Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 337 Hard-resistant nuclear bombs and stars in the palm of your hand

After a few seconds, Levi's bones were restored to their original shape under the influence of the divine bones. As if they were works of art, circles of strange lines appeared faintly on the golden-red bones. At first glance, these lines seemed to contain a circle inside a triangle. , although simple, it reveals a hint of simplicity.

"The fusion of divine bones has increased by 1%!" Levi's soul exuded joy after a brief induction. He had long planned to increase the fusion of divine bones in this way, but he could never find a method that could destroy it on a large scale. The way of your own body!

"The only thing we have to worry about now is whether after activating the immortal body to recover, the bones will be restored to the state before being destroyed! If that is the case, the fusion of divine bones will be useless!"

"Buzz!" Levi no longer suppressed his breath-free ability, and his intact body instantly appeared on the spot.

"It works!" Levi regained his perception and control of his body, and immediately realized that the improvement in his bones still existed, and had not returned to the state before the nuclear explosion due to his breathless ability!

In other words, in the judgment of the Breathless Man's Mask, the improvement caused by the self-fusion of Levi's bones with the divine bones is also included in the category of special evolution!

"Boom!" As Levi's body recovered, his body began to undergo a rapid evolution from the inside out. His body's toughness increased rapidly, and his resistance to high temperatures increased exponentially!

"Come again!" After a little repair, Levi released his radiation energy into the air again. Ms. Medina, who got the signal, looked at Levi who had returned to his original state, finally put down his worries, and then took it out again. A nuclear warhead was thrown towards Levi!



Ten minutes later, 8 nuclear warheads in the wireless weapon had been used. Eight consecutive uses of silk-like strange objects to evolve radiation, nearly half of the energy in Ms. Medina's body was consumed, and her whole body was slightly exposed. exhausted.

"Bang!" Ms. Medina looked at Levi, who was shrouded in sand and dust, and closed the lid of the weapon box. Then her figure flashed slightly, and she held in her hand a burly man with tattoos all over his body, wearing a A middle-aged man in orange prison uniform.

This strong man, who was two heads taller than Ms. Medina, was held in the opponent's hand like a kitten. After discovering the change in his environment, his expression suddenly changed, as if he was so far behind that his end was about to come!

This man was just captured by Ms. Medina from Alcatraz Prison in the United States. He was charged with molesting and killing nineteen children. Ms. Medina did not feel that there was any sin in sacrificing the soul of such a scumbag into a weapon box. feel!

"Bang!" Ms. Medina's thumb moved slightly and she broke the strong man's neck, and his soul was instantly swallowed by the weapon box!

As a gray light flashed on the surface of the weapon box, Ms. Medina opened the lid again, and it was filled with 9 W54 nuclear warheads!

"Bah!" After the sixteenth nuclear bomb exploded, Levi's figure actually walked out of the center of the nuclear explosion. Although most of the flesh and blood outside the body was still turned into fly ash, the fusion of the divine bones reached 20%. The bones were able to survive the nuclear explosion intact at this time!

"Boom!" The external injuries were repaired in the blink of an eye. With a thought in Li Wei's mind, a golden red fireball appeared in the palm of his hand. A faint white circle appeared inside the flame. The temperature of the flame soared from the original ten thousand degrees to tens of millions. Speed, which is even more faintly filled with extremely explosive energy!

The reason for this change is that in the flames that were originally just burning, a very small part began to undergo a reaction similar to nuclear fusion, releasing extremely high temperatures and powerful energy!

"So strong!" The color of the fireball in Levi's hand began to appear faintly white. The diameter of the fireball continued to become smaller, but its mass began to increase, and the energy inside the fireball began to become more active and violent!

Under the reaction similar to fusion, the fireball began to condense continuously, and Li Wei began to feel a faint sense of threat, as if a miniature star appeared in the palm of his hand!

Moreover, this small fireball was like a whale swallowing it, constantly consuming the huge amount of radiation energy in Levi's body. In just a few seconds, it consumed nearly half of Levi's radiation energy reserve!

However, Levi did not stop inputting radiation energy into the fireball. Instead, he tried his best to squeeze the energy in his body. He wanted to see how far this fireball could reach in the end!

Nearly ten seconds later, the energy in Levi's body had been drained, and the fireball that was originally the size of a human head was now compressed to the size of a sesame seed. The surface was golden red, but the inside was incandescent color visible to the naked eye!

Just this small amount of sparks weighed thousands of tons on Li Wei's palm, making it very difficult for Li Wei to hold it!

And I don’t know whether it’s because of the terrifying high temperature inside, which reaches hundreds of thousands of degrees, or whether it’s due to the gravitational depression caused by its large mass. A slightly rippling black halo appears outside the mini fireball, and even space cannot bear it. A hot spot as big as sesame seeds!

"Boom!" The next moment, the spark finally condensed to the limit that Levi could reach, and an explosion comparable to that of a nuclear bomb was produced in the palm of Levi's hand!

I saw that from such a tiny spot of fire, a dazzling light was released that shot straight into the sky and could be seen even more than ten kilometers away!

The extremely powerful light and heat swept in all directions. Ms. Medina, who was standing on the top of the hill to protect Li, could not help but change color slightly on her face, and summoned a huge silver-white round shield in front of her!

Even though they were five kilometers apart, the heat energy contained in the light was almost not lost at all. The faint tingling on her skin made Medina feel like the sun was hitting her head!

"Buzz!" What's strange is that this terrible light and heat comes and goes faster. Medina is preparing to resist this energy impact, but she finds that the violent energy sweeping in all directions has just hit hundreds of people. When I was 3 meters away, the time went backwards in an instant!

The dazzling and violent light and heat disappeared instantly. If it hadn't left a bottomless pit with a diameter of one kilometer and rolling lava, Medina would have thought that what just happened was an illusion!

"Hoo! Hoo!" At the center of the blast, a large area of ​​Levi's skin and flesh was carbonized into ash, and he was breathing heavily. If it weren't for the special evolution that had just occurred under the nuclear explosion, Levi would have been condensed by himself. Burned to death by the fire!

"Is this?" The external injuries healed quickly, and Levi looked down at a black hole that was as big as a grain of rice and was rapidly shrinking and disappearing.

This mini black hole was created by the explosion of fire that penetrated the space just now. Within a few microseconds of the explosion, the light energy after the explosion first scattered and impacted, and then was sucked into the mini black hole and disappeared together. , and there are hundreds of thousands of square meters of lava on the ground!

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