Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 267 Five Personality Masks

"England? Are you talking about the magic circle hidden under a certain school?" Karen nodded, "Yes, I did it too!"

"Since you know about the Great Forbidden Magic Array, you should also know that those who are qualified to be sealed by this array are at least semi-god-level beings! Why do you have the guts to release them?" Levi frowned slightly, " Is there anything the human government has that can stop the demigods?"

"I am only responsible for destroying the Forbidden Magic Array in accordance with their requirements. As for whether any monsters that will destroy the world will be released, that's not what I need to worry about!" Karen shrugged calmly.

Within a minute or two of this exchange, Karen's normal injuries and physical strength had been completely restored. Except for the gouged left eye, the right eye was only slightly red and swollen at this time.

"The Great Forbidden Magic Array is a chain of arrays. So far, two arrays have been destroyed. Generally, only the last array is left! Do you know the specific location of the next array?"

"I don't know!" Karen shook his head, "Maybe we have to wait for those politicians to investigate and find out!"

"And this sword? It seems to be your key target too?" Seeing this, Li Wei knew that the other party only knew so much, and then reached out and made a move, and the Moon God Sword, which was buried thousands of meters away, was directly hit by the spirit. Captured by the force field, the masks of the three masked killers also flew into Levi's hands.

"I only know that this sword is called the Lunar Sword. The mission I received is indeed to bring this sword back! But what is the function of this sword? Maybe only your president knows!" Karen was a little confused. He said impatiently, but the other party's right eye inadvertently glanced over the three masks.

"Okay!" The change in Karen's expression was naturally noticed by Levi. With a slight movement in his heart, he directly received the Moon God Sword and the mask into the Black Silver Ring.

"I've told you everything I know! Now you can give me my eyes back!" Karen stretched out her palm to Levi.

"Five masks." Levi ignored Karen and took out the three masks. "This should be the other party's method of controlling you!"

"How do you know the names of these masks!" A look of shock suddenly appeared on Karen's face.

"Species: Strange Object

Name: Five Persona Mask (disabled)

Introduction: The body consists of four masks, representing four personalities that are silent in killing. When the four masks are combined into one, the final fifth personality will be born (the first mask has been controlled by other strange objects)

Skills: 1. Tenacity (a single mask is difficult to destroy); 2. Killing parasitism (after putting on the mask, you will transform into a killing machine, gain strength, speed and recovery capabilities far beyond ordinary people, and at the same time automatically master superb killing skills) ); 3. The power of space (the mask can transport itself and other marked objects to the location of other masks) 4. The fifth personality (the four masks can be fused through interaction to gain more powerful power. When After the four masks are completely fused, a new soul body is born. This soul has strong soul origin and inclusiveness, and can be used as the soul carrier of any living body, or can be fused to extend the soul life)

Price: When using this mask, the soul will be swallowed and refined by the mask, becoming the material for the birth of the fifth personality (you can spend 4 points of special energy to save) (whether there is a price for saving)

Status: Included"

This mask looks ordinary, but its skills are really impressive!

Especially after seeing the skill called Space Power, Levi roughly guessed how the American government controlled Karen!

The complete body of this strange object called the Five-Personal Mask should be composed of four identical single masks. However, the government people most likely controlled the first mask of the Five-Personalized Mask through a strange object. It breaks the integrity of this strange object.

Subsequently, the American government transported the first mask directly to the lunar base. By borrowing the space power of the mask, it put a space mark on Karen's body, which could transport Karen to the first person in the lunar base at any time. Next to the mask!

Moreover, since the other party is not worried that Karen will go to the earth with the first mask, it means that the mask in the moon base is well protected. Even Karen cannot touch the mask. It is estimated that using The power of another strange object!

In this way, Karen is equivalent to becoming a summoning object of the American government. He can come and go when he is summoned!

But Karen had no way to resist, because although his body was powerful, it was not strong enough to cross the universe with his body!

Putting aside all kinds of deadly energy rays and the terrifying low temperature of more than 270 degrees below zero, the most critical point is that level 4 life forms like Levi and Karen, although their demand for oxygen is extremely low, they can still Still need oxygen!

Complete deoxygenation survival can only be achieved by level 5 life forms, except for some aberrations with other forms of life!

"There is also this fifth personality, which can be used as the carrier of the soul of any living body, or directly swallow it, thereby extending the life of the soul. This is simply the legendary panacea!" At this time, Levi's attention was attracted by that The item is attracted by the skills of the fifth personality.

According to the explanation in the book, after fusing the four masks, a new soul body will be born. This soul is not only powerful but also extremely tolerant and can be used as a soul carrier by any life.

According to Li Wei's understanding, the so-called soul carrier should be similar to the incarnation in the fairy novels of previous lives!

At that time, as long as he finds a strong enough body, Levi will be able to create another self. Not only will his combat power be doubled, but it will also be equivalent to an extra life!

Thinking like this, Levi couldn't help but cast his eyes on Karen, who was not far away. The opponent's physical strength was rare in the world. He was only slightly weaker than him. Isn't it an excellent target?

"Also, devouring the fifth personality can actually extend the life span of the soul! This news must not be known to outsiders!" Compared with other effects, the ability of the fifth personality to extend life span made Levi feel shocked.

The lifespan of an evolver is divided into physical lifespan and soul lifespan, and what really limits the lifespan of an evolver is generally the soul! Therefore, many powerful evolvers can keep their bodies incorruptible for a long time after death!

In this world, there are some rare items that can extend the vitality of the body, but there are very few treasures that can extend the life of the soul!

Even for demigods, their lifespan is often measured in ten thousand years, but there is still a lifespan limit. If they knew that Levi had a treasure in his hands that could extend the life of his soul, they would come across the galaxy to snatch it!

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