Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 289 The inheritance is completed

"Arvette, have you heard the name Arachne?" Levi turned to Arvette and asked.

"Arachne?" Arvette quickly searched through her vast memory, then shook her head, "There is no heroic spirit or god I know with this name!"

"Then have you heard of Arachne's loom?" Levi continued to ask, but Arvette still shook her head.

"Forget it! Let's go out then!" Levi looked up and found that the light group representing the House of Heroes was still integrating the entire baptismal pool at a slow but constant speed.

And it is estimated that the integration will not be completed in a short time. It is naturally impossible for Levi to stay here for dozens or even hundreds of years!

"By the way, Arvette, you have rekindled your original star. Will anyone who meets the conditions receive your inheritance?" Levi looked at the silver star above his head that represented Arvette. Click, asked doubtfully.

This original star was originally dim, but since it regained contact with Arvite, it has begun to faintly recover at this time, although the changes in the original star cannot be detected with the naked eye.

"This!" For this question, even Arvitt herself did not have an accurate answer. "The original star is the condensation of the power of the main god, and it has huge and unpredictable abilities!"

"According to common sense, as long as the heroic spirit represented by the original star survives, others can only borrow the blessing power from the original star, but it is impossible to obtain the inheritance from the original star!"

"But my current state is quite special, and I don't know if it still applies to the inheritance conditions of the original star!" In fact, Arvette had already died and fallen, and it was just a trace of her remnant soul that merged with a fragment of the Hall of Valor. Something happened!

Arvette became something like a weapon spirit, and even her life form underwent a fundamental change!

"Forget it! The probability of such an incident happening is almost zero! There is no need to think about it so much for the time being!" Levi shook his head, but at this moment, there was suddenly a trace of the Ice God in his mind. Fu’s insights!

"Huh? What's going on?" Levi was startled and quickly opened the book. Sure enough, he found that there was an additional word "Upgrading" in the column about divine runes at the bottom of his information panel.

"Is it because of the fusion of the Heroic Spirit House and the Baptismal Fountain?" Levi suddenly had a reasonable guess in his mind, but his comprehension of the Ice Talisman was also extremely slow. He estimated that after the Heroic Spirit House and the Baptismal Fountain are successfully integrated, can make significant progress.

"Sure enough, gains are always accompanied by crises!" Li Wei sighed in his heart. This baptism and acceptance of inheritance were full of twists and turns, and he almost died in it!

But compared with the dangers he encountered, Levi's gains were equally huge!

The two demigods, the Dwarf King and Ashadron, both possess very powerful fire abilities, but they were fused with Levi and transformed into a simple but direct fire talent.

On the other hand, the Dwarf King's forging talent has also been greatly improved, directly reaching level 7. There is still countless knowledge about forging in Li Wei's mind, which he understands and absorbs.

When Levi fully masters the level 7 forging skill, he will almost be able to achieve the Dwarf King's forging achievements!

In addition to the inheritance of the Dwarf King, Levi also obtained two innate abilities from the inheritance of Ashadron, the dragon demigod, one of which is called the power of dragon blood.

After Li Wei accepted the inheritance and merged with the drop of demigod dragon blood, his own blood also received a magical mutation. Not only did it contain more powerful power, but he was also able to use the dragon blood in his body to explode into even more powerful forms. fighting form!

Moreover, after gaining the power of dragon blood, Levi found that the bloodless skill had also been greatly improved!

Not only is the speed of opening up a blood storage space in a different space much faster, but the process is also constantly feeding back Levi's self-healing talent, allowing his already advanced self-healing talent to slowly improve at a stable rate.

Along with the power of dragon blood, there is also a talent called Dragon Power. This talent is actually a magical method of converting physical energy into spiritual attacks.

At the same time, Longwei's talent also formed a powerful protective layer outside Levi's soul, which can almost ignore the telekinetic attacks of ordinary level 4 life forms!

Of course, originally the inheritance of the two heroic spirits should have given Levi more talents and abilities, but the two demigods, the dwarf king Ai Cui and Ashadron, both dominated the world with their bodies, so the rest of the talents and abilities were directly eliminated. After blending and fusion, and with the help of divine bones, Levi's demigod body was evolved!

After sorting out what he had gained, Levi gathered his energy and returned directly to the warehouse.

"Huh? Why so fast?" After Levi came out of the baptismal pool, Ms. Medina in the office immediately appeared in front of Levi, with a look of surprise on her face.

Logically speaking, the higher the life level, the more energy is required for baptism, and the longer it will naturally take to complete the baptism!

Especially for baptizers with heroic spirit inheritance, every baptism is an evolution in the origin of life!

According to relevant records in the church, it takes a long time for a level 3 life form with heroic spirit inheritance to undergo baptism and evolution. Three to five months is normal!

When Ms. Medina tried to sense the radiation energy in Levi's body, she found that in her sensing, Levi was completely an ordinary person at this time, and could not sense the existence of any radiation energy in the other person's body at all!

Ms. Medina suddenly felt worried, fearing that something had gone wrong when Levi was baptized and accepted the inheritance, but when she used the strange sensing object, the hairs all over her body suddenly stood up!

"It's fatal! I'm going to die!" An unbelievable and shocking thought suddenly came to Ms. Medina's mind.

This sensor-like miraculous object is the first miraculous object that Ms. Medina has obtained. It has the magical ability to predict good and bad luck, and to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

Thanks to this miraculous object, Ms. Medina was able to turn the corner many times and grow to where she is today step by step!

And after hundreds of years of cultivation, that strange object has not only returned to its peak state, but its ability to sense life, death, misfortune, and blessings has become even more acute, and it has never made a mistake in so many years!

And just now, when Ms. Medina tried to judge Levi's situation through the strange object, the strange object almost stopped working, and it actually seemed to produce an emotion similar to human fear!

Ms. Medina is not shocked that the strange object has its own emotions, because after hundreds of years of cultivation, the strange object is almost like a small animal, and even has its own emotions!

Ms. Medina was shocked by Levi's strength at this time. Even if he successfully accepted the baptism and inheritance, after all, he was only a life form that had just evolved to level 4.

Ms. Medina is not only a veteran level 4 life form, but most importantly, as the guardian of the warehouse, she can borrow the power of the warehouse and even survive from the hands of demigods in a short period of time!

But even so, if she and Li Wei had a life-and-death battle, the final result would be that she died and Li Wei won!

Doesn't that mean that at this time, Li Wei most likely already possesses terrifying power comparable to that of a demigod? Ms. Medina’s idea is actually not wrong.

In this baptism, compared to acquiring the inheritance of two heroic spirits, Levi's biggest gain was to further fuse the divine bones and evolve into a demigod body!

Compared with the bodies of ordinary demigods, Levi's demigod body is literally what it means. The strength and power of pure flesh can already crush ordinary demigods!

"Is this how terrifying the inheritors of heroic spirits are?" Ms. Medina exclaimed in her heart. The Church of All Souls on Earth has not given birth to an inheritor of heroic spirits in the past thousand years. Ms. Medina's understanding of the inheritors of heroic spirits is all through records in books.

As for Levi, an outlier, it was obvious that Ms. Medina's understanding of the inheritors of heroic spirits was biased.

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