"Hahaha!" As soon as Richard finished speaking, the boss Bob and the surrounding guests burst out laughing, "Oh! My God! The loom came from five thousand years ago! It was created by the pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Hahaha!"

"Richard! Do you want to listen to what you are talking about!" Bob poured some water into Levi's water glass and said sarcastically, "You are still a teacher. How can you even weave?" Don’t you know when the machine was invented?”

"Richard, we all know that your grandfather was once a historian affiliated with the church, but you can't take the things recorded in theology seriously!" A strong old man stood up and patted Richard's hand. Shoulder, after admonishing, he opened the door and left.

Richard has faced too much ridicule in his life, so he didn't even have the slightest waver in his heart when people were shouting at him, he just waited quietly for everyone to quiet down.

"Boss, please give Mr. Richard a beer." Levi admired Richard's mentality very much.

"Thank you, Mr. Police Officer!" Richard did not refuse and took a sip from the wine glass.

"Mr. Richard, they just said that your grandfather was a historian?"

"Yes, although he belongs to the church and records mostly related to the church, he has always kept in mind the ethics that a historian should have and will never make up random things." Richard nodded, speaking about his grandfather. Very admired.

"So just based on the few words your grandfather left in the book, you blocked the construction of the textile factory in every way, saying that it would disturb the souls in the graves. Have you ever thought about the thousands of workers who need to support their families?" Bao Bo sneered. This was also the main reason for the bad relationship between Richard and the residents of the town.

"Can you tell me more about the tomb on the top of the mountain?" Neither Richard nor Bob were too surprised when they heard Levi's request. They just thought that the young police officer was listening to these rumors as stories.

"As you wish!" Seeing that someone was willing to listen, Richard's face suddenly showed a hint of joy, "The envoy of the Weaver Church fled here more than a hundred years ago, but was eventually killed by the enemy. His body A missionary restrained himself and built a stone tomb for him on the mountain! "

"According to the preacher's records, the messenger is not an ordinary mortal. He contains magical power within his body. Although he is dead, his soul does not return to the underworld. If he is disturbed by a mortal, it may lead to serious consequences!" Chad was silent for a moment, "That preacher is my grandfather!"

"The reason why those cleaners disappeared before was because they disturbed the soul of the messenger!" Richard said, taking out a magic card from his collar and placing it on his forehead.

Levi turned around and saw a symbol like "4" engraved on the god card. Levi immediately knew that Richard believed in the Olympus religion, because his dead teammate James believed in the Olympus religion. this church.

Olympus is an ancient religion with a history of thousands of years. It has a history much older than Christ, God, and the Lord. It can even be said to be the oldest church in the world.

With the development of religion, monotheism has become completely mainstream. The church that believes in the main god Zeus and a group of Olympian gods appears to be very alternative, and is even regarded as a heresy by some extreme churches.

It went from being the largest church to a non-influential sect with very few believers now!

After hearing Richard's guess, Levi felt a little relieved. He did not doubt the existence of the so-called undead. After all, just yesterday, he used the Mask of the Faceless Man to eliminate a "ghost".

Even Li Wei is very much looking forward to the trouble this time, which is the so-called dead soul! Because the ghost of the dead is just a spiritual body in the final analysis. As long as he puts on the mask, he has nothing to fear!

"Mr. Police Officer, my grandfather told me before he died that you must remain in awe of things that are beyond your understanding!" Richard stood up, "Also, thank you for the beer!"

"Mr. Police Officer, just listen to what Richard said. Where did the ghosts come from in this world! He is so talkative that I think he may be too old and suffering from delusional disorder!" Bob put away the table. glass of wine and shrugged at Levi.

Levi nodded, got up, walked back to the car, and drove directly to the mountain. Although he didn't get any directly useful information, Levi also became curious about the tomb.

The road leading to the textile factory is an upward slope that surrounds the mountain. It has not been maintained for decades. The road is in very bad condition and is full of large and small potholes.

From a distance, I saw the very dilapidated-looking textile factory on the top of the mountain. The textile factory was in the shape of a long strip with a huge production area. The front looked like an old-fashioned church. An iron fence surrounded the textile factory. The fence was covered with overgrowth. The vines added to the splendor.

Three cars were parked on the platform in front of the textile factory. Levi parked the car in front of the textile factory. Someone in the dilapidated guard room heard the noise and stuck his head out to watch.

"Hello, police officer! What can I do for you?" When they saw Levi getting out of the car, two sturdy young men came out of the guard room with gun bags on their backs. Although they were polite to Levi, they were not There is no intention of opening the door of the textile factory.

"I was entrusted by Mr. Peters to solve some problems for Mr. Warwick." Levi took out a document bag from the car and handed it to the other party. Inside was a certificate of entrustment stamped by Buckman.

After hearing what Levi said, several more people walked out of the concierge. The leader was a strong middle-aged man wearing a white shirt. After confirming the authenticity of the document, a smile appeared on his face, "I am Wo. Rick."

After Levi saw Warwick, he was a little surprised. After all, he was a billionaire, and he would actually deal with the mess in the textile factory himself.

Even if the textile factory cannot be put into use, it should only be a little trouble for Warwick, not a thorn in the side at all!

Warwick is in trouble. As a standard rich second generation, Warwick is proficient in everything, including eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. If it weren’t for his father who trained many talents and Peters’ secret help With support, Gate Textile Factory has been shut down by him a long time ago!

Just a week ago, Warwick went to Las Vegas for a huge gamble. Whether it was due to bad luck or being tricked, he lost 300 million US dollars in chips in the middle of the night!

Of course, Warwick did not have so much cash on him, but he was anxious to lose. At the time, he was bewitched by his female companion and pledged this huge sum of money to the casino using the equity of Gate Textile Factory as a token, and he could pay back the principal within a month. Pay off with interest.

When Warwick regained his consciousness afterwards, he immediately knew that he had caused a big problem!

The reason why he can enjoy a life of debauchery is because of the equity he holds. If he loses these equity, he will become a pauper!

Although Gate Textile Factory is large in scale, Warwick has squandered almost all his annual dividends, so he cannot come up with 300 million in cash in a short period of time. And if he wants to find a bank loan, he cannot explain it to other shareholders because In the eyes of shareholders, Gate Textile Mills was operating well and there was no need for borrowing.

But Warwick was not a loser, and he soon came up with a new idea, which was to falsely expand the size of Gate Textile Factory, then obtain a large operating loan from the bank, and misappropriate most of the loan to repay gambling debts!

So he carefully selected the surroundings and finally selected this tomb textile factory. The price was so cheap that it was like picking it up for free. It was large enough, and there was nothing wrong with the main body of the textile factory. It could be run after just cleaning it!

He has already taken care of things in the bank, and is just waiting for the textile factory he bought at a low price to start running. Then the credit manager will come and go through the motions!

All the plans went smoothly, but where there should be no problems, there were big troubles!

So last night I got Buckman's reply and learned that the other party had found him a warrior who was said to be very powerful. The stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. This is why Warwick is so interested.

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