Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 305: Fall and Orichalcum

"Hmm? Not good!" Levi was shocked when he saw this!

Because the golden stone hidden behind the petrified curse poison was the mountain copper core of the mountain monster engraved with the Great Forbidden Magic Array!

The most important thing is that the purification skill of the Samaritan revolver in Levi's hand naturally restrains various formations!

After the silver holy light hit the golden chains on the mountain copper core, these chains suddenly began to collapse layer by layer, and instantly burst out with a strong light that could blind people's eyes!

It was as if a sun suddenly appeared in the air, and the entire dark night sky was instantly illuminated. Even Oslo, the capital of Norway, dozens of kilometers away, was as bright as day!

The next second, the formation on the mountain copper core was completely eliminated, and the light in the air disappeared. The night sky returned to darkness. There was only a football-sized object shining with golden and red divine light, with an uneven surface, like a piece of gold and copper ore, quietly suspended in front of Levi!

It was the core of the mountain monster, mountain copper!

"Little guy from the Tiedman family, don't blame me!" But the mountain monster slowly sat down, suddenly bowed his head and said something to Tobias that made the other party feel a little strange, then turned his head to Levi and said, "Thank you for helping me get rid of it! This piece of mountain copper belongs to you!" Levi looked ugly. He naturally knew the meaning of what the mountain monster said to Tobias. If the last piece of the Great Forbidden Magic Circle was destroyed, the imprisoned demon demigod might be freed soon, and even pass the information of the earth to the demon clan. At that time, the earth might be ruled and enslaved by the demons! But on Earth, the relatives and trolls of the mountain monster have been destroyed. There is no one in this world that it cares about. Even if the world is destroyed, it doesn't matter! "Crack! Crack!" As the Great Forbidden Magic Circle was destroyed, the energy in the mountain copper core was instantly drained by the mountain monster. In a sound like a cracking rock, the blue-black stone layer outside the mountain monster's body, which was originally full of vitality, began to turn into a dead gray, and spread outside the mountain monster at a very fast speed! Both the mountain monster and Levi knew that once the mountain monster's body turned completely gray, he would be completely dead!

The mountain monster was now slumped on the ground, leaning against the troll mountain tomb that had collapsed like a grave mound beside him, looking to the west, as if looking at his former hometown and tribesmen, with a hint of relief on his face.

"Mountain monster! Let's make a deal!" At this moment, Levi suddenly flew in front of the mountain monster and whispered to him.

"Hmm? Deal?" The mountain monster was stunned when he heard this, then he chuckled and shook his head, "I have given you the most precious thing on me. That piece of mountain copper is a treasure that even demigods and even gods want to get!" "I want Arenil!" Levi ignored him and said directly, "The trolls were also destroyed by the demigod Joshua because of that strange object!" "Are you really willing to die like this? I can make a deal with you. As long as you tell me the whereabouts of Arenil, then when I have the ability in the future, I will definitely help you kill Joshua!" "Hmm? Okay!" After hearing Levi's words, the mountain monster showed a trace of thought in his eyes, and then nodded gently. He did not doubt that Levi's deal might be a deception, nor did he ask Levi to swear, but directly said to Levi, "But you may be disappointed!" "Hmm? What do you mean?" Levi frowned when he heard this. "I sent Arenil to another world more than a thousand years ago!" said the mountain monster. "It was more than 1,100 years ago. At that time, I had just created the little trolls. But one day, I suddenly sensed a very strong space fluctuation, which was a space fluctuation that almost covered the entire earth!" "When that space fluctuation appeared, the mountain copper core in my body suddenly produced a strange induction, as if it had sensed another world behind the space fluctuation through the space barrier of the earth!" "I tried to mobilize the energy of the mountain copper core, and actually opened a one-way door connecting the earth and that world. "The mountain monster's eyes showed a trace of memories, "Although I can't see what that world looks like, and the channel opened can't accommodate me!" "Even after the reduction of the space channel, I can still sense that the world on the other side is full of extremely rich radiation!" The mountain monster chuckled, "So I chose a pair of young trolls, took Arenil, and went to the other side of the world, which can be regarded as preparing a retreat for the trolls!" "After all, you humans often say that eggs can't be put in one basket. It makes sense, doesn't it?" At this time, except for the head, the whole body of the mountain monster has turned into gray stone. "If you can find that world in the vast universe one day, then my mountain copper core will guide you to find the two trolls!" The mountain monster said to Levi, "In fact, compared to killing Joshua, I hope that if there is a chance, you can help me take care of the two little trolls!" For the mountain monster, the two trolls who may survive in the world are its only offspring! As the mountain monster finished his last sentence, its pupils, which had originally shone with a light golden light, also turned into a gray stone layer, and the mountain monster became a real stone statue, with no trace of life in its body, completely dead!

"Another world?" Silently watching the giant mountain monster in front of him, Levi's heart suddenly moved, because the time point the other party mentioned seemed to be the time when the warehouse sent the inheritors of the heroic spirit to the alien planet to compete for the patriarch!

Li Wei opened his palm and saw a brass key emerging from it. It was the symbol of running for the Patriarch, and it was also the key that was transported by the warehouse to the location of the competition!

Then the space fluctuations that enveloped the world back then were most likely caused by the warehouse teleportation candidates, and the space passage opened by the mountain monster was most likely leading to the alien planet where the competition was held!

"The mountain monster said before that it was the orichalcum core in its body that triggered a special reaction. What is there on that alien planet that can cause the orichalcum reaction?" Li Wei's heart moved. Could it be that there is orichalcum mine on that planet? ?

Putting aside many suspicious thoughts for the time being, Levi picked up the orichalcum core suspended in front of him and raised his brows because this piece of orichalcum, which is only the size of a football, has a mass of about one hundred tons!

"It is indeed the most precious cosmic treasure that can be used to build a divine foundation!" Levi tried to take a piece of orichalcum, but even though his current physical level was as high as before, that is, he could burst out thousands of tons of power at will, he was unable to do it on orichalcum. Leave a trace!

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