidden troubles, and Levi happened to be very interested in Lu Ying Biology's official influence and related information channels. The two parties just happened to Everyone has their needs.

"Yes." Peters nodded, "Elena's grandfather started in textiles, and their family's Gate Textile Factory is currently encountering some special troubles."

Peters emphasized the pronunciation of the word "special", which immediately caught Levi's attention.

Gate Textile Factory is currently the largest textile group in Monroe City, with nearly 5,000 workers. Although it only belongs to the rough processing industry, due to its astonishing size, its annual profits are also very huge, which makes it helpless. The one who turned to him for help was definitely not a minor trouble.

"Do you have detailed information?" Therefore, Li Wei did not agree immediately, but asked about the specific situation first. If it involves the government, the military or even treason, Li Wei will naturally stay away.

Although he has combat power that is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people, he is still a human being after all. If he wants to fight against the state machinery, he is either crazy or has lived enough.

"Buckman, come and talk to Li about the specific situation." Peters waved to the man who just delivered the check, "Buckman is my secretary and is as trustworthy as Lucero."

"Hello, Mr. Levi, this is my business card. If you have any needs in the future, just talk to me directly!" Buckman is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a slender figure and a golden suit. He wears silk glasses and has a bookish air, but he can't hide his intelligence.

"The Gate Textile Factory is currently under the direct responsibility of Miss Elena's uncle, Mr. Warwick." Buckman explained to Levi, but he was interrupted by Peters before he said a word.

"That guy Warwick is a bastard. If his sister hadn't asked me to take care of him before she died, I wouldn't have bothered to care about his life or death!" Peters looked at his broken leg, and then thought of his beloved wife who died tragically in a car accident. He couldn't help but cursed.

"Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Warwick sent a call for help. During this period, several workers in his new factory disappeared. Especially the night before yesterday, eight cleaning workers disappeared at the same time while cleaning the basement of the new factory. "It is said that there is some kind of monster down there!" Buckman waited for his boss to vent before continuing to report the situation.

"In order to calm people's hearts and prevent the stock price from falling, Warwick did not choose to call the police, but made a rescue call, hoping that Mr. Peters would send someone to take a look."

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