Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 274 Base 51 and Metal Walls

In a desert northwest of Lincoln County in southern Nevada, the United States, a large military base was built. It was heavily guarded and the base was densely equipped with radars, heavy artillery, and anti-aircraft weapons.

And this base is the mysterious No. 51 base that has been promoted by the outside world!

"Buzz! Buzz!" After passing the information security verification, the two ornithopter helicopters slowly landed on an apron in the base. Ten sergeants wearing steel armor escorted the helicopter that Levi deliberately dropped. He put on his mask and walked straight towards a 5-story building in the center of the base.

"Beta team member, identity verification passed!" Inside the building, a blue-black metal elevator without buttons emitted a red light, sweeping over several sergeants, and the elevator door opened with a "ding".

The internal space of this elevator is huge, and the carrying capacity of the elevator is also quite exaggerated. The ten sergeants, including the weight of the steel armor outside their bodies, weigh nearly ten tons in total. However, when all ten people walked into the elevator, the elevator did not move at all. sinking or shaking.

"Ding!" Soon, the elevator landed on a certain level hundreds of meters underground. When the elevator door opened, it turned out that it was not a passage or room, but a huge black metal wall!

This metal wall is a square with a side length of more than thirty meters. It is extremely smooth. A little light from the elevator shines on the wall, faintly revealing a hard and cold light, showing that this wall is extremely tough!

"Buzz!" The moment the elevator opened, a light red light curtain appeared at the elevator door, as if to protect the passengers in the elevator.

When the sergeant major saw this, he took a deep breath and walked out of the elevator alone. However, when he penetrated the light curtain on the elevator door, his burly body suddenly suffocated, as if there was an invisible and powerful force suppressing him. On him, making every step he took rather slow and heavy, he stopped a meter away from the metal wall, opened the suitcase, and revealed the mask inside.

"Crack!" Just after the radiation of the mask overflowed, the metal wall in front of it seemed to be sensed and was instantly activated. A crack about half a meter long appeared on the originally smooth metal surface. , and then the piece of metal slowly moved back, revealing a dark space behind the metal wall.

The mask in the sergeant major's hand immediately seemed to be affected by some invisible force. It slowly floated up from the suitcase and flew in along the hole in the wall!

When the mask disappeared, the holes in the metal wall were immediately refilled, leaving no trace on the wall.

"Huh!" Seeing that the mission was completed, the sergeant major quickly retreated and entered the elevator. However, when he penetrated the light curtain and re-entered the elevator, he couldn't help but stumbled, and he barely stood still under the protection of the external mecha!

The strength in the sergeant major's body was almost squeezed out, and at the same time, a highly corrosive distortion of radiation appeared in the body. It was rampaging inside the sergeant major's body, constantly devouring the reason in his brain, and was about to turn him into a mutated form. A deformed body with only instincts left!

"Buzz!" The elevator light curtain seemed to sense the situation in the sergeant major's body. A red light extended out of the light curtain, driving away the distorted radiation energy from his body!

"Huh?" Levi, who was nearly a thousand kilometers away, frowned as he felt the mental power attached to the mask being instantly removed.

The reason why he left a mask at the scene was that he wanted to use the mask's teleportation ability to enter the U.S. government's warehouse for storing rare objects, and then be a "gentleman" for a time!

But what Levi didn't expect was that the huge metal wall where the American government collected rare objects was actually a very powerful rare object!

And that metal wall is different from the church's Warehouse No. 13. That metal wall always emits powerful and violent distortion radiation.

It was even the first time for Levi to see such a crazy strange object with distorted radiation energy. The red light curtain produced on the elevator door actually helped the passengers resist the terrifying distorted radiation energy!

Otherwise, even those sergeants whose bodies have been transformed to reach the level 1 limit will be transformed into irrational aberrations under the erosion of the distortion radiation!

In Levi's perception, the metal wall used by the American government to store rare objects, although powerful, is more like a strange object that has begun to get out of control, or is about to perish!

Although rare objects are extraordinary objects with magical power, most of them still cannot get rid of their own properties, and they also have

Although most normal strange objects release radiation all the time, they are also absorbing radiation energy from the outside world, and the absorbed radiation energy must be released in excess, but the metal wall releases more than Absorption, this is obviously very abnormal!

"Are the ignorant fearless, or are they daring?" This discovery immediately gave up Li Wei's idea of ​​teleporting there to steal it. The metal wall should be a strange space-accommodating object, and Li Wei did not dare to teleport into it at will. Inside the strange object that may perish at any time!

Even when the idea of ​​teleportation comes up in Levi's mind, the hair on his body will stand on end, and his body's instinct will try its best to stop Levi. It seems that if Levi really passes, he will encounter a very terrifying danger!

Of course, Levi can now directly use the power of space contained in the mask to summon the mask back, but after thinking for a moment, Levi decided to wait.

Because according to Levi's analysis, the metal wall used to store the rare objects is estimated to be destroyed soon, and the American government will definitely not watch the stored rare objects being destroyed along with the metal wall!

Therefore, the strange objects on the wall must be transferred before they are destroyed, and Levi will still be able to take the opportunity to search for them!

As soon as the sun rose above the horizon, Levi's figure slowly descended from the sky and arrived at the small town where the church was located in the desert.

The last time he came here, Levi's life level was too low, and he just felt that the ascetic monks living in this town were about the same as ordinary people.

And now, in Levi's spiritual perception, he discovered that the believers in this small town were filled with extremely powerful energy, like terrifying monsters with fangs restrained!

It is as if there were more than 70 level 3 life forms living in a desert town more than a hundred years ago, and most of them were at the pinnacle of level 3 life forms; while the remaining ten or so people were living inside their bodies. A level 4 life form whose radiation energy is like a vast ocean!

In the base camp alone, there are more than a dozen level 4 life forms. This is the terrifying background of the church!

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