Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 26 The monster appears

After putting on the mask of the Faceless Man, Levi entered a state of extreme concentration. Various traces around him that were originally easily ignored were quickly acquired by Levi. His brain seemed to be overclocked and quickly integrated and processed to obtain The information is even constructed into a three-dimensional map in the brain!

Following the traces of footsteps on the ground, Levi soon arrived at the basement of the textile factory.

The basement space is huge, it seems to be thousands of square meters. It is filled with various tables, chairs, and waste materials and machines. A fuel generator at the entrance has stopped running, and there is also a flushing pipe pulled in from the outside. It is softening. It fell to the ground. It was obviously the equipment of the previous cleanup workers.

Although it was a day with a scorching sun, only the entrance to the basement had a little light, and the depths of the basement were still shrouded in darkness.

But for Levi at this time, the little light at the entrance was enough. His eyes with light blue light could clearly see everything in the basement, even the night vision goggles prepared in advance. It's no longer useful.

"The soldier who finally escaped had such a large amount of bleeding, why didn't he leave any traces in the basement?" Levi squatted down and observed the ground carefully, "There are some fresh small scratches on the wooden floor. The blood was licked clean by those rats!”

These traces on the floor are extremely subtle, and there are many traces of wear and tear on these wooden floors. The ordinary people's naked eyes can't distinguish among them, but they were still discovered by Levi who was in a state of extreme concentration.

With this new discovery, Levi observed the traces on the floor and soon came to an old carpet. After lifting it open, he once again revealed a wooden door going down!

"Creak!" After opening the wooden door, a faint fishy smell suddenly came up, and the air became obviously much more humid. The sound of water flowing told Levi that there was an underground river below.

Looking down from the entrance, I saw a very empty second underground floor below. Several hydroelectric generators with a height of half a man were installed at the entrance. However, because no one has maintained them for decades, these generators have long been rusted. Into a ball of scrap metal.

Moreover, the wooden ladder that originally went down was also broken by someone. It seemed that someone used too much force when escaping in a hurry. He stepped on the long-decayed staircase and then smashed through it together with the floor below, revealing a slowly flowing stream. of underground rivers.

Because the ladder at the entrance was broken, and the original floor directly below was also broken a lot, a large hole of more than ten square meters appeared. It was difficult to get down through the wooden door, and it was very likely that you would fall directly into the water.

Levi thought for a moment, and then grabbed the floor at the entrance. His arms suddenly exerted force, and the steel nails at the joints of the wooden boards were bounced away. Several floors were immediately lifted up by Levi!

"Click! Click!" After a few dozen seconds, Levi tore off all the surrounding floors of more than ten square meters, and the entrance was successfully expanded.

Levi and the ogre lightly jumped down and landed directly on the generators. These generators weighed several tons and must have been reinforced with special supports below.

Looking around twice, I found that the second underground floor was connected in all directions, leading to several rock tunnels that were obviously dug by humans.

Levi walked to the tunnel and gently touched the stone wall. He found that the excavation marks on the tunnel were not too old, no more than fifty years at most. Moreover, there was an incandescent chandelier every ten meters and wires connected to the hydroelectric generator. It was obviously from the original A handiwork from a textile factory!

The textile factory back then was built here to deceive others, and its real purpose must be in these tunnels!

"Crunch! Crunch!" The gravel in the tunnel was crushed by the two strong men, Levi and the ogre, making bursts of strange noises that spread far along the long and silent mine tunnel.

Levi chose a tunnel at random and walked in. Although he didn't know where to find the monster, he just had to let the monster come to him!

But what is very strange is that the two of them walked down the tunnel for more than ten minutes. The monster hiding in the dark did not show up, but the increasingly clear malice they felt showed that they were getting closer to the monster. Got it!

Soon, the two of them reached the end of the tunnel, and what they saw was an extremely empty underground cave!

This cave is at least five or six football fields in size, and the height is also amazing. The height difference at the top is fifty or sixty meters!

The overall cave is hemispherical, but on the west side is a vertical smooth stone wall. In front of that stone wall, a huge scaffolding is built, and caves half as high as a man are also dug into the stone wall. They are obviously looking for Wearing something!

"Found it!" Although he didn't know what the textile factory was looking for back then, Levi immediately discovered that the corner next to the scaffolding was filled with skeletons of various creatures, including humans, pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock.

The human skeleton on the top is very fresh and stained with traces of flesh and blood. The monster should be hiding in this cave!

"Whoa!" There was a gust of wind above their heads, and something seemed to be rushing towards the two of them!

Levi quickly turned around and saw a huge white "bat" with a wingspan of nearly five meters falling from the cave above his head, gliding towards the larger and more threatening-looking ogre. !

As for Levi, who was wearing a mask and whose life level was blocked, he was completely unaware of the threat to the bats. It was just food delivered to his door!

"Hi!" I saw the sharp claws of the big bat instantly penetrated the ogre's shoulder. The huge impact directly pushed the ogre's feet off the ground. At the same time, he opened his mouth to reveal sharp teeth, and headed towards the ogre. Bite the devil's head off!

The ogre subconsciously raised his left arm to resist, and at the same time, he stretched out his right arm and hugged the bat's head!

"Crack!" The big bat bit the ogre's left arm covered with a metal plate. The huge bite force directly shattered the arm bone, but it had no effect on the ogre who felt almost no pain.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" At this moment, Li Weiwei, who was standing on the side of the ogre, aimed his gun and sprayed five shots in an instant. The overwhelming bullets enveloped both the bat and the ogre, and a flower sprayed on them. A bloody flower!

The Ogre's key parts are equipped with steel plates, and coupled with its powerful self-healing ability, some shotguns will not cause much damage to him.

As for the bat, which was the main target of the attack, its huge size blocked most of the projectiles, and a large amount of blood instantly overflowed from its white fur.

Especially the unfolded bat wings were severely attacked by Li Wei. Two big holes were punched out of the thin bat wings and they became tattered!

The bat was in pain and quickly let go of the ogre's arm it was biting. It flapped its tattered bat wings and tried to fly away, but the ogre's right arm tightened around its neck. The already damaged bat wings naturally Unable to carry the 300-pound ogre, the two could only stumble and flip and glide two or three meters above the ground!

Levi put the loaded shotgun on his right shoulder, blocked it with his neck, and quickly filled it with bullets with his left hand. At the same time, he took out the pistol from his waist with his right hand and poured bullets towards the base of the bat's wings!

"Squeak!" The pistol bullet could only break the bat's skin, but the pain also made the bat suddenly become furious, its eyes turned blood red, and then it opened its mouth and let out a short, low but piercing howl, even the air They all sent out circle fluctuations!

The ogre who bore the brunt of the strange sonic attack trembled violently, and blood spurted out from its seven orifices, continuously flowing out from the gaps in the helmet. The right arm holding the bat's neck was unable to loosen, and the huge body fell heavily on it. On the ground!

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