Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 292 Arvette’s plan to seize the body

"Yes!" Levi nodded. When the dwarf king Ai Cui and Ashadron were fighting for each other, the Heroic Spirit House took action directly. It continuously sorted out the power in the inheritance of the two heroic spirits and helped Li Wei refine and fuse some of the divine bones. .

At the same time, at that time, the Heroic Spirit House also blocked the transmission of souls from the original star, which naturally blocked the two heroic spirits and demigods from seizing their bodies!

Of course, even without the obstruction of the House of Heroes, Levi still had some confidence in stopping Ai Cui and Ashadron from seizing the body on his own!

After all, the two opponents only have first-floor divine souls, and although Li Wei himself has not yet evolved a divine soul, his soul strength is not too far behind that of a divine soul. Especially Li Wei's huge number of souls can completely make up for the qualitative gap!

At that time, it is very likely that the seizure will fail, and there will be two more "grandpas" in Li Wei's mind!

"Then congratulations to you, Arvette!" Levi turned to Arvette and chuckled softly.

Arvite was also a little excited and expectant at this time. Although her soul had recovered to a considerable extent, it would still take quite a long time to fully recover her soul!

But if there is a suitable physical body at this time, then Arvette will not only be truly resurrected, but the combination of spirit and body can also greatly speed up her own recovery!

Even if you are lucky enough to find a god base, Arvette can directly evolve into a demigod without any threshold or difficulty!

"It seems that when we compete for the Patriarch, we have to ensure the safety of your body! It is best to complete your body capture on that competing planet!" Levi said after thinking for a moment.

Ms. Medina said before that when competing for the Patriarch, the five contenders will be transported by the warehouse to a chaotic planet, where they can at least isolate the perception of a certain existence in the warehouse!

At the same time, Li Wei also had an additional layer of doubts and precautions against the so-called Patriarch.

According to Arvette, Levi is almost certain that the so-called Patriarch should have been taken away by a certain heroic spirit! This can also explain why the winning candidate can integrate the refining divine base so easily!

After all, the Divine Foundation contains very powerful and restrained divine power. Integrating the Divine Foundation not only requires a body and soul that can carry this energy, but also requires the help of the Divine Foundation to understand and integrate the rules of a certain power!

And this itself is a process of terrazzo wear. How could ordinary people fuse the divine base in such a short period of time?

Regardless, Levi even felt that the piece of divine base provided by the warehouse for recycling might have some problems! Li Wei also gave up the idea of ​​seizing the divine base!

However, Li Wei did not give up his plans for the warehouse. Whether it was the power of the warehouse itself or the strange objects stored in the warehouse, Li Wei was quite greedy.

Moreover, if Levi can integrate the power of 5 warehouses, it is equivalent to integrating the resources of 5 planets! This will become a stable base camp for Levi to provide him with various supports when he explores the universe in the future!

Therefore, an idea suddenly appeared in Levi's mind, that is, after Arvette took away the body and resurrected it, Levi could help Arvette win the competition and successfully seize the church patriarch!

Then Arvette can naturally obtain the divine base in the church and return to the realm of demigods!

Moreover, Arvette herself is one of the 540 heroic spirits, and she is the Valkyrie beside the Lord Odin. She has a high status. If she serves as the Patriarch, I believe that the warehouse and other heroic spirits will not have any objection!

Of course, if the heroic spirit in the warehouse who is preparing to seize the body has any objections, he still plans to seize Arvette's body. After all, Arvette's soul is bound to the strange object of the Heroic Spirit House, so there is no need to worry about the other party. Seize the body!

"Then it's decided!" Levi informed Arvite of his thoughts. Naturally, the other party had no objections to this and was even a little impatient!

Neither Levi nor Arvitt felt that other players had the possibility of winning if Levi fought for it. This was Levi's confidence in his own strength!

"Master, I intercepted a request letter sent by the Norwegian government to the United States!" While Levi and Arvette were discussing the details of the operation, the White Queen suddenly reminded, "Master, you may know the contents. interested!"

"Huh? Open it and take a look!" The White Queen opened the letter. The sender was Norwegian Prime Minister Moberg, and the recipient was the President of the United States.

The content of the letter is that a huge aberration has appeared in Norway. Norway's national organization, which specializes in dealing with aberrations, suffered heavy losses when facing the monster. It had no choice but to ask the American government for help!

After all, Norway is not only a member of NATO, but also a die-hard brother of the United States. When encountering problems that cannot be solved, it is natural to turn to the big brother for help!

In the letter, a video was also attached. Queen White clicked on it, and a burst of protest slogans suddenly came from the video.

This video was probably shot by someone on a mobile phone. The location in the video is located next to a certain mountain. The continuous flow of construction vehicles has created a huge tunnel in the mountain.

At the same time, dozens of environmentalists held banners, waved green flags, painted their faces with strange symbols, and shouted in unison to the engineering staff below, "Leave the mountains alone, going through the tunnel is the way to hell!"

Levi immediately recognized the origins of these people. The logo on their bodies was an organization called Greenpeace, which is the largest environmental organization in the world. This organization has offices in almost every country.

The purpose of Greenpeace is to oppose all acts of destruction of nature, ranging from tail gas emissions and air pollution to cutting down trees and river sewage. The key is that this organization has been recognized and trusted by many people, and has attracted the attention of many governments. What a headache for the organization!

The people in the video should be Norwegian environmentalists protesting against the excavation of mountain tunnels.

"Boom!" Just as the environmentalists in the video were shouting vigorously, the mountain range where the tunnel was being dug exploded instantly. A powerful shock wave mixed with countless gravels, like a high-explosive bomb, went in all directions. Sputtering!

The environmentalists on the side of the mountain suddenly suffered a disaster. Dozens of people were bombarded by the shock wave and gravel, and were immediately reduced to flesh and blood residues all over the ground. The mobile phone that was filming also lost the picture!

"Huh? What is that?" Levi didn't care about the broken limbs and pieces of meat all over the ground. His attention was completely focused on the explosion of the mountain.

Without Li Wei's instructions, the White Queen specially processed the scene, and saw a huge stone giant standing inside the exploded mountain!

"Huh? This is? A mountain monster!" Arvite glanced at it, her eyes suddenly widened, and a look of shock appeared on her face.

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