Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 257 Eyelids and Assassination

"Why don't I see anything strange? Is it because I have been retired for too long and my inspection skills are rusty?" Watts suddenly fell into doubts about himself, and then saw Rivera pull over the wooden chair beside him and put his head directly The wooden door opened, and a large amount of dust suddenly fell from it.

"Ahem!" Watts quickly covered his mouth and nose and ran outside the door. After the dust dispersed, he and Levi climbed into the attic on the wooden door.

"Creak! Creak!" The two stepped on the wooden board, and the attic floor suddenly made an overwhelming noise. Watts became more careful with his movements.

But he discovered that Levi's steps did not make the wooden board make any noise. Looking at the other party's burly figure, which was much more majestic than his own, a strange color suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Levi looked around. The attic space was not large, and the lowest height was less than two meters, which made Levi have to bend slightly when walking.

On the east wall of the attic is a desk about one meter long. The desk is covered with dust, and most of the books placed on the desk are rotten and rotten.

"Agent Levi, there is a box here!" Watts walked to the desk and rummaged carefully, and then found a wooden box the size of a dictionary from the drawer under the desk.

Watts carefully removed the dust on the wooden box, revealing the light yellow wooden box body, with a small copper lock hanging on the box.

"Let's go! Go down and see what clues are in the box!" Levi wanted to find some clues from those books, but found that those books had long been eaten by insects and turned into a pile of paper scraps at the slightest touch!

Naturally, Watts couldn't wait to leave the attic. After all, the air inside was full of dust, and his trachea felt extremely dry and itchy after even breathing.

"Crack!" Decades later, the copper lock on the box had long since rusted. Watts grabbed the lock and pulled it off and opened the wooden box.

"Huh? What is this?" Levi looked down and saw that the wooden box was actually filled with items that were light yellow, long and narrow in shape, dry and hard like dried leaves.

"This is this?" Watts also had a look of confusion on his face. After picking up an object in the box and examining it carefully, he put it in front of his nose and smelled it. Then his face suddenly showed a look of shock, " These are human eyelids!”

"Eyelids?" After hearing this, Li Wei lowered his head and looked at the box. He visually inspected that there were at least nearly a thousand such eyelids, which means that these eyelids came from at least nearly 500 people!

"I know!" Watts seemed to have thought of something at this time, "I once read in an ancient book in our Christian Church that there is a kind of evil technique spread by psychics, which is to cut off the body of the dead. Corresponding body parts to strengthen yourself!”

"Bobby is a psychic who can see the souls of the dead. These eyelids must be secretly cut off from corpses to increase his psychic abilities!"

"Is that so?" Levi looked down at the eyelids in the box, but suddenly there was a "clang" sound in the basement, and the two of them quickly walked into the basement.

"Is this?" Watts stared at the incinerator on the west wall of the basement in stunned silence. The strange sound just now was the sound of the iron door of the incinerator being suddenly pushed open. What shocked Watts the most was that at this time, the incinerator There was a raging fire burning in it!

"It's an illusion!" Levi could also see the flames in the incinerator, feel the heat coming towards his face, and even saw a shriveled corpse in the flames!

However, Li Wei, who had already reached the intermediate level of Son of Fire's talent, could clearly detect that there was no real flame there, so what he saw in front of him was all an illusion!

But this discovery made Levi's heart sink slightly. His soul reached 99 points, almost reaching the limit of human beings. Being able to produce illusions that can hide from his vision is definitely something that can only be achieved by telekinesis above level 4!

"Crash!" And at the next moment, the charred corpse in the flames suddenly sat up, and a face with only a charred skeleton was staring at Li Wei and the two outside the incinerator. His mandibles kept opening and closing, as if facing each other. What were the two Levis shouting!

"Plop!" Watts was frightened when he saw this and took a step back. His back hit the wooden board of the closet hard, making a muffled sound.

"Huh?" But just after Watts made a noise, the illusion in front of him disappeared instantly, and the basement returned to darkness and coldness.

"Agent Levi, you should have seen what you just saw!" Watts just held the cross and asked Levi sweating profusely.

"I think this house is most likely a haunted house! This kind of supernatural case has exceeded the scope of the FBI!" Watts swallowed, "What we saw just now is probably the ghost in this haunted house. Warning to us! I have a very bad feeling, if we disturb the evil spirit again, we may die!"

"I will report the situation here to the church and let the church arrange professional people to solve it!" Watts seemed to not want to stay here for a moment.

"Ding dong!" But at this moment, a clear doorbell suddenly rang at the door upstairs.

"Who else is here in the middle of the night?" Watts listened intently, and when he discovered that it was really the doorbell, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

After all, this house is located in a remote suburb, and there are no tourist attractions around it. Very few people come here, especially this early in the morning!

"Huh?" But Levi raised his head in surprise, because in his perception, just when the doorbell rang, three distorted radiation reactions suddenly appeared around the house!

Moreover, Levi felt quite familiar with the reaction of these three radiation energies, as if they had met before!

"Is it them?" With his photographic memory, Levi thought for a while and found the owners of these distorted radiation energies from his memory, and his heart suddenly moved.

"Please wait!" Hearing the doorbell ringing continuously, Watts looked up and shouted, and then trotted up to open the door.

"Kacha!" But just after he opened the door, all the lights in the house went out. Just as Watts took out the flashlight in confusion, a dark figure came silently from the darkness behind Watts!

"Swish!" Then a cold silver light flashed, and the sharp blade about 20 cm long in the hand of the black shadow directly stabbed into Watts's lower back!

"Ah!" Watts screamed, but after all, he was an elite agent who retired from the FBI, and subconsciously waved the flashlight behind him.

But the person behind Watts gracefully retreated slightly, pulling out the bloody blade, and then disappeared into the darkness!

"Who!" Watts endured the severe pain and covered the wound on his waist, holding up the flashlight and constantly scanning the dark house, but there was no trace of other people in the house, as if the person who had just injured him disappeared in an instant!

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