Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 264 Battle of Superman

Levi stood in mid-air, looking at Karen, who was falling downwards like a meteorite. In just one confrontation, Levi discovered that the strength, speed, defense and reaction of Karen's body were as good as his now. , He is truly worthy of the man who calls himself Superman!

However, as a level 4 life form, the opponent did not display a telekinesis field and was therefore unable to fly. This was what surprised Levi the most!

"Is it because of that belt?" Levi frowned slightly. The golden belt around the opponent's waist was full of radiation reactions, and it seemed to be a very powerful strange object!

In Levi's guess, although the strange belt item gave Karen extremely powerful physical strength, at the price, Karen lost the ability to use telekinesis fields!

When Levi took action just now, he had already controlled the direction of the force, so Karen fell into an uninhabited forest. If he still fell into the villa, he was afraid that the surrounding communities would suffer heavy casualties!

"Boom!" After a second or two, Karen's body finally hit the ground. It was like an intercontinental missile erupting underground. The ground surged around like waves, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding forests and grasslands within hundreds of meters were destroyed. It was razed to the ground, and countless dust rose into the sky, blocking Levi's sight in mid-air!

"Buzz!" And just as Levi frowned and looked at the dust-covered ground below, he suddenly saw two scarlet energy rays shooting out of the dust and sweeping towards him!

Faced with this kind of attack that is comparable to the speed of light, even Levi has no time to react, let alone dodge. He is often attacked the moment he discovers the opponent's ray!

"Hi!" Faced with this energy ray that contained extremely violent power, Levi's mental force field and the smart armor on his body turned out to be useless. He was cut through by the ray in an instant, leaving a burnt black streak on his chest skin. Mark of!

"Huh?" Levi lowered his head and glanced at the scorch marks on his chest, and was surprised by the high-energy rays shot out of Karen's eyes. Not only did they shoot very fast, they also contained high temperatures and very powerful cutting power. The most important thing was that they actually The mental force field is very restrained, and after being hit by this high-energy ray, huge resistance will be generated around it, reducing the speed of the person being hit. This should be the opponent's trump card against the mental power of level 4 life forms!

No wonder it was just a casual blow that penetrated the formation and killed Watts!

However, although this energy ray is powerful, it did not cause much damage to Levi when faced with Levi's evolved thunder body that was fused with a body of steel. It only caused some damage to Levi's skin!

After all, Levi's current thunder body was evolved by merging the mighty thunder of Zeus! Moreover, he had previously fused part of the divine bones of the metal god Talos, and now Levi's physical strength alone has even reached or even surpassed that of a demigod!

Levi lightly dusted his chest twice, and some black dust fell on his chest, revealing his intact chest. At the same time, the cut smart armor also flowed like water, and soon returned to its original state.

"Buzz!" Karen seemed a little shocked that his laser eyes did not cause much harm to Levi. But the next moment, his eyes turned blood red and he used all the power in his body to exert the maximum power of the laser eyes. Yes, shoot directly into Levi's heart!

"Boom!" Karen, who was also unscathed, suddenly jumped up from the ground. While fixing Levi in ​​mid-air with his laser eyes, he continued to penetrate Levi's chest muscles with the most powerful rays, and at the same time blasted a huge fist to hit him. Levi's jaw hammered!

Facing Karen's attack, Levi did not choose to dodge, but also hit Karen's temple with an uppercut!

"Boom!" A metal collision sounded like a bell, and the two figures immediately smashed in different directions. Two mushroom clouds composed of dust appeared again at a distance of more than ten kilometers.

"Phew!" Levi flew out from the ground sinking dozens of meters deep. With a thought, the shattered smart armor on his body was directly put into the space ring.

Although the smart armor has the powerful memory self-healing ability of liquid metal, in the battle with Karen, the opponent's violent power will still cause damage to the armor.

In this level of battle, the armor on Levi's body can no longer provide any help. Instead, Li Wei needs to spend extra effort to protect the smart armor, so he can only store it into the Black Silver Ring first. .

Therefore, in this severely damaged forest, two naked muscular men looked at each other from a distance.

And Levi did not choose to fly to the sky, because for Karen's laser eyes, the difference between the sky and the ground is not big. On the contrary, standing on the earth is more suitable for Levi to exert his power!

"Crack!" Levi opened his mouth slightly and moved his sore jaw. The opponent's punch also made him feel the long-lost pain.

"Click!" Karen's mandible was displaced by Levi's direct punch, and half of his face was distorted. However, the opponent put his palm on his chin and pushed hard to return the mandible to its original position.

"Pfft!" At the same time, he tilted his head and spat out a mouthful of blood foam caught in several molars, but Karen's eyes became even more excited at this time, and a solid and dazzling red light appeared in his eyes, and these red lights began to cover Kalan's eyes. Lun's whole body was completely activated!

And this evenly matched, fist-to-flesh fight also made Levi's blood begin to boil. The muscles that were originally like steel became more and more swollen due to constant congestion, and violent power continued to swim through every muscle fiber. Savings!

"Hi!" This also made Levi's heart suddenly filled with the desire to vent and destroy. There seemed to be countless thunders passing through the depths of his eyes. At the same time, the mighty thunder contained in his body also exploded outside his body, and his whole person seemed to turn into lightning. Crash towards Karen on the opposite side!

"Boom! Boom!" Both of them moved too fast, and they could only see two light groups, one silver and one red, constantly impacting and colliding with each other. Every collision would burst out with explosions and impacts like missile bombings.

Whether it was a big tree or a boulder, they were as fragile as bubbles in front of these two light groups. Every time they collided, everything within a kilometer radius was flattened, and some hillsides and rivers were directly destroyed. The aftermath of the battle between the two. The terrain was directly changed!

Moreover, both of them chose the most brutal hand-to-hand combat at this time. However, after the battle, Levi discovered that although Karen had a body that was almost as strong as Levi's, it was possible that the other party was used to overwhelming others with force, so he was stuck. Lun has almost no fighting skills at all!

And Levi has fighting skills that have reached level 5, so when the physical fitness of the two is not much different, he is almost suppressing Karen and beating him wildly!

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