Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 235 The power of the soul and the pyramid

"The existence that is more terrifying than the Wendigo? What is it?" Levi's heart moved. As a existence that can escape from the hands of a demigod, the Wendigo can be more powerful than it, at least it is a demigod!

"Do you know what that is?" The White Birch Witch did not immediately answer Levi's question. Instead, she glanced at the crystal substance in Levi's hand.

"Is this supposed to be some kind of energy source?"

"That's the power of Wendigo's soul!" the White Birch Witch said in a deep voice.

"The power of the soul?" There was a trace of confusion and surprise on Levi's face. Normal life forms often possess souls, and the word soul cannot be used casually!

"I believe you have also heard about the Wendigo's escape from Joshua!" The White Birch Witch's body slowly shrank, and her body of more than three meters tall became about the same height as Levi.

"Perhaps it was because the radiation was extremely weak at that time, which prevented Joshua from exerting his own power! But the reason why the Wendigo was able to do such appalling things is because it has almost evolved to the limit of a Level 4 life form !”

"The limit of level 4 life forms?"

"Yes! The Wendigo's soul has evolved into a divine soul that can only be possessed by level 5 life forms!" The White Birch Witch said solemnly, "It is only the last step away from becoming a demigod! But this last step is A Wendigo could never do it on its own!”

Li Wei frowned slightly. He naturally knew that the last step mentioned by the White Birch Witch was referring to the divine foundation that only gods can forge!

But Wendigo was able to successfully evolve his soul into a divine soul on his own. This was enough to prove how powerful and terrifying Wendigo's talent was!

"That's why the world thinks that Wendigo relied on the help of the power of the soul to escape from Joshua, although Wendigo did pay a heavy price!" The tone of the White Birch Witch was filled with emotion. She was gloating about her misfortune, and she seemed to know a lot about Wendigos!

"The power of this soul is so powerful and important, but Wendigo is willing to cut off part of it and create a vine monster that is already very powerful and weird for ordinary people to guard this pyramid! It shows that the existence under this pyramid is indeed very special. It's terrible, there is no room for any mistakes, or the existence below is very important to Wendigo!" Levi quickly sorted out his thoughts.

"After all that, you haven't told me yet, what exactly is hidden under this pyramid?"

"I don't know either!" But who knew, the White Birch Witch actually shook her head, "And this pyramid was not actually built by Wendigo, it just happened that Wendigo discovered the secret hidden in the pyramid! "

"Even the existence of this pyramid can be traced back to the age of gods!" White Birch Witch explained, "After discovering the secret of the pyramid, Wendigo has been living here until he successfully evolved a divine soul!"

"According to common sense, the thing under the pyramid should be the treasure that helped Wendigo evolve into a divine soul! But when Wendigo was seriously injured by Joshua, he did not choose to return to the pyramid to recuperate. Instead, he split the divine soul. Created the Vine Demon Guard Pyramid!”

"Don't you think the previous and the last are abrupt and contradictory?" The White Birch Witch turned to Levi and asked, "It's like the Wendigo learned the truth beneath the pyramid from Joshua!"

"Furthermore, although Wendigo has evolved into a divine soul, it is still not on the same level as Joshua and other demigods who have evolved to level 5 life forms for who knows how many years! Wendigo learned from Joshua The difficulty of escaping is even more difficult than that of a level 1 life form escaping from a level 4 life form!”

"So I guess it was Joshua who let the Wendigo go back then, just to let the Wendigo continue to guard the pyramid!" The White Birch Witch turned around and said.

"Huh?" Levi frowned. Although what the White Birch Witch said sounded reasonable, there was no real evidence to support it. It was all the speculation and reasoning of the White Birch Witch!

"Do you know why I know so much information about Wendigo?" Seemingly seeing the suspicion in Levi's heart, the corners of the White Birch Witch's mouth cracked in a scary-looking arc, "Because according to you humans, I Once the consort of a Wendigo!"

"Huh? What?" Levi did not expect that the Birch Witch and the Wendigo would actually have this kind of relationship. What made it even more difficult for him to understand and imagine was that love could also occur between aberrations?

"We are different from ordinary aberrations. I was not born from the chaotic and evil aberration radiation!" A look of pride appeared on the face of the White Birch Witch. "Like you humans, I am a life created by the gods! "

Then the White Birch Witch stretched out her palm, and a ball of milky white light mixed with gold appeared in her palm. The energy contained in it actually made people feel warm and comfortable, and there was indeed no distortion of the radiation reaction!

"This is this?" Levi looked at the energy ball in the palm of the White Birch Witch's hand, and his heart suddenly moved, because the golden energy in it was very similar to the power of the secret fire he had obtained not long ago. Levi immediately believed that the White Birch Witch was created by Created by gods!

In fact, when the gods colonized the earth, they created many divine creatures based on many species on the earth, which are various mythical creatures recorded in historical records. However, most of them have already followed. Died by the tide of radiant energy!

"In fact, not only me, Wendigo is also a life created directly by the gods! We are all born in accordance with nature. Wilderness, jungle and nature are our destination!" The White Birch Witch gently touched herself The wooden texture on his body seemed to be filled with memories of the past in his eyes.

"It just changed after the Wendigo discovered the secret under the pyramid!" The White Birch Witch sighed, "Although it has powerful power, its body and soul have been contaminated!"

"Pollution? What do you mean?" Levi asked with a frown.

"That's what it means literally!" The White Birch Witch sighed, "The Wendigo's body has undergone changes, and the energy originally flowing from the gods in the body has gradually been filled with distorted radiation!"

"In other words, Wendigo has fallen! Because of the existence hidden under the pyramid!" After the White Birch Witch finished speaking, she turned to look at Levi, "Are you still thinking about opening this pyramid now?"

"You seem to have been paying attention to this pyramid. What is your purpose?" Levi asked.

"My purpose is very simple, just for the power of the soul from the Wendigo in your hand!"

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